The War of Resistance

Chapter 299 The Loss of the Fortress

After more than a month of truce, the Japanese offensive resumed.

The country is weak, and it is not only the military strength that wins the weak, but also the spirit.

This is like when the Japanese army launched the September 18th Incident and attacked the North Camp in Shenyang, a few hundred people took over the entire Shenyang.

And what is the underlying reason for this? It is the fear of the Chinese high-level people who always want to calm things down and rely on the mediation of the so-called "League of Nations".

Because I was afraid, I was directly bluffed by others!

Losing Gubeikou, the Chinese army thought about how to defend the Nantianmen, but they did not realize that the Battle of Gubeikou also caused heavy casualties to the Japanese army. The Japanese army’s strength was actually not enough, and they needed to transfer troops from the mainland. .

In just over a month, the aggressors have been gearing up their troops. As for the Chinese army, although it is said that they are actively preparing for war, has this preparation been implemented?

So now the rumbling gunfire of the invaders has become a new test for this.

If Nantianmen is lost again, the Japanese army can face Miyun directly.

Where is Miyun? Hebei.

Where is Hebei? Very close to Peking.

That is to say, as long as the Japanese army occupies Nantianmen again, there will be no mountains to defend north of Beiping, and the entire North China region will be under the coveted eyes of the Japanese army.

So, can this last pass mountain leading to North China be held?

At this time, in the first building of the eight buildings, the soldiers who were gambling just now had already picked up their guns, and one of them took advantage of the platoon leader's inattention to swipe some small and small banknotes on the ground into his pocket .

The reason was that at the moment when the Japanese artillery fired, they were actually gambling, and used the money from gambling to buy the cigarettes, wine and even pork heads that the peddler often brought to them!

"What the hell, let's fight as soon as we say it. I don't know if our building can withstand the shells of the Japanese devils!" said the first soldier.

"It should be all right!" The second soldier speculated.

"Who said it's okay? Just this Great Wall brick can hold the shells of the Japanese devils?" The third Japanese soldier expressed doubts.

"You know what!" their platoon leader scolded at this time, "This place is full of mountains, and the Japanese devils' cannons can't transport them here. How can they blow up our building?"

When the platoon leader said this, the worried soldiers were a little relieved.

It's just that the worries about the cannon just disappeared, but new worries have arisen.

"Did you see? The little devil's infantry came out!" Another soldier shouted.

is not that right? Everyone saw Japanese infantry in khaki uniforms appearing more than a mile ahead.

"Platoon leader, do you think we can hold it?" Another soldier asked worriedly.

"What can't be defended? With the terrain in front of us, can they attack it?

Besides, our company is guarding three turrets. No matter where the Japanese devils come from, they will face our crossfire. You are afraid of farts! "The platoon leader, after all, is a veteran, and he still has the most basic military knowledge, so the platoon leader calmed down the soldiers.

"I think the platoon leader is right!" At this moment, some soldiers agreed, "Look, the slope ahead is so steep, if the Japanese dare to climb it.

They only have two hands, right? If they want to climb up, they have to grab the rocks and shrubs with their hands, otherwise they won't be able to climb up.

If they try to shoot us, they can't climb up! "

However, this soldier demonstrated from the perspective that a person has only two hands that the Japanese army cannot attack.

After some conversation, the soldiers finally mustered up their courage.

But at this moment, a soldier said: "Can the Japanese devils come up behind us?"

It is not unreasonable to say that his worry is not unreasonable. As the name suggests, Badaolouzi are 8 watchtowers on the Great Wall.

There is still a distance between the watchtowers. Who can guarantee that the Japanese army will not have a small group pass between the two watchtowers and attack them from behind?

"The back is quite steep, so how can there be a way up?" At this time, other soldiers retorted.

"Why is there no road in the back? If there is no road in the back, why did that peddler come up? Did you fly up the pig head meat you won yesterday by yourself?" It's just that as soon as this was finished, another person expressed a different opinion. .

This time, without waiting for the previous person to speak again, a soldier shouted: "Look, the Japanese devils are coming to us!"

When he shouted like this, everyone saw it, right? The Japanese army, which seemed to be turning around to the flank, actually came to them.

As the commanding height of this area, Badaolouzi can clearly see the surrounding enemy situation.

"Get ready to fight!" The platoon leader ordered, but he glanced at the people around him and said angrily, "Why are you hiding in this blockhouse, why don't you go out?"

The gun tower mentioned by the platoon leader naturally refers to the enemy tower. The enemy tower was built by the ancients, but it is not a gun tower in the modern sense after all. How many arrow windows can be used as shooting holes on the entire enemy tower? ? The people in their platoon are all in the enemy building. With one brand, the troops are in the enemy building, and they can't be manipulated at all.

But their company has three platoons, but it happens that one platoon guards one enemy tower.

With the platoon leader speaking, the soldiers had no choice but to run out from the exit of the watchtower with their guns in hand.

The platoon leader didn't move, he wanted to be in charge of the command in the enemy building, and this was only one aspect, the more important reason was that they dug a total of six foxholes outside the enemy building, and went out. There are too many people and there is no bunker at all!

If you want to say that there is no one who does not repair fortifications in war, but when it comes to repairing fortifications, the platoon leader gets angry.

They have been in this first building for a month or so, but the higher-ups don’t care about them. The food is not good, and there is no water on the enemy building. The vendor has bought food.

People have to work hard, but if they don't have the energy to dig a bunker? There are gravels everywhere on this mountain, so it doesn't matter if the bunker is not dug.

Alas, if I had known that the Japanese devils would really attack, I would have asked someone to dig a few more foxholes.

The platoon leader was thinking about it, when suddenly he heard someone shouting outside: "The platoon leader is not good, the Japanese devils are coming up from behind!"

The platoon leader trembled when he heard the news, he instinctively grabbed his gun and ran out from that exit.

As soon as he rushed out of the brick door of the Great Wall, he saw a khaki figure appearing on the hillside behind him. At this moment, he heard a "hissing" sound, and then the loud explosion sound. The soldier pit was flooded by the dust raised by the explosion!

"No, I was sold by that peddler!" the platoon leader shouted, ignoring the choking smoke.

There is only one path up the mountain from the back, and even if the Japanese army made a detour, they may not be able to find that path up the mountain.

Because the path twists and turns in the mountains, and some places are covered by rocks. If there is no guide, no one will be able to come up!

The reason for this is very simple. If you don't know the way, which one, Chinese or Japanese, can keep climbing the steep rocks?

It's just that the platoon leader's awakening was really late, and the sound of "hissing" could no longer be heard. It was because the grenades fired by the grenadiers fired by the Japanese army halfway up the mountain were constantly exploding!

The platoon leader tried to look for his soldiers through the black and yellow smoke in the gap between the explosions, but what he saw more was his soldiers falling down in screams.

The sneak attacking Japanese army only used a salvo of grenades, and more than half of his platoon had been lost!

"Shoot, don't let the Japanese devils charge up, hold on and our reinforcements will arrive!" When the sound of the grenade explosion stopped, the platoon leader shouted.

But just when he organized less than ten soldiers left to start shooting at the Japanese army who had already rushed to the enemy building, the machine guns of the Japanese army halfway up the mountain rang out again.

Bullets are like wind, like rain, like hailstones flying from the sky, where are they hiding?

The platoon leader rushed to the nearest foxhole.

Although the enemy building is temporarily safe, it is useless. The enemy building has no shooting angle for the Japanese soldiers who come up from behind.

It's just that when he just jumped into the foxhole, he felt his body was soft. He looked down and found that under him was a subordinate who had been betting with him for money half an hour ago.

And his subordinate's head was already bloody and bloody, and he was obviously killed in battle.

"Hold on, wait for reinforcements!" the platoon leader shouted again, raising his head and putting his rifle on his shoulder.

But at this moment, a bullet from the Japanese army hit him in the chest.

It turned out that the foxhole they dug was originally shallow, and the soldier under him died in it, and the space of the foxhole was almost occupied, but now he is no different from lying on the top of the mountain!

Oops, this bunker has been dug shallow!

The platoon leader had a trace of remorse just before he died.

Yes, the Japanese army attacked again.

Of course the Japanese army knew that this place was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but they spent money to buy off the peddler who always brought snacks here.

The peddler led the Japanese army, and even went around from the middle of the eight buildings and started a sneak attack from behind!

Moreover, the Japanese army did not only attack the first building, but the second and third buildings were attacked at the same time.

Waiting for more than a month seems to be a long time, but once the battle starts, it is so fast!

Originally, because of the difficult terrain, the eight-door building was regarded as impenetrable by the second division, but within half an hour, three buildings were lost in a row!

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