"What the hell is this place!" Wu Ziqi cursed after he and his brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu ran through several streets and alleys.

The gunshots were right in front of them, not far away at all, thanks to the houses blocking them.

But the problem was that when they got here, the streets and alleys became neat again, just the kind that were straight and level.

Based on his experience, Wu Ziqi felt that as long as he ran through the alley in front of him, he would be able to see the main street and the battle scene.

But the problem was that this alley, which was about 50 meters long, was not like the alley where he was rescued by the two brothers before.

That alley was a mess and you could hide everywhere, but it was impossible to hide in this alley.

If the three of them went in from this end of the alley, what if the Japanese devils came from the other end of the alley, where would they hide?

Would they fight directly? The Japanese and puppet troops were also in disguise. In order not to reveal their identities, they mostly carried short guns, which were box guns.

If they ran into the dozens of Japanese and puppet troops on the opposite side in the street, don't say that the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. With the strength of the enemy, the box guns on the opposite side will just fire at them, and the three of them will definitely die on the street!

"How about we change to another alley?" Fan Tongzuo said.

"Change again? If we change again, the cucumbers will get cold." Wu Ziqi said unhappily.

"I think there is someone hiding in that doorway." Fan Tongwu, who also understood the embarrassing situation of the three of them, suddenly pointed to the front and said.

Fan Tongwu's pointing really reminded Wu Ziqi.

That was a house more than 20 meters away from them, and the door of that house protruded.

What does this look like? This is like what northerners call a door fight.

In order to keep warm in winter, a temporary shed with a door is built outside the house, so that when the door is opened, the wind cannot directly flow into the house.

"Okay, I'll see where it's OK." Wu Ziqi estimated that the protruding door pier was at least one meter wide, and he could hide there completely.

Wu Ziqi was not a person who thought too much before he acted.

"You two, cover here, I'll run to the door first, and then you can go over." Wu Ziqi used the cross-cover tactics again.

After saying that, he rushed out with his box gun.

It was only more than 20 meters away, so wouldn't it be fast to get there?

But Wu Ziqi happened to run to the protruding door pier, and an accident happened!

When Wu Ziqi was dodging behind the protruding door pier, he caught a glimpse of a figure at the entrance of the alley.

Fortunately, he was quick enough to hide behind the door pier. When he looked back, he saw that the brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu had disappeared.

Through the previous incident, Wu Zi and the two brothers had a deeper understanding. Of course, he believed that the two brothers would not abandon him. They must have hidden when they saw someone coming from the opposite side.

At this time, Wu Ziqi realized that although Fan Tongzuo was timid, he was not stupid!

Although he asked the two brothers to cover him, they couldn't just shoot when they saw someone on the opposite side. Who knows if the person on the opposite side is an enemy, a friend or an ordinary person?

So it was right for the two brothers to hide without shooting.

The armed forces gathered in Shuiquan Town were all dressed as ordinary people. It was really difficult to distinguish between the enemy and me!

But the two brothers didn't shoot and hide, so Wu Ziqi had to face the next situation by himself!

Wu Ziqi could only fire the box gun and press his body against the door.

And he had just done this action, and then he heard footsteps. The person running from the opposite alley had arrived, and Wu Ziqi heard that the footsteps were not one person!

I don't know if they are Japanese devils, puppet troops or other anti-Japanese troops. When they run through this door, they should be able to see me! Chaotic thoughts flashed through Wuziqi's mind.

But no matter what, if the other party sees me, I can only point the box gun at the other party and act accordingly.

If the other party looks like a Japanese devil, then I can only shoot. It's better to kill someone by mistake than to be killed by him, right? If I am killed by mistake, that's not okay!

Wu Ziqi was thinking in his mind.

But what happened next was beyond his expectations. When he heard the footsteps coming in front of him, the other side should have passed through immediately, but the footsteps suddenly stopped!

Just this made Wu Ziqi put his finger on the trigger directly.

What's going on? Have they discovered me?

The reason why Wu Ziqi put his finger on the trigger was to prevent the gun from firing accidentally.

Experienced soldiers usually don't put their fingers on the trigger inside the guard ring when holding a box gun without firing.

The battlefield is always complicated, and there are many emergencies.

If the finger is always on the trigger, when there is an emergency, people will move their fingers instinctively when they are nervous, which is easy to cause an accidental discharge.

They won't throw a grenade, right? Should I rush out now? Even Wu Ziqi, who has always been brave, became suspicious.

But at this time, he suddenly heard someone talking.

He was only separated from the person on the opposite side by a wall, so he could hear it very clearly.

What the other person said was: "Jian Chen, how about it? This move of cutting the white snake in half is not bad, right?"

Jian Chen? Gobang was stunned when he heard it, and felt that these two words sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember them for a moment, and thought to himself, what the hell is "Jian Chen"?

But then he understood one thing. The person who ran over from the alley didn't run past the front door of this house, but ran into the doorway of this house.

Before he came over, he also looked at the front door of this house. The gate was not close to the walls on both sides, and they were also retracted inwards, so it could barely be considered a doorway, and people could hide there.

So now this situation has formed.

He and the person who ran over were separated by a wall, and he found the other party but the other party didn't find him! Don't you think this is a coincidence?

Wu Ziqi was rejoicing here, and at this time he heard another voice saying: "That's it! The tricks of the special commissioner are all good tricks!"

Special commissioner? What is a special commissioner?

Wu Ziqi couldn't write, and it was the first time he heard the title of special commissioner, so naturally he didn't know what a special commissioner did, although it sounded like a position.

But he couldn't figure out what a special commissioner did, but he suddenly remembered what Jian Chen was!

But to be precise, that Jian Chen is not a toy, because he is a person. That Jian Chen is not Mo Jianchen of the Eighth Route Army, right?

Wu Ziqi has never seen Mo Jianchen, but he knows the name Mo Jianchen.

The reason here is naturally that he accidentally heard the veterans talking about it once.

That's because the veterans talked about the battalion commander's wife Leng Xiaozhi, and by the way mentioned Mo Jianchen who was partnered with Leng Xiaozhi.

The veterans also said that Mo Jianchen, like Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen, has a sour and pedantic air of a cultured person.

And the reason why he can remember the name Mo Jianchen is entirely because the name Mo Jianchen is very difficult to pronounce, or it sounds very cultured.

Nowadays, when Chinese people give names, if they are not cultured, they must be familiar with the names, such as this Fugui, that Facai, this Zhuzi, that Shuanwa, etc.

But the names given by cultured people are different.

They all come from the traditional culture of the Four Books and Five Classics or traditional allusions.

But the name Mo Jianchen alone sounds very strange.

As for what was strange, Wu Ziqi was not a person of little talent or learning. He had no talent at all, so how could he know what was strange? It was just because the name was very novel.

If the man across the wall from him was really Mo Jianchen of the Eighth Route Army, then he was half his own, Wu Ziqi thought again.

Wu Ziqi had just returned to Shang Zhen’s camp for two days, and he didn’t know that Shang Zhen and the Eighth Route Army were not having a good time, so he naturally regarded Mo Jianchen as Leng Xiaozhi’s family.

He should confirm whether this Mo Jianchen was the Mo Jianchen.

Wu Ziqi was thinking about it, when he suddenly heard the Mo Jianchen shouting, “There are devils!”

Then there were the sound of gunshots. At the same time, the door pier where Wu Ziqi was hiding heard the sound of bullets hitting the blue bricks. He was actually shot!

Although he didn’t see the Japanese devils, Wu Ziqi also heard Jianchen shouting.

Wu Ziqi moved his finger to the trigger again, and at this moment he heard Jian Chen's concerned voice coming from across the wall: "Special Envoy, are you okay?"

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