The War of Resistance

Chapter 1667 The culprit escapes

If you rush into the woods, you will see the backs of those scum of the Northeast Army.

This was a foreseeable situation for Shang Zhen, but he didn't know that just as he was heading into the woods with a gun, a rifle appeared behind him.

The man holding the gun was aiming at Shang Zhen a few hundred meters away. His finger was already on the trigger, but he hesitated just when he was about to pull the trigger.

Now he can escape safely.

But if I can't kill the guy in front of me steadily, will I still be hunted endlessly?

Just because of his hesitation, Shang Zhen's figure flashed in front of his body and entered the woods.

The man sighed, feeling that his life was more important after all, and then said: "Let's go!"

Naturally, Shang Zhen didn't know that in his fighting career, he had another brush with death.

When he went dozens of meters deeper into the woods, he saw the backs of the Northeast Army soldiers who were resisting with their guns raised.

At this moment, Shang Zhen's thoughts were a little complicated, but they were immediately forgotten, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The ensuing battle was really lackluster. Shang Zhen killed several scum of the Northeast Army with a quick shot.

When the Northeastern Army soldiers found themselves surrounded from front to back, Shang Zhen shouted: "One row to the left and two to the right. Surround them and not even a single one of them can escape."

This was the only way he could think of, and it also came from an idiom he knew called "bluffing."

At this moment, Chen Hanwen and Qian Chuan'er's shouts came from the front, "Hand over your guns and we won't kill you!"

It must be admitted that the marksmanship of Shang Zhen's soldiers was much more accurate. Previously, more than ten of Liu Daorui's soldiers had been killed in exchanges with Chen Hanwen and the others.

And Shang Zhen's quick guns made those soldiers feel like they were being attacked from both sides.

In a war, it does not necessarily mean that the side with more troops will win. Otherwise, in the civil war, sometimes a squad will capture a company, so what will happen?

In a subsequent counterattack against India, three soldiers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army chased hundreds of Indian troops into disarray. They even reported to the officer who was rushing back that "the enemy not only refused to surrender, but also refused to surrender." How dare you fight back!"

The above are all examples of fighting with less to win more.

There are many tactics in battle to create the illusion that the enemy is surrounded by an iron wall, but what about the reality? If you attack your own side by force, you will also suffer heavy losses.

Then at this time, open the net to allow the enemy to break through and escape, and then pursue them in tandem.

At that time, the victim will no longer have the same hatred as when he resisted, and when he escapes, it will be a matter of individual concern.

When you see the hope of life, you lose your fighting spirit. This is a common problem among people.

And now the tactics used by Chen Hanwen, Qian Chuan'er and others are the same.

Of course, they learned this tactic from the Lunan guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army.

You don't have to kill if you surrender the gun. Since the fighting spirit has been lost, who will resist?

Soon the sound of "we surrender" sounded in the woods.

Some soldiers raised their guns directly with both hands, while others threw their guns directly on the ground. At this time, Shang Zhen and his soldiers attacked from both sides.

"Where is your company commander?" Shang Zhen asked, looking at the faces of these prisoners.

"The company, the company commander has run away, let us block it here!" one of the captured soldiers replied.

"Which direction did you run in?" Shang Zhen asked urgently.

"Just go to that end." A soldier stretched out his hand to point out the direction, and that direction was exactly behind where Shang Zhen had just come around.

Shang Zhen frowned: "When did you run away?"

"Just after we entered the woods, he asked us to stay to block you, and then he took a few people and ran away." The soldier replied again.

Hearing what the soldier said, Shang Zhen had a bad feeling in his heart.

More than forty minutes had passed from the time he detoured here to the time they besieged the soldiers in the woods.

During this period of time, Liu Daojing must have traveled far away. Can someone like me find Liu Daorui in the mountains and plains? This is no longer possible.

The sun slanted in from outside the woods. Due to a slight breeze, the branches of the trees swayed slightly, making Shang Zhen's face look uncertain.

The woods were very quiet for a while, no one spoke anymore, everyone was paying attention to Shang Zhen's statement.

It seems that Liu Daorui can't catch up, but what about the remaining prisoners, who are less than thirty?

Naturally, the prisoners did not dare to ask Shang Zhen, but when they gave up resistance, they heard Shang Zhen and others shouting "Hand over your guns and not kill".

Now that they have handed over their weapons, the power of life and death is entirely in the hands of Shang Zhen and the others.

At this time, whoever doesn't have the eyesight to ask, and if Shang Zhen is annoyed again, if they are really killed, won't they be asking for trouble?

And what kind of result they will endure next depends on what kind of cause they created.

Knowing that it was hopeless to arrest Liu Daorui again, Shang Zhen finally gave the order.

He asked his people to take the prisoners to the side in groups of four for questioning, while Chen Hanwen took out pen and paper to record them.

When Shang Zhen interrogated them, all the prisoners had similar expressions, but only they knew who was planning what.

Shang Zhen asked very simple questions, and the soldiers answered quickly, so the process did not take long.

But when the interrogation was over and Shang Zhen divided the prisoners into two piles, the woods became noisy.

Some soldiers had already shouted directly. What they shouted was nothing more than "So-and-so, you fucking tricked me", "Sir, I didn't kill anyone", "Sir, I was wronged", and so on!

There were even some prisoners who wanted to run out of the woods, but at this time gunshots rang out, and more than half of the remaining 30 prisoners were directly shot to death by Shang Zhen and the others with their guns!

Shang Zhen's face turned pale as he looked at the corpses. No one could figure out how he felt because he broke his promise and didn't keep his words. The smoke from the box cannon in his hand had just disappeared in the air of the woods.

After a while, Shang Zhen turned to face the remaining seven or eight prisoners.

"I didn't kill that family anymore, I didn't move forward at all." Witnessing with my own eyes that the once lively companions had now turned into corpses on the ground, some timid soldiers knelt on the ground with a plop.

When one soldier knelt down, others naturally followed, but in the end only two soldiers stood out.

One just stood there, even though his calves were shaking, while the other plopped down on the ground, neither whining nor pleading.

"Why are you standing?" Shang Zhen pointed his gun at a soldier and asked.

"Sir, I did not kill anyone, and I have a clear conscience!" the soldier replied loudly.

"Then why are you sitting?" Shang Zhen turned to ask another one.

"I didn't kill anyone, but my calves were weak and I couldn't stand, but I don't think I should kneel." The soldier answered with a trembling voice, but the content of his answer was the truth.

"Then when do you think you should kneel?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"I just thought that if I could go back to my hometown one day, I would kneel when I visit my parents' graves." The soldier replied softly.

This is an answer that pokes holes in the hearts of Easterners. Going back to their hometown has become an unattainable dream for the officers and soldiers in Northeast China nowadays, and it has also become an eternal pain.

Everyone present's expressions changed slightly because of the soldier's answer.

"Hmph!" Shang Zhen's expression became angry, "What are you talking about when you go back to your hometown to visit your parents' graves? How many good women have you killed in Guan? Or are you saying that you have killed an 80-year-old man down to a three-year-old child? How many? Then wait until your eighteenth generation ancestors are so angry that they crawl out of their graves."

Shang Zhen's words were heart-breaking. Although none of the remaining prisoners would admit that they killed innocent people, in fact, only they knew whether they really did.

But after listening to Shang Zhen's words, they all showed ashamed expressions on their faces.

At this time, Shang Zhen had already controlled his emotions.

He became depressed when he looked at the corpses of his Northeastern Army comrades who were beaten to death by his own people.

"You two, let's go and do whatever you have to do. But if you two stay, you're still good enough to fight!" Shang Zhen said.

Although he didn't point with his hands, everyone understood.

All those who knelt were let go by Shang Zhen. Only the standing and sitting soldiers were left by Shang Zhen.

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