The War of Resistance

Chapter 1806: Common hatred and common enemy (Part 2)

Three grenades exploded in succession, but there was more soil than grass there. "Twins! Twins!" Shi Laosi shouted as he looked at the smoke and dust in front of him.

Just as the smoke and dust were dispersing, he suddenly saw Twins really appear. That guy was so lucky that he was not killed by the explosion!

The guy poked his head out from a mound of dirt, and then shook his head.

Now Twins gave Shi Laosi the feeling that a grenade had just landed on the other side of the mound. Perhaps because the mound was relatively soft, the soil raised by the explosion directly buried Twins!

Shi Laosi saw Twins shaking his head and then his eyes lit up, that was seeing him.

But then he felt that Twins' eyes were wrong, and he actually pointed the box gun at him.

Shi Laosi had asked Twins to be his ammunition man for more than a year. It can't be said that they were in tune with each other, but there was a tacit understanding.

So Shi Laosi, who was lying on the ground, grabbed the machine gun with both hands and turned around.

Just now he was in a hurry to run away, and the machine gun leg was not retracted!

He pulled the bolt first, and then put the machine gun on the mound behind him.

To be honest, at this time he was not thinking about how many Japanese devils I had to kill, but what he was thinking in his heart was, Gemini, you dog-day, it’s better for me to shoot than for you to shoot, you kill me again!

How much is Gemini’s box gun level? It turns out that he doesn’t trust Gemini’s shooting skills at all!

Sure enough, Shi Laosi caught a glimpse of the Japanese soldiers in front of him while putting the machine gun on the mound.

Gemini certainly wouldn’t shoot him, because the Japanese soldiers behind him had caught up, and Shi Laosi’s judgment was completely correct!

The reason why it was called a glimpse instead of seeing was because the Japanese soldiers were too close to him. In a hurry, he could see the square beard under the nose of the Japanese devils! How close do you think the Japanese devils were to him?

"Ah!" It was unclear whether it was fear or excitement. Shi Laosi shouted and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Anyone who loves sports knows that, for example, the moment when a football is about to shoot, the moment when a basketball jumps up to shoot, etc., unless you are a particularly calm and excellent player, otherwise when you recall the details of your own actions at that moment, you may not be able to remember them at all. It is all based on muscle memory, a subconscious reaction similar to instinct!

And now Shi Laosi is just like this. He condenses all the shooting skills he has practiced into every moment now.

And in each of these moments, the "bang bang" and "bang bang bang" of the Czech light machine gun rang rapidly, until Shi Laosi pulled the trigger again, there was no bullet in the magazine!

After shooting, Shi Laosi didn't care how many Japanese devils he had killed. This time, he didn't even want his light machine gun.

What use does he have for that light machine gun now? He asked for two magazines from the twins. He had used up one before and replaced it with the second one before running.

The bullets were all used up, and this machine gun was not as useful as a fire stick!

So he turned around and ran back under the cover of the earth mound, and at the same time he did not forget to stretch out his right hand to pull out the box gun on his waist!

Most of the veterans in Shang Zhenying were "double-gun generals".

Their double guns were real double guns, one long and one short, not a rifle and a big smoking gun used by some miscellaneous troops nowadays!

And this was also the reason why Shi Laojiansi dared to abandon the light machine gun.

Shi Laosi ran in time. He just jumped out for more than ten steps and heard a "hiss" scream from behind him again. He instinctively lay down again.

Instantly, he heard the explosion from behind him!

This little devil was really accurate in shooting a grenade launcher!

He had just finished a round of bullets and killed three Japanese soldiers, and then the grenade came up.

But just at the moment when the explosion passed, Shi Laosi jumped up again and continued to run.

When the Chinese army attacked, due to the lack of effective cover, the infantry would often throw grenades when rushing forward, which was to use the smoke and dust produced by the grenade explosion for cover.

Now the Japanese army exploded the grenade behind him. Since it didn't explode him, wasn't it equivalent to covering him? If not now, when else would he run?

While running for his life, Shi Laosi felt that he heard gunshots and bullets flew past his trouser legs.

At this moment, he felt that his life was definitely over.

But for some reason, he thought of that dog-day Hu Lielie in his heart. Why didn't that dog-day shoot to cover himself when he clearly stayed?

But what's the use of thinking about these things?

A mess of thoughts flashed through his mind. When the wind sound disappeared in his ears and Shi Laosi lay down to listen to the twins talking, he had already turned around and lay down beside the twins.

"What did you say? What did you say just now?" The panting Shi Lao Si was busy escaping and didn't pay attention to what Shuang Zi had just said.

"I said that just now, Brother Shi, you killed six, seven or eight Japanese devils!" Shuang Zi said heartlessly, with full respect for him in his eyes.

The reason why Shuang Zi is heartless is that what time is it now? Six, seven or eight Japanese devils, is it six, seven or eight of these devils?

But even if more Japanese devils died, would they be as valuable as our lives?

Just when Shi Laosi was about to say this, gunfire rang out again, but this time the gunfire rang out on their left wing.

Following the sound of gunshots, the bunker where the two of them were hiding was hit by bullets. Even Shi Laosi suspected that a bullet from the Japanese Type 38 rifle would penetrate the bunker and hit it directly. On both of them!

"You're such a bastard!" Amidst the dust caused by the bullet hitting the ground, Shi Laosi pressed his face to the ground and covered his head with his hands, yelling.

In fact, it was just a subconscious behavior for him to curse nonsense at this time. It was like he had a thought in his heart, and he relied on this thought to resist his fear of Japanese bullets!

As for getting up to shoot with the Japanese army, Shi Laosi didn't even think about it. The Japanese army's bullets were really too dense, and the sound of the bullets hitting the ground all hit the dirt bag where he and Shuangzi were hiding.

Obviously, when he used his light machine gun to shoot at the Japanese troops directly in front of him, some Japanese troops had already detoured back to his left, but he didn't even notice it!

The firepower of the Japanese army was so intensive that Shi Laosi could guarantee from his experience as a veteran that if he dared to get up, the Japanese army would not give him a chance to smash his body into a sieve!

The reason is that as soon as he raises his head, his head will be beaten into a zucchini with holes in his eyes!

"What, what should we do? Brother Shi, if it doesn't work, let's fight with the little devil!" said Shuangzi, who was also lying behind the dirt bag with his head in his arms.

"How to fight? If you show your head, you will die!" Shi Laosi replied angrily.

"No, we can't wait to die if we don't fight! If the little devil comes and throws a grenade over, we will be finished.

Besides, we can’t be taken as prisoners. If we, we were beaten to death by the Japanese, we could still get both of us alive. But if we were taken as prisoners, we wouldn’t be able to be executed alive!

How about I rush out and attract the little devil first? "The twins said during the gunfire.

Gemini was also anxious, but this was the first time Shi Laosi had heard Gemini say so many words at once since he was with Gemini.

In comparison, the two stutterings between the twins were insignificant.

"Are you going out? If you go out, won't you die?" Shi Laosi said angrily.

"Just die, you will avenge me later!" Gemini said.

As soon as he heard what Shuangzi said, Shi Laosi felt that all the blood in his body suddenly rushed to his forehead, oh! The Geminis are so stubborn!

Even if you have a tank, I can't be a coward. Isn't it just a death? Anyway, I have found enough books now!

But just when Shi Laosi was determined to do so, he suddenly heard the sound of machine gun fire, and the sound of machine gun fire was also on his left.

He didn't pay attention at first, but after a while he noticed that the sound of the Japanese Army's 38-type rifle shooting had become less frequent.

And as the sound of the rifle became less frequent, the sound of machine gun shooting became clearer. It turned out to be the sound of Czech light machine gun shooting!

The sound of a gun firing is different, although the difference is only subtle. But Shi Laosi, as a machine gunner, is completely identifiable.

If you exaggerate this difference, the crooked machine gun used by the Japanese army will make a "click-click" sound when firing, while the sound of the Czech light machine gun is more likely to be "chunk-chunk."

Shi Laosi was still for a moment and suddenly shouted: "Get up and shoot to the left, Hu Lielie is coming!"

And as if to verify his judgment, there was a "boom" immediately afterwards, which was the sound of a grenade exploding.

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