The War of Resistance

Chapter 1653: Fighting guerrillas, military discipline is a flaw

"Everyone is looting, but two people are left to protect our home. No one is allowed to enter the hospital. The others are following me!" Mr. Wang was so angry that he grabbed all his cannons.

As soon as they saw Mr. Wang's expression, the soldiers knew something was wrong. They all grabbed their guns and followed Mr. Wang outside the courtyard.

"What's wrong with Uncle Wang?" Su Ya, who happened to be in the yard, asked.

"It's okay, a few brats from our Northeastern Army came in to grab things.

This is not bad. Isn’t this Tai Sui’s trouble? "Mr. Wang cursed and led the people away.

Shang Zhen led people to fight the Japanese, and Wang Laomao naturally watched his wife and children in Wanjiacun.

Shang Zhen fought hard against the Japanese, but the Japanese army was eventually lured away by Shang Zhen and the others, and they never came to Wanjia again to seek revenge.

Wang Laomao watched his daughter-in-law, who was getting whiter and fatter, teasing his little son every day, and naturally he felt happy.

But just now, a villager came over and told him that soldiers from the Northeast Army had entered Wanjia Village and it looked like they were going to rob.

What Wang Lao Mao upholds is "rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests" (even though he hasn't eaten grass outside since he got together with Shang Zhen)

I borrowed the treasure land of Wanjia Village to look after my wife and children. If some stragglers from the Northeast Army came in to rob me, I would not be able to protect Wanjia Village. First of all, I would be embarrassed.

Secondly, since he moved in, the dignified people in Wanjia Village knew that he was coming, and they served him well. They undoubtedly wanted to use his power to protect Wanjia Village.

If he couldn't do what he could do, he thought he wouldn't be able to stay in Wanjia Village anymore.

At first, Mr. Wang's idea was to take his pregnant wife and child to a remote place where there was no war.

But now it seems that such a place does not exist, but it is not feasible. For example, if you take your wife to Yunnan, is that realistic?

If we expand further and say that the Chinese resisted Japan, they were forced by the Japanese devils.

Chinese people can only survive on the land they live on. If the Japanese become refugees when they come, then how can they make a living if their land is gone and their lives are not guaranteed?

As someone in later generations concluded, both the East and the West are great powers.

Of course, the Western devils are also hateful, but they are only here to enslave and steal money.

But this Japanese devil is different, they are here for genocide!

Wang Laomao and his people rushed towards the entrance of Wanjia Village, but when they turned a corner and saw the situation at the entrance of the village, they couldn't help but be surprised.

How many people have come to the Northeastern Army? That's enough for a company of over a hundred people! At this time, they were all huddled at the entrance of the village.

"Boss, there is indeed a commander of your Northeastern Army here! He and his family are here!" A voice came out from the crowd surrounded by Northeastern soldiers.

That man, Wang Laomao, could be regarded as the village chief. He was responsible for all the big and small affairs in the village.

Wang Lao Mao immediately realized why these Northeast Army men hadn't started robbing yet. It was because the village chief had reported himself out.

At this time, the people on the opposite side saw Wang Laomao and others appearing with guns and ammunition, and they fell silent.

"You, your chief is here, right?" The village chief emerged from the crowd and hurriedly hid behind Mr. Wang.

At this time, Wang Laomao and the people from the Northeast Army on the opposite side looked at each other.

"We are all our own people, put away the guns first." The originally aggressive Mr. Wang became amiable, and at the same time he inserted his cannon into the wooden box on my body.

And nearly a platoon of soldiers under him quickly put away their guns.

What does Mr. Wang mean by saying this? That naturally represents a kind of goodwill, a kind of goodwill between one's own people.

Seeing Wang Laomao's appearance, the Northeastern Army soldiers who were already full of hostility did not move their guns.

"Shang Zhen, Commander of the Third Battalion of the 586th Regiment of the 113th Division, which unit are you from?" Wang Laomao directly reported the number of his battalion, and he reported Shang Zhen's name.

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man, not to mention that what Mr. Wang was reporting was a battalion commander. An officer from the opposite side came out and spoke: "Xu Guangsheng, commander of the second company of the first battalion of the 583 regiment."

"Oh, that's a good name! Guangsheng Guangsheng, Guangsheng Sheng. This is an auspicious name. Brothers have killed Japanese devils a lot." Mr. Wang's face was filled with wrinkles and he actually started to get close to each other.

But the officer did not accept his words, but asked in a questioning tone: "I heard that Battalion Commander Shang is young, aren't you a little older?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing what the company commander said, Mr. Wang felt confident.

He didn't know him, but he knew Shang Zhen. It seemed that Shang Zhen was able to fight the Japanese by blowing the trumpet through the window - his reputation was well known.

Now that we know the name of our camp, there is room for maneuver in this matter. We cannot let these people rob Wanjia Village.

"I am Deputy Battalion Commander Wang Laomao." Wang Laomao said with a smile. Then when he saw the company commander standing up and about to salute him, he quickly waved his hand and said: "How many years have you grown, so you don't need to salute."

"Brothers, are you here looking for food?" Wang Laomao then asked.

"Yes." Xu Guangsheng replied.

"How about I discuss this with the people in the village and let the brothers have a full meal? And brother, I still have some food here, and I will bring you some when I leave." Wang Laomao smiled brightly.

"Thank you very much, sir." What else could Xu Guangsheng say? Originally, he planned to launch an army to rob.

At this point, the disaster in Jiacun was over.

Wang Lao Mao was also afraid that these Northeastern soldiers would really start to rob, so he discussed with the village chief to take some food from each house to cook for these soldiers.

Naturally, he would not leave during the whole process.

Even though Xu Guangsheng didn't send troops to rob, what Mr. Wang is sure of is that if he were not here, these guys would definitely rob Wanjia Village.

And as soon as the robbery starts, all those messy things will happen!

Don’t just talk about the Northeastern Army. All national armies are the same. Fighting guerrilla military discipline will always be a flaw!

Mr. Wang went out at about one o'clock in the afternoon and it was almost dark and he still didn't come back.

And this was in the ancestral hall where they lived. Su Yazheng asked Liu Xiuyu curiously: "Xiuyu, why did you embroider the word '王' on the shoe?"

"We Shandong people embroider tiger-head shoes. Isn't there a word '王' on the tiger's forehead? Besides, this child's surname is also Wang, so I sewed it on." Then Liu Xiuyu replied.

"Sister Xiuyu is so amazing and can even read!" Zhang Guiying, who was watching from the side, said with envy.

"Where is that? The characters I know can't fit into a basket." Liu Xiuyu's face turned a little red.

"What's so good about reading? I think the tiger-head shoes you made are good. Oh, they're so beautiful!" Su Ya fiddled with another shoe that connected the upper and sole together.

"When you give birth, I will also make a pair for your baby." Liu Xiuyu smiled.

"That's great!" Su Ya was overjoyed and didn't forget to reach out and touch her already bulging belly.

Wang Laomao's wife Ju Hongxia gave birth to a fat boy for Wang Laomao, and now Chen Hanwen's daughter-in-law Su Ya, Chen Hanwen's daughter-in-law Zhang Guiying and Li Xikui's daughter-in-law Liu Xiuyu are all taking care of the confinement child.

Thanks to Ju Hongxia giving birth to a child, these three women no longer have to travel with the army.

As he was talking, a baby's cry could be heard in the room, and Ju Hongxia called for someone in the back room.

So the three women all entered the house. It turned out that Wang Laomao's child peed again and had to change his diaper.

The three women became busy.

"Where is your old Uncle Wang?" Ju Hongxia asked.

"I heard that other members of the Northeast Army came to the village. He was afraid that those people would harm the people, so he took him to negotiate with those people." Su Ya replied.

Ju Hongxia said "oh".

And just when Ju Hongxia was about to say something more, shouting came from outside.

It's winter, and the doors are closed. Now I can hear the sounds outside, which shows that there is a lot of movement.

"I'll go out and take a look." Liu Xiuyu walked out.

Seeing Liu Xiuyu's back as she walked out, Ju Hongxia suddenly laughed: "You said that among the four girls, only Guiying is from the Northeast, and none of the other three are from the Northeast. So why are they all married to Northeasterners?"

"Men from the Northeast are rare." Su Ya smiled, "Look, you are much younger than old Uncle Wang. I am from Jiangsu, but Guiying is from the Northeast. How come I have to come all the way to find my husband."

"Don't say this in front of Xiuyu, she and her family are enemies!" Ju Hongxia stretched out her hand to tease her child and laughed.

Ju Hongxia heard about Li Xikui and Liu Xiuyu from Old Mao Wang. Although Old Mao Wang didn't know much about it, she still knew the general story.

That Li Xikui first caused trouble to others and then became a family again. Isn't that just enemies?

"There's no one who doesn't quarrel with the family. Just finish the quarrel and then we'll quarrel again." Zhang Guiying is a girl from the Northeast, so she can be considerate, but Su Ya is a female student and doesn't like gossip.

While they were talking, Liu Xiuyu ran back as soon as the door rang and shouted: "Guiying, your man is back! He said he wanted to see you, but the doorman didn't let him in. He was making a noise there!"

Who is Zhang Guiying's man? Of course it’s Chen Hanwen.

Shang Zhen and the others did not return, but Chen Hanwen came back first.

Five minutes later, Chen Hanwen and Zhang Guiying were already in a separate room.

Chen Hanwen looked very tired, and the cotton padded jacket he was wearing had even the cotton scraped out in some places.

"You came all the way from the Northeast to find me. Why?" Chen Hanwen asked Zhang Guiying.

"You are my man. If I don't look for you, who should I look for?" Zhang Guiying answered very straightforwardly.

"Okay!" Chen Hanwen responded, and then suddenly said with a blushing face, "I will let you be my woman tonight!"

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