The War of Resistance

Chapter 1635 Harassment? Hysteresis? check? (one)

The Japanese army arrived faster than expected, but this became the reason why the soldiers of Shang Zhenying admired him.

"Our battalion commander is really clever and has really attracted the little devil!" At dawn, a soldier from Liu Zhu who was hiding at the far end of the road exclaimed.

"That's right! Who is our battalion commander? Our battalion commander is Zhuge Kongming!" A soldier next to him echoed.

"Who is Zhuge Kongming? Is Zhuge Liang his brother?" Liu Zhu didn't even know that Zhuge Kongming and Zhuge Liang were the same person.

"You idiot, you don't understand. They are the same person." His companion said angrily.

"What a man! He's really learned a lot." Liu Zhu sighed but didn't take it seriously. He then observed the Japanese troops marching in the distance and said again, "Just like your nickname is Ma Zhiyuan, and your nickname is Ma Ergouzi." .”

"Go away! I know why you called Liu Zhu. That's because your parents were afraid that you would die, so they called you "Retention". But this fight against Japanese invaders, hey, 80% of the time you won't be able to retain him." Ma Zhiyuan began to retort.

"You have to get out of here. We two have to go back quickly and report to the platoon leader. How many fucking brats are here? There must be a brigade here, right?" What Liu Zhu said was a joke, but his tone was But it has changed. It is a small matter to play nice, but it is a big matter to fight against the Japanese!

In the distance, they saw the Japanese troop on the road like a long snake.

There were four people carrying heavy machine guns, there were also carriages pulling military supplies, and there seemed to even be two infantry cannons towed behind!

The two of them were just observation posts sent by their platoon. Now that they saw the Japanese troops appearing in the distance, they really had to report it immediately.

Only a few minutes later, the two soldiers were still breathing but were already with the people in their platoon. They were looking at their platoon leader, and their platoon leader was naturally a veteran, Gao Wenli.

"A brigade of Japanese soldiers?" Gao Wenli was also shocked by the formation of the invading Japanese army, but when a soldier next to him asked, "Platoon leader, are we still fighting?" Gao Wenli's eyes were already bright. It's so bright.

"Fight, of course!" Gao Wenli said excitedly.

Gao Wenli's attitude really shocked his soldiers. A platoon fighting a large group of Japanese soldiers, even if they fired a few shots from a distance, it still required courage.

Gao Wenli glanced at his soldiers. There were not many soldiers in his platoon from the Northeast, but there were many soldiers who joined later, so it was inevitable that the soldiers would be a little worried.

"Fuck! I'm afraid of you!" Gao Wenli scolded, "I alone dare to blow up the gas bombs of the Japs, but we just stick our heads on our waistbands. Besides, didn't I find a way out for you?

Come on! "

A group of soldiers, led by Gao Wenli, took advantage of the cover of the terrain to run in the wilderness of the parallel highway.

"Platoon leader, where should we shoot?" a soldier asked as he ran.

Gao Wenli was also blinking around. He had to find a suitable position not far or near to shoot at the Japanese army.

As for what he said about finding a way out for the soldiers, that was just to comfort the soldiers. He hadn't had time to find it yet!

At this time, a soldier said: "That hillock is very good!"

After saying that, he ran diagonally forward.

That hillock is about 200 meters away from the road. If you can shoot at the advancing Japanese army there, the hit rate is absolutely certain. But now they are about 400 meters away from the road!

"Come back, you idiot, you want to be a death squad yourself!" But Gao Wenli scolded the soldier back with just one sentence.

Gao Wenli was brave, but that didn't mean he was a tiger.

At this juncture, if you shoot at the Japanese army from more than 200 meters away, you are really asking for death. The Japanese army has already seen the harassment from the Northeast Army, and they will definitely take precautions.

If you shoot at the little Japanese from 200 meters away, you can certainly kill one or two Japanese soldiers, but can the person who fired the gun escape? That is impossible! That's a Japanese army reorganized into a brigade!

The daredevil was scolded by Gao Wenli and came back, and then he saw a pine forest in front of him.

Although it is winter, the pine trees are not larch, and are naturally black and green.

"Go to that forest!" Gao Wenli shouted.

Gao Wenli was ordered by Shang Zhen to harass the Japanese troops who were bound to arrive.

Shang Zhen divided his two companies into platoon units and laid ambushes on both sides of the road where the Japanese troops were approaching. One platoon was responsible for one section.

The section where Gao Wenli's platoon was responsible for had no ideal ambush terrain, so running into this forest was something Gao Wenli was not allowed to do.

Originally, they planned to search for suitable terrain when they came over, but the Japanese army arrived too quickly. Before they could search carefully, the Japanese army arrived!

But think about it, if the Japanese army caught the news that the 113th Division was in the Baodugu area, how could it be so slow?

Gao Wenli led the people and ran towards the pine forest.

The woods looked dense from a distance, but when they got closer, they realized that the gaps between the trees were actually quite large.

The reason why it looks like a forest from a distance is because the pine trees are relatively thick. The big trees are almost as thick as the waist, and the smaller trees are as thick as the mouth of a bowl, so the horizontal branches look particularly strong.

When running here, Gao Wenli looked at the surrounding terrain.

Just a few dozen meters behind this pine forest were rolling hills with many bushes on them. They had time to retreat after shooting.

This made Gawain secretly relieved. He was brave, but this did not mean that he was reckless.

But when the soldiers ran into the pine forest, they were disappointed.

Because when they got here, they discovered that the terrain in the pine forest was low, and the terrain on the side of the road facing them was a bit higher, but they couldn't see the road!

"This is a slap in the face, you can't even look at the little devil!" A soldier complained in a low voice.

"There's so much nonsense!" Gao Wen cursed politely, but when he looked at the pine tree, he immediately had a new idea: "Go up a tree, a tall tree!"

No one would question Gao Wenli's order, naturally because Gao Wenli was also an old man from the Northeast Army and their platoon leader.

Gao Wenli didn't hit people, but he scolded them, and he scolded them so fiercely that the soldiers who joined in later were already frightened by his scoldings!

There are pine trees that are easy to climb and some that are difficult to climb. Although these pine trees are thick, they are not easy to climb.

The reason is that there are basically no branches under the thick pine trees. They are either dry and broken, or they have been chopped down by nearby villagers and used as firewood.

Some soldiers even reached for the branches above their heads, but when they jumped up, they could only touch them with their fingertips. They couldn't grab them and climb up.

"Idiot, don't you know how to use a ladder to climb a ladder? You're so good at picking a spear!" Gao Wen scolded him politely, but he himself had already grabbed a tree branch and climbed up.

Gao Wenli climbed up two tree branches and when he looked towards the road again, he exclaimed in surprise: "You are so smart, you can hit the little devil! Come on, don't be like a bitch." of!"

After a while, the pine trees suitable for shooting in the direction of the road were finally filled with soldiers.

It is no longer a problem to see the Japanese troops on the road here. Originally, the terrain on this side of the road was only a little higher than this side.

The soldiers stepped on the big tree branches, put their rifles against the tips, and aimed towards the opposite side.

"Follow my order and fire again, there's wind!" Gao Wenli shouted again.

Yes, big trees attract wind, not to mention the dense pine needles of pine trees, which hinder the wind from roaming freely in this world.

Because the crown of the tree is dense, even if there is a little bit of wind between the sky and the ground, the crown of the tree will sway slightly with the trunk and branches, and this is a taboo for shooting. It is a thousand miles away!

Under Gao Wenli's order, the soldiers waited with their guns drawn.

So the world became silent except for the sound of pine needles blown by the wind.

The wind is not strong today but still gusty.

But Gao Wenli, who had a rough personality at first, started to listen carefully to the sound of the wind and feel the slight swaying of the trees like a musician!

The Japanese troops on the road are still moving forward, and they still know nothing about the situation here.

There were so many Japanese troops that they were like a squirming worm on the road, and they would not disappear from Gao Wenli and his companions' sight for a while.

The wind finally passed and the trees began to stabilize, but the wind blew again in the distance, so wherever the wind hit, there were dead leaves and shrubs moving slightly. The wind was invisible, maybe the swaying shape of the dead leaves was the wind.

At this moment, Gao Wenli shouted in a deep voice: "Hit!"

So, at the next moment, the sharp gunfire broke the silence of the mountains and fields. Only the gunpowder smoke escaping from the muzzles reminded people that this was no longer the peaceful mountains and fields, but a battlefield where all life was lost!

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