The War of Resistance

Chapter 1637 Harassment? Hysteresis? check? (three)

Gunshots sounded intermittently in the mountains and fields. It was the Japanese army chasing the Chinese soldiers who were harassing their brigade.

Although the Japanese army's marching speed was slowed down by Shang Zhen's platoons at the beginning of this battle, after several rounds of battles, the Japanese army immediately caught the pattern of Chinese soldiers attacking them, which was to attack them step by step. The harassment was blocked step by step.

From the perspective of the Japanese commander, why did the Chinese army do this? Isn't that just to delay the transfer of their division headquarters?

So finally the Japanese commander issued a new order.

That is, the Japanese squads searching on both wings are responsible for fighting with the Chinese soldiers who come to harass them. Those squads only need to stop the enemy from shooting on the road.

And most of their Japanese troops are accelerating their advance. They must not let the headquarters of the 113th Division of the Northeast Army escape from Baodugu!

The movements of the Japanese army soon appeared in Shang Zhen's telescope, and at this time there were only two platoons around Shang Zhen that could be mobilized.

As for where the others are ranked, do you still need to ask? They were all chasing the Japanese troops after harassing them and running all over the mountains and fields!

A few miles further on is Baodugu.

Here, Shang Zhen and the others could clearly see the flat-topped peak of Baodugu when they looked back.

As the battalion commander, Shang Zhen was originally holding on to the last line of defense.

Although he knew that the Japanese army's siege on Baodugu was unavoidable, Shang Zhen knew that he had to change his tactics, even though this change of tactics could no longer affect the overall situation.

"Chutian, have you seen that hilltop?" Shang Zhen pointed to a hilly road five or six hundred meters behind the road.

There was no need for Chu Tian to answer this kind of thing, and Shang Zhen then said: "Take your platoon to the top of that hill.

I will take Ge Changli's platoon to ambush the little Japs later. You will provide us with cover while we retreat. "

As a veteran, Chu Tian immediately guessed part of Shang Zhen's combat intentions.

In order to prevent their battalion from being harassed, the Japanese army now sent search troops on both the left and right wings.

The Japanese search troops were all located parallel to the road and about four to five hundred meters away from the road. This position was generally where each platoon of their battalion fired at the Japanese army.

So an ambush is no longer possible there.

Now that Shang Zhen has let his platoon occupy the hilltop as the commanding heights, what will Shang Zhen himself do?

"Where are you going to fight the Japanese ambush?" Chu Tian directly asked his question.

"In the woods closest to the road." Shang Zhen pointed.

"No! That forest is too close to the road. Once the fight breaks out, you may not be able to retreat in time." Chu Tian understood what Shang Zhen meant, but this did not mean that he agreed.

Since the Japanese army sent search troops on both wings, if they were still five or six hundred meters away from the road, they would be discovered by the Japanese search troops before they could shoot at the Japanese brigade.

In other words, even if they were not discovered immediately by the Japanese search troops, after they started the battle, the Japanese search troops would immediately attack the mountain.

Therefore, the hill five or six hundred meters away from the road is no longer the best place for an ambush.

So Shang Zhen took a risky approach.

Since the Japanese search force was five to six hundred meters away from the Japanese brigade marching on the road, the lurking location chosen by Shang Zhen this time was the woods only more than 100 meters away from the road.

The advantage of this is that it is difficult to defeat the enemy.

The Japanese army must not have guessed that Shang Zhen and the others would dare to hide in the woods so close to them.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, once the battle starts, not to mention that Shang Zhen and the others will fight with the Japanese brigade, even the Japanese search troops on their side will surround Shang Zhen and the others.

Shang Zhen gave him the task of Chutian Platoon, which was to occupy the hilltop to prevent the searching Japanese army from cutting off Shang Zhen's escape route.

"Why didn't you have time to retreat? Didn't I let you hold the commanding heights?" Zhang Zhen retorted to Chu Tian.

"That won't work either! Your style of play is too dangerous and I don't agree with it!

You are now the battalion commander.

If I ask you to do this, if something happens to you, when Uncle Wang and the others ask me, how do you want me to answer? "Chu Tian still insisted on his opinion.

Shang Zhen did not expect Chu Tian to have such an attitude. He looked at Chu Tian seriously, as if he was getting to know Chu Tian again.

Chu Tian turned out to be the recognized "boyfriend" among their group, but that was not the case.

You can think of Chu Tian as handsome and handsome, or call Chu Tian a pretty boy, but that's just Mr. Wang and the others trying to eliminate Chu Tian.

With the increase in his martial arts career, Chu Tian now has a military temperament, not to mention that he has scars on his face and has not shaved his beard in the past two days, but he already looks very manly.

"This is an order and must be carried out." Shang Zhen knew that now was not the time to argue.

If he and Chu Tian continue to argue, they won't have to ambush the Japanese army. The Japanese army will arrive soon, and they will lose the best ambush position.

But now that Shang Zhen emphasized that this was a military order, his tone was no longer a discussion. The soldiers around Shang Zhen and Chu Tian all looked at Chu Tian.

But then Chu Tian smiled: "You are the battalion commander, if you say military orders, they are military orders.

I can execute it, but I have to go to the forest in front. You and others will be responsible for covering the hill. Who said your marksmanship is good? "

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian ignored Shang Zhen but directly waved his hand and said: "People from our platoon are following me!"

Shang Zhen really didn't expect Chu Tian to be like this. In fact, he also knew that the old men under him were willing to carry out his orders. But now they are unwilling to carry out the orders, so can he really enforce military discipline?

"Come back here, you're going to be a father soon." Shang Zhen said angrily.

"Because I'm going to be a father soon, so I will definitely come back alive." Chu Tian replied without looking back, then hunched over and ran towards the woods.

It is said that the emperor will not accept your orders.

This time, the chief officer Shang Zhen was here, but Chu Tian refused to obey orders and took his platoon to perform the most dangerous mission.

But Shang Zhen couldn't get it to happen again.

First Chutian was thinking about him.

Secondly, he has no time to argue with Chutian now. If he waits for a while, the Japanese army will really arrive!

"You guys run back after you hit the shuttle!" Shang Zhen could only shout to Chu Tian's back.

Chu Tian didn't look back and ran forward, but Chen Hanwen, who served as Chu Tian's deputy platoon commander, responded: "I know, battalion commander!"

In this situation, Shang Zhen knew that it was useless to say anything else, so he ordered: "Quickly, let's go up that hill."

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