The War of Resistance

Chapter 1939 Take turns being the “bait”!

"Hurry up and pull your head back. The Japanese are coming!" Behind the wormwood, Hu Zhuzi pulled his head back but didn't forget to pull Shi Yong.

"Fuck!" Shi Yong was so angry that he cursed, but Hu Zhuzi didn't care.

"What should we do? Go back and report the news?" Shi Yong continued.

"What news? Just these few Japanese in front of us, we can just keep fighting!" Hu Zhuzi didn't think so.

If there was a third person present at this time, he would find that Hu Zhuzi's eyes were filled with excitement, the excitement of seeing the prey, and Shi Yong was a little nervous.

Shi Yong couldn't help being nervous.

Although he just poked his head out just now, he also saw that there should be about seven or eight Japanese soldiers.

That is to say, including the two Japanese soldiers killed by the two of them, this time the Japanese army should be a squad.

"Squad" is what Shi Yong called the Japanese army, and the Japanese army is called "squad".

"Are you a tiger? There are seven or eight Japanese soldiers down there!" Shi Yong didn't expect Hu Zhuzi to continue.

But what Hu Zhuzi said next shocked him again.

"There are still eleven Japanese soldiers down there." Hu Zhuzi replied

"How do you know?" Shi Yong didn't believe it.

"You can tell at a glance that there must be Japanese soldiers' vanguards down there, a squad of thirteen people, one Type 99 rifle, and eight Type 38 rifles." Hu Zhuzi said without even running.

"You said there was a large group of Japanese soldiers behind, why didn't I see it?" Shi Yong asked.

"I didn't see it either!" Hu Zhuzi answered as a matter of course and then asked back, "If we don't kill the Japanese soldiers' vanguards, how can their large group be revealed?

Then what will we say when we go back to report the news?

We can't say that we only saw a squad of Japanese soldiers in total, and that was it.

People ask why it was all over, because these thirteen Japanese soldiers were killed by the two of us!"

It turned out that in Hu Zhuzi's eyes, he had already regarded these thirteen Japanese soldiers as dead!

Shi Yong couldn't understand why Hu Zhuzi had such mysterious confidence that the two of them could kill thirteen Japanese devils?

The reason here is that he didn't know the veterans under Shang Zhen, let alone Hu Zhuzi.

In the long-term battle with the Japanese army, Shang Zhen and his people have formed their own style of combat mode.

For example, when Hu Zhuzi found a Japanese soldier coming, his first reaction was to kill him quietly instead of shooting him to death.

The advantage of this is that after killing one Japanese soldier, the other Japanese soldiers were not alerted, so there is a chance to kill more Japanese soldiers.

Of course, the premise is that there must be such an opportunity and you must have such skills.

When they found that there was a squad of Japanese soldiers on the hillside, Hu Zhu's first reaction was that with their marksmanship, they could take the initiative to knock down more than half of the Japanese soldiers.

Now he and the guy next to him each have a 20-shot box gun, and they have also seized two rifles. Then they can lead the little Japanese soldiers to "slip around" in the woods, so they can definitely knock down two or three more.

The above is not to say that Hu Zhuzi's thoughts are so complicated, but because they have always fought like this and have become accustomed to it.

As for the fact that he is very sure that there are eleven Japanese soldiers below, it does not mean that he counted the heads of the Japanese soldiers. It is just that when these veterans talked about the organization of the Japanese army together, they all knew that a Japanese squad is a squad, which is thirteen people.

Similarly, when the second Japanese soldier was found, Hu Zhuzi killed the Japanese soldier himself using Shi Yong as bait. It does not mean that he deliberately calculated Shi Yong and kept the most dangerous job for Shi Yong, but because these veterans usually fight like this.

But at this time, Shi Yong, who had just made a handful of "bait", looked at Hu Zhuzi and thought, is this kid pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger? Is he going to use me as bait again?

"How do you plan to fight?" Shi Yong asked Hu Zhuzi.

"First, you use your rifle to kill the Japanese machine gunner, and then the Japanese will attack you, and I will use a box gun to shoot the Japanese next to you." When Hu Zhuzi answered him like this, Shi Yong thought to himself, "As expected," "As expected," this little bastard, isn't he still using me as bait?

So Shi Yongyong said, "Why should I shoot first? You shoot first and let the Japanese rush to attack you! Then I will use a box gun to shoot the Japanese next to you!"

After Shi Yong finished speaking, he looked at Hu Zhuzi's face and thought, let's see what you have to say this time?

But he really misjudged Hu Zhuzi, because Hu Zhuzi immediately replied, "Okay, then we have a deal!"

After speaking, Hu Zhuzi stretched out his hand and picked up the Type 38 rifle that he had just seized. He bent over and ran to the right, leaving Shi Yong dumbfounded!

Shi Yong really didn't expect that Hu Zhuzi would go with a gun when he said he would be the bait, without any hesitation!

How could he know that Hu Zhuzi, Hu Zhuzi, is a tiger, a real tiger, not a fake tiger!

In Hu Zhuzi's eyes, it was purely to fight the Japanese.

What is bait? The possibility of being sacrificed as bait is high, Hu Zhuzi has no such concept at all!

Hu Zhuzi's idea is that as long as he fights the Japanese, he will be happy as long as he fights the Japanese!

Shi Yong, who was confused by Hu Zhuzi, watched Hu Zhuzi run to a place 50 to 60 meters away from him. He lay on the ground and first checked the rifle to see if there were any bullets in the gun.

After the inspection, Hu Zhuzi looked over at him, made a shooting gesture to him, and then he really crawled forward until he raised his rifle and aimed at the slope.

At this time, Shi Yong felt that he was judging others by his own standards.

He also quickly took off the box gun he was carrying, put the wooden box on the handle of the gun, and then crawled down the slope.

Because of his hesitation just now, Shi Yong was a little slow. When he stuck his head out and saw the Japanese soldiers down the slope, the gunshots from Hu Zhuzi's side rang out.

In the gunshots, Shi Yong saw the last Japanese soldier was shot and fell down, and that Japanese soldier was less than 100 meters away from them. As for the closest Japanese soldier in front, he was only 70 or 80 meters away from them.

Originally, these Japanese soldiers were heading in his direction, but Hu Zhuzi's shooting successfully attracted the attention of the Japanese soldiers. Shi Yong saw the remaining Japanese soldiers "whoosh" scattered and lay down, and all raised their rifles.

Shi Yong restrained his impulse to shoot at the Japanese immediately, and put down his box gun instead.

He just lay down in the wormwood obediently. He had to wait for a good opportunity to kill as many Japanese as possible.

Of course, he knew how good his shooting skills were. He was a normal veteran. The box gun with a wooden box could hit seven or eight out of ten within 50 meters. If it was farther, his shooting skills would be discounted.

"Pah", "Pah", "Pah" the gunshots of the Japanese army rang out at the bottom of the slope.

Fearing that the Japanese army would find him, Shi Yong did not turn his head to look at Hu Zhuzi again, and Hu Zhuzi's gunshots did not ring again.

The boy was a veteran. Although he looked dazed, he should not die immediately, Shi Yong guessed.

And then, Shi Yong saw that a Japanese soldier set up the crooked handle light machine gun, and the gun started to "da da da" and "da da da".

But the light machine gun really only fired two "da da da" sounds, and then there was another gunshot on the mountain, and the gun went silent again, and the Japanese deputy shooter was killed by Hu Zhuzi again!

This guy is really good! Shi Yong praised in his heart, he guessed that Hu Zhuzi must have changed his shooting position just now.

But then the gunshots from the bottom of the mountain rang again, and Hu Zhuzi remained silent again.

But it was obvious that Hu Zhuzi's shooting skills made the Japanese army afraid.

Next, the Japanese machine guns were still firing, but the remaining Japanese soldiers got up from the ground and dispersed under the cover of the machine guns, and then held the guns and went to Shi Yong's right wing, that is, Hu Zhuzi's position, from the left and right.

If the strong attack is blocked, then play a roundabout way. This is the usual way of fighting of the Japanese army, and Shi Yong is also familiar with it.

It's just that the Japanese army is now detouring to the Tiger Pillar on Shi Yong's right. Now one of the Japanese troops is not detouring, but coming to Shi Yong in a detour.

"One, two, three, four." Shi Yong counted silently. There were four Japanese soldiers running towards him.

It's time to fight desperately, Shi Yong knew.

Originally, he planned to let the Japanese army run to the Tiger Pillar. When the Japanese army was closest to him, he would shoot at the flank of the Japanese army, so that he could kill two more.

But who would have thought that the Japanese army would detour so much that he would become the front of the Japanese army. This is going to be a desperate fight!

Just when Shi Yong saw that the Japanese army was only fifty meters away from him, he was ready to show up and shoot, and suddenly on his right wing, the sound of a box gun firing like a string of cannons sounded.

Shi Yong just glanced and saw that some of the Japanese soldiers running to the Tiger Pillar were shot and fell to the ground.

As for whether there were others, he no longer had time to see.

He quickly retracted his gaze and looked towards himself. The four Japanese soldiers were desperately running towards him with rifles in hand.

"Come on, you bastards!" Shi Yong shouted and suddenly set up the box gun in the weeds. Then the box gun in his hand also started to make "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" sounds!

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