The War of Resistance

Chapter 1847 Worries Come True

"You said your regiment leader is inside? Are you sure?" A Northeast Army soldier who was camouflaged all over and even had grass juice on his face turned around and asked the two puppet soldiers in surprise.

What is the identity of this Northeast Army soldier? Puppet soldiers A and B have no way of guessing, because the other party's disguise is too detailed.

When the two of them rushed over to talk, someone here took over the conversation, so they came here.

"This, this, 80% is inside." Puppet soldier A replied, and his guess was definitely changed to 80%.

He really didn't dare to be sure that their regiment leader must be inside, because the Japanese army was more than 100 meters away from them.

"You can't even call it right, how can I save your regiment leader? Go and lie down, and see clearly first!" The Northeast Army soldier said coldly.

This person naturally has such an aura when he speaks, and he is right to find fault, which makes puppet soldiers A and B speechless.

Just when the two puppet soldiers were about to lie down beside the man, another Northeast Army soldier beside the man said, "Don't lie down in front of us, stay away from us! Go over there!" He stretched out his hand and pointed to a bush there.

The situation at this time is also completely imaginable. The two Northeast Army soldiers are lurking. In order to prevent being discovered by the Japanese army, they both made elaborate camouflage.

Of course, they will not let the two puppet soldiers lie down beside them casually. If the two puppet soldiers are exposed, won't they also bear risks?

But when the two puppet soldiers saw the location pointed to by the man, they were nervous, but they could only crawl there.

The reason is that there is a bush there, but it has been cut off by the Japanese heavy machine gun!

Who knows whether the Japanese firepower point is staring at there, at least it was stared at before.

The tall grass and bushes on this hill are not very dense, so this time, after concentrating their forces, the Japanese army used their firepower and accurate shooting skills to shoot all the places they thought might hide people.

The soldier of Shang Zhen's battalion who was with the two puppet soldiers was hit by the Japanese heavy machine gun in this way.

So the place where they can hide now will attract the attention of the Japanese army, which is also what makes the two puppet soldiers A and B feel anxious.

But where else can they go if they don't lie there?

Should they just show their heads on the ground?

Wouldn't it be easier for the Japanese to find them in that case?

Watching the two puppet soldiers crawling away, one of the Northeast soldiers whispered: "Battalion Commander, do you think what these two said is true?"

It turned out that the person who talked to the two puppet soldiers before was Shang Zhen, and the one who asked the two puppet soldiers to lie on the side was Shen Mugen.

"Don't worry, let's see first." '' turned his head back and observed Shang Zhen in front again and said.

Shen Mugen could only say "Oh" after Shang Zhen said this.

The Japanese army was already attacking upwards, and Shang Zhen was looking for a valuable target to kill, so he naturally had no time to explain it in detail to Shen Mugen.

In fact, when the two puppet soldiers said that their regiment commander might be among the puppet soldiers attacking here, Shang Zhen's head was already turning quickly.

Even if the puppet regiment commander was really in there, what could it do?

The puppet soldiers were used as shields by the Japanese army and placed in the front. Let's not talk about whether he could save the regiment commander, but must he save the regiment commander?

Let's talk about saving first, how to save him? Cheng Peng took half of the troops to contain the puppet army and didn't know where he went. Qian Chuan'er took the other half of the troops to lurk. Now is not the time to expose.

If the Japanese puppet soldiers are not put in front, who can save the puppet regiment commander?

Even if his own people have great abilities and kill all the attacking Japanese soldiers, the Japanese soldiers behind can kill the puppet regiment commander with just one shot from a distance!

Why must he save the puppet regiment commander?

Now none of his troops were around, and the squad not far away that was holding back the Japanese firepower was probably only a few people left.

If he really rescued the puppet army commander, what if he got to the top of the hill and attacked again?

Or he called back the puppet soldiers led away by Cheng Peng, what if the puppet soldiers attacked again?

Shang Zhen could be a good person, but he would never be a good person!

Shang Zhen looked forward carefully, not to mention putting the rifle against his shoulder, he didn't even raise his head, he had to be careful.

At this time, the Japanese puppet army was closer to the top of the hill, so he could see it more clearly.

There were about 20 puppet soldiers, all holding rifles. The Japanese were very close to the puppet army, that is, they were right next to each other, and it was obvious that they really used the puppet army as a shield.

Coincidentally, the direction of the Japanese puppet army's advance was exactly Shang Zhen's position.

From Shang Zhen's current perspective, if he wants to attack the Japanese soldiers behind, he can't guarantee that he won't accidentally hurt the puppet soldiers in front.

How difficult is it to save a person on the battlefield where the enemy and we are fighting?

So now if you want to save those puppet soldiers, the best way is to shoot at the Japanese soldiers from the flank, so that there is a little shooting angle.

I don't know how many people are left in the squad responsible for containment? Shang Zhen thought to himself, he felt that he was still a little too arrogant, was his way of fighting the Japanese too risky?

But just as he was thinking, gunshots suddenly rang out on his right!

Whatever you think will happen, your squad is firing! Shang Zhen couldn't help but be excited.

There were both light machine guns and rifles in the gunfire.

At the moment of the gunfire, Shang Zhen saw several Japanese soldiers in khaki uniforms were shot and fell down, and at the same time, a puppet soldier in black clothes also fell down.

Shang Zhen could fully understand this, but in this case, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't accidentally hurt the puppet soldiers. Some things could only be left to fate.

Of course, I hope that the puppet soldier who was accidentally shot was not the puppet army commander.

This thought only flashed through Shang Zhen's mind, and the gunfire from the Japanese side rang out.

Naturally, the heavy machine gun would not sweep over.

The reason is that there is basically a setting for where the heavy machine gun hits, and it takes time to adjust immediately after discovering the opponent.

But the Japanese light machine guns and rifles responsible for covering the back all started to fire. In terms of firepower, if it is compared with heavy machine guns, it is not much inferior!

So the gunshots of their squad shooting at the Japanese on the flank were drowned out by the more violent gunshots of the Japanese.

And then, the "hiss" and "hiss" sounds came from the front again, and the grenade launchers of the Japanese army, which had previously relied on firepower to approach a distance of about 200 meters, also started to fire.

Shang Zhen did not turn his head to look at his squad, because he believed that his soldiers would definitely move their positions immediately after firing those shots.

No more bullets were fired at the Japanese and puppet troops on the hill, and the Japanese and puppet troops who fell to the ground climbed up and rushed to the hill.

The Japanese soldiers who were shot did not get up, and the puppet soldier did not either.

The Japanese and puppet troops did not adjust the direction of attack, and attacked Shang Zhen's right wing, which was the place where they had just shot.

This can be imagined.

From the Japanese point of view, if they rushed like that, the attack route would become longer, so it would be better to rush directly to the top of the hill and then compete with Shang Zhen's team.

The Japanese and puppet troops were getting closer and closer.

During this process, Shang Zhen noticed that his people still fired a few shots at the Japanese soldiers who were rushing towards him, but this time only one Japanese soldier was knocked down, and then the exposed position of his people was covered by the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops.

Shang Zhen began to touch the gun, this time he did not use the rifle, but touched the box gun.

He decided to give the attacking Japanese troops a quick shot, and whether he could accidentally injure the puppet troops, that would only let the puppet troops pray for themselves.

But just as Shang Zhen was about to shoot, there was another rustling sound from his left, and he glanced and saw the two puppet soldiers crawling over.

Then one of them said anxiously: "You must be careful when you shoot, our regiment commander is inside!"

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