The War of Resistance

Chapter 1656 Military discipline is a flaw (3)

Just when Shang Zhen and others were looking for Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian led them to line up in a village. There were actually members of the Northeast Army with them. However, that group of people was more numerous than them, with a total of fifty people. There are many people, and they are called a company.

But Chu Tian and his platoon only had fourteen or five people left, and among them there were four wounded. The most seriously injured one was being held up by two companions. Chu Tian and his platoon had only these people left.

"Brothers, you will be able to hang out with our company from now on. You will definitely enjoy spicy food and drink with us. You can drink a lot of wine and eat meat. You can have whatever you want. You can have women if you want them. Hehe!" The company commander named Liu Daorui's company Chang smiled.

Chu Tian reluctantly grinned, neither saying he disagreed nor agreeing.

For some reason, the way Liu Daorui spoke made Chu Tian couldn't help but remember that when he first got together with Shang Zhen and the others, the veterans headed by Wang Laomao also behaved like this. What kind of behavior? Bearded style in military uniform!

It should be said that at that time, Chu Tian, ​​who was actually a simple young intellectual who was good at talking on paper, was deeply disgusted with Mr. Wang and the others.

However, when he had been in contact with the veterans under Shang Zhen for a long time, he discovered that the veterans headed by Wang Laomao were just talking about words, but in fact they had a bottom line in what they did.

Although it is said that Mr. Wang later found Ju Hongxia, who was many years younger than himself, as his wife, but what's the point?

Wang Lao Mao is just a troublemaker for a woman named Ju Hongxia, but Ju Hongxia is willing to let Wang Lao Mao bring trouble to her, so this is a man's love and a woman's wish.

Mr. Wang is not like many officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army who fight on both sides of the Yishui River, but the Japanese also fight, but they also spread their own seeds everywhere!

But now what about Liu Daorui and this group of Northeastern soldiers? Obviously, what Liu Daorui said just now was not a joke.

Now Chutian and the others were in the same courtyard as Liu Daorui and the others, but they could hear the chaos in the village outside the courtyard. It was already in chaos!

As for why it’s so messy, do you still have to ask? Liu Daorui had already sent his men out to "get" food.

But Chu Tian couldn't say anything about this.

Chutian and the others were chased by the Japanese army and could no longer run. At that time, they just hid while the Japanese army searched for them all over the mountains and plains.

In desperation, Chu Tian also imagined that Zhang Chengxue was like the platoon, and before he died, he would counterattack the Japanese army and end up with them both dead.

But at this moment, gunfire suddenly rang out from another direction, and the Japanese troops were attracted away.

After the Japanese army left, Liu Daorui sent people to look for them. It turned out that Liu Daorui, who was also a member of the Northeast Army, found that the Japanese army was chasing the Northeast Army members, but he fired a few shots from a distance and attracted the Japanese soldiers away.

From this perspective, Liu Daorui can be said to be their savior.

And because of this, now that Liu Daorui is instructing his soldiers to go to the village to grab food, how can Chu Tian object? What's more, they haven't eaten seriously in the past few days.

Chu Tian has also been a soldier for ten years, and he no longer sees things in black and white.

He is a soldier under Shang Zhen. Due to the military discipline of their own camp, they will naturally not go to snatch food from the people. But now Liu Daorui sends people to snatch it, so he can just borrow it. There are still several wounded under his command!

"Company Commander! Company Commander!" A soldier shouted outside the courtyard gate. The voice was really loud.

"Damn it, Li, you shouted a **** with such a loud voice!" Liu Daorui scolded.

At this time, the door was knocked open, and a soldier ran in loudly and yelled: "Company Commander, we have made a fortune, do you think what we have got?"

"How can you get rich just by throwing it away?" Liu Daorui asked, but at this time everyone in the yard saw that there was a soldier behind the loud-voiced Li, who was holding a wooden basin, and the wooden basin was filled with It turned out to be cooked food!

There were all kinds of cooked elbows, pork heads, and livers, but another soldier was still holding a roast chicken!

Liu Daorui was also happy when he saw these food.

"That house happened to be doing something, and they killed the pig yesterday.

We knocked on the door and they didn't open it for us, so they just smashed the door down and that's what happened! This guy is so good, he saves us all the trouble! "That Li reported in a loud voice.

"Haha, good!" Liu Daorui praised Li Dasheng first, then looked at Chu Tian and said, "Brother, you are in luck this time. You are the heroes who fight the devils, but I am borrowing your glory. ! These delicious foods are prepared for our anti-Japanese heroes!"

Chu Tian smiled politely, but he really didn't know what to say.

Liu Daorui was used to Chu Tian's appearance as a student soldier and didn't take it seriously. However, he turned around and asked Li in a loud voice: "What's going on at that house? Are you getting married? Is the bride pretty?"

"Company Commander, we are getting married, but if we make such a fuss, will the bride be able to get through? Damn it, it seems a little early for us to start!" Li said in a loud voice.

At this time, other soldiers came in from outside the hospital with "trophies", and Liu Daorui went to look at the "trophies".

Chutian's expression became complicated when he looked at these fellow Northeasterners who were so happy for robbing people's things.

"Platoon leader, platoon leader." At this time, the voice behind him called him to turn around.

The one named Chu Tian was the most seriously injured person being held by the soldiers, named Lin Dongfu.

Lin Dongfu was shot through the lower abdomen by a Japanese bullet. No one knew what internal organs were injured.

Under this situation, Lin Dongfu will most likely die.

Not to mention that the Chinese military currently has no medical treatment or medicine, a situation like Lin Dongfu's will definitely require surgery.

But surgery? forget it!

Of course Chu Tian, ​​the wounded soldier who had no strength to speak like this, stepped forward to speak, but who would have expected that what he heard when he stepped forward was Lin Dongfu whispering: "Platoon leader, I don't want to eat what they took. "

"Why?" Chu Tian was a little surprised.

"The battalion commander, and the battalion commander's wife, won't let us steal the people's things." Lin Dongfu said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Chu Tian was really surprised this time. He couldn't help but take a closer look at the soldier named Lin Dongfu.

Lin Dongfu was not a veteran, he was recruited by Shang Zhen and his battalion after they entered Shandong.

Chu Tian knew that Lin Dongfu was a child from a poor family and was very brave in fighting, so he always liked him very much.

But the reason why he was even more surprised this time was because Lin Dongfu actually mentioned that Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi would not let them steal the people's things!

What kind of seeds bloom what kind of flowers.

After Shang Zhen emphasized that people in his camp should not bully the common people, there were some like Bai Zhan who were undisciplined and could not bear the hardship and became deserters, but there were also some like Lin Dongfu who really wanted to abide by military discipline in their hearts!

From Chu Tian's point of view, he himself would not rob the common people, so how could he not like soldiers like Lin Dongfu.

However, under the current situation, Chu Tian could only ignore Liu Daorui and others who stole things for them to eat.

But before Chu Tian could explain, Lin Dongfu came up with another reason that even Chu Tian didn't know how to deal with, because Lin Dongfu said again: "Platoon leader, I have sisters in my family. When I hear what others want, If it harms a woman, her heart will change."

Chu Tianzheng didn't know what to say to Lin Dongfu. At this time, they heard a soldier from the Northeast Army at the entrance of the courtyard said loudly: "Company Commander, we found a little girl. She's so tall. She's so big. Let's They have already gone to surround her yard!"

Um? Chu Tian suddenly felt a fire burning directly from the bottom of his heart!

Yes, as Lin Dongfu said, this soldier who likes to harm women, regardless of which province he is from, is not even a fellow from the Northeast. He is really trying to recruit people!

But at this time, Liu Daorui didn't know what Chu Tian and the others who were in the Northeast Army were thinking, but he laughed loudly and shouted: "Let's go! Brothers! Let's go see how powerful that little girl is." interesting!"

The soldiers on Chu Tian's side were already looking at Chu Tian.

What kind of officers lead what kind of soldiers.

Shang Zhen himself does not harm women, and his soldiers naturally do the same, not to mention that Chu Tian has always been a self-respecting person.

But Chu Tian also had a headache now.

Liu Daorui and his gang want to harm women from good families. Logically speaking, they should pretend not to know if they haven't encountered them. But if it happens right in front of their eyes, then they should take care of it themselves or not?

But if he takes control of it, he will have to turn against Liu Daorui and the others. Besides, can he take care of it with only a few remnants of his own?

It should be said that Lin Dongfu's ideas are very simple, but Chu Tian's ideas are so complex, which is more in line with this already complex society.

But next, Chu Tian didn’t have to hesitate anymore, because he heard the sound of box cannon shooting suddenly rang out in the village!

And in the sound of gunshots, Chu Tian and the others grabbed their guns with a bang.

This is the "combat sequelae" of soldiers. They always experience life and death. Anyone who hears the sound of gunfire will have an instinctive reaction.

At this time, there was a faint shout outside the yard, "Company Commander, that woman has a gun!"

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