The War of Resistance

Chapter 1824: Escape from Danger

Anyway, Cheng Peng, Qian Chuan'er and Xiao Niu Niu Dan were finally rescued by Liu Dashan and his team.

Although Liu Dashan and his team lost one person and one person in order to save them, fortunately, the wounded were only slightly injured and still had combat capabilities, which was a blessing in disguise.

So far, the Japanese soldiers who were chasing Cheng Peng, Qian Chuan'er and their team had been beaten up by them. At least Qian Chuan'er and his team could be sure that they could not see the Japanese within two or three hundred meters.

But if they thought they could run away like this, it would be too naive.

Since they had now climbed up the hillside close to the top of the hill, the terrain was relatively high, and they saw that the Japanese and puppet troops on the road had stopped advancing along the road, but they had divided some of their forces and ran towards them.

There was no doubt that they were coming for them again.

This was no wonder. Just imagine that they had killed and injured dozens of Japanese soldiers before and after. How could the Japanese army let them go?

There were nearly a thousand Japanese and puppet troops, but only a few dozen were killed or wounded. Is that a lot?

If we only look at the relationship from the individual to the overall, it is indeed not much.

But think about it from another angle. If you have 10,000 yuan in your hand and you haven't done anything yet, you smashed several hundred-yuan bills. Would you feel bad?

What's more, the Japanese and puppet troops were not killed or wounded in these dozens of people. You should know that Chu Tianhou Kanshan had fought a group before.

So from the perspective of the Japanese commander, knowing that they encountered the elite troops of the Northeast Army this time, why did they kill more but not kill them?

In a later anti-Japanese drama, the protagonist has a classic saying called "I am fighting the elite!" But this sentence is also true for the Japanese army, because the turtle sons also think so!

Since the Japanese army is chasing again, Cheng Peng and the remaining soldiers have to continue to retreat.

And in order to avoid the sight of the Japanese and puppet troops on the road, they ran to the top of the hill.

They were only about 700 to 800 meters away from the road. At this distance, neither side could shoot accurately, but it did not mean that they could not see.

Moreover, Cheng Peng and his team also saw that there were not many people and they ran fast, otherwise the Japanese would definitely set up the Type 92 heavy machine gun!

Cheng Peng and his team quickly ran to the top of the hill, and then ran down a little, so that they could avoid the sight of the Japanese army, and they followed the hill to Shuiquan Town.

"Today's battle is not easy to fight, it may be a mess." Qian Chuan'er said as he hurriedly walked, and after that he looked in the direction of the road with concern.

At this point, they were actually behind the various groups of their battalion ambushing the Japanese army.

Now the Japanese army has divided its troops to chase them, and the ambush lines arranged by their groups must be within 400 meters of the road.

The reason is very simple. As mentioned above, it is impossible to shoot accurately at a distance, and each ambush group can only be in that position.

If the Japanese army followed them, wouldn't it be like cutting off the retreat of each group in their battalion?

Cheng Peng obviously realized the seriousness of the problem. He simply shouted "stop" and turned around to the top of the hill, saying: "If the situation is really bad, we really have to notify our battalion. What should we do? We should listen to the battalion commander's orders."

Cheng Peng didn't expect that he led his men to attack the Japanese army, and then the battle turned out like this.

He beat the Japanese army too hard, and the Japanese army caught up with them!

If the battle continues like this, why are the groups still shooting at the Japanese army along the highway?

And he also knew that he might not be able to notify Shang Zhen in time. Now the troops are scattered. In the face of such an emergency, it might be too late for Shang Zhen to understand the situation and notify each class and group!

Chen Peng thought to himself, but before he ran to the hill where he could see the highway, he heard gunshots from the front.

This front does not refer to the direction of the road but the front of the long hill where they are.

In other words, the gunshots were heard behind the next ambush team, which was exactly what he and Qian Chuan'er were worried about just now.

Cheng Peng took two steps in three steps and ran to the top of the hill with Qian Chuan'er and his people.

When they reached the top of the hill and could see the situation in front, the gunshots had already sounded.

However, this time the gunshots did not sound on the top of the hill, but below the hill. They saw that there were dozens of enemies only three or four hundred meters away from them.

As for who fired the gun on the top of the hill, they could not see it at all. It should be the lookout left by the ambush team next to them.

"It's the second devils!" Qian Chuan'er said.

Whether it was Chu Tianhou Kanshan and his men who ambushed the enemy before or Cheng Peng and his men, they all chose to attack the Japanese army first. As for the puppet army, they tried not to provoke them if they could.

The puppet army also had a tacit understanding. Although they would shoot at them, most of the bullets went into the sky.

It was just that the Japanese casualties were too great, so the Japanese commander finally ordered the puppet army to move up from the front.

When this puppet army moved up, it should be when Cheng Peng and his team escaped.

Although the terrain was open, they did not find it because of the existence of various bushes and wheat fields!

If someone on the other side of the hill had not fired a warning shot, they would have run into the puppet army if they had kept running on this side of the hill.

When the people on the top of the hill looked back in the direction they were running from, the Japanese and puppet troops coming down the road obviously accelerated their pace and ran diagonally towards the direction of the gunfire.

"Hurry up! We must not let those second devils in front run to the top!" Cheng Peng retracted and led these people to run along the top of the hill.

They couldn't shoot now. They were still a little far away from the puppet soldiers. If they couldn't hit them and exposed themselves, it would be useless.

Cheng Peng and his people rushed forward under the cover of the top of the hill, and heard the continuous gunfire in front of them. The machine guns, rifles, and box guns had been mixed into a ball.

The gunfire was like a beating war drum. They felt as if their legs were no longer on their bodies. They didn't listen to their commands at all and kicked forward desperately!

This hill was the commanding height of the entire battlefield. If it was occupied by the enemy, they would not be able to play any tactics.

If the Japanese and puppet troops occupying the hills continued to run in a row, and the Japanese and puppet troops on the road continued to run forward, their battalion would be attacked from both sides!

After Cheng Peng and his men ran for more than a hundred meters, he felt that it was almost enough, so he turned right again and fell on the top of the hill.

The same was true for the others, who all raised their rifles and machine guns, panting.

They did this of course to give the puppet troops who were rushing up the hills a head-on blow.

But when they looked down at the bottom of the hill, they couldn't help but be stunned, because they saw that the puppet troops actually turned around and ran back, and behind those puppet troops, more than a dozen people had already fallen!

What was going on? All the people on Cheng Peng's side were stunned, and in the moment they were stunned, they saw that several more people among the puppet troops were shot and fell one after another.

None of them thought that so many people would fall down among the puppet troops while they were running! They were actually beaten back by the people in their battalion!

At this time, Qian Chuan'er reacted the fastest and suddenly said, "Isn't it the battalion commander who is here?"

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