The War of Resistance

Chapter 332: The reinforcements are gone

When Meng Laowai and Er Dan were killed in battle, Shang Zhen was right in front of him, so he was naturally familiar with it.

He adjusted the focus, and the scene there appeared clearly in the telescope.

Several trees have been broken, which should have been hit by Japanese tank guns.

Shang Zhen remembered that what he heard earlier was not just a cannon fire, but thanks to the timely withdrawal, otherwise the casualties would have been great.

After searching carefully, he saw a strip of cloth hanging from a tree.

Could it be that the shells of the Japanese army had blown up the bodies of Meng Laowai and Er Dan? He had some kind of ominous premonition in his heart.

Shang Zhen continued to search, and after a while, his hand holding the telescope trembled slightly.

By his misfortune, he saw the severed body of a man under the top of a fallen tree.

Shouting, Shang Zhen involuntarily took a deep breath, this is war.

He is already a veteran now, and he has seen too many Chinese soldiers killed in battle, but this time he feels particularly heartbroken, because it was his partner, his brother, who died in battle this time.

Hatred is only motivation, but hatred cannot kill the enemy, killing the enemy requires rationality.

Shang Zhen calmed down and continued to search, but the small dustpan did not appear.

Since he knew what was happening, Shang Zhen wasn't worried about the little dustpan having an accident. He thought that the little thing should be hiding and watching, but he didn't know where he hid.

Since the little dustpan hadn't appeared yet, Shang Zhen was not in a hurry, so he pointed the binoculars at the mountain obliquely ahead.

They were ambushing on that mountain at the beginning, and then the Japanese tanks appeared, and then they were ordered to blow up the tanks under the suggestion of Hu Zhuzi and Hu Chao.

Now Shang Zhen didn't have the heart to blame Hu Zhuzi, nor did he have the heart to argue with Big Old Hu and the others for not covering up.

Now that it has happened, it cannot be changed, and even summing up experience should never be the present.

The thing now is to first find the small dustpan, and second to see if there are any Japanese ambushes around.

He pointed the binoculars at the mountain, so it was natural to check whether there were Japanese troops hiding on that mountain. According to the surrounding terrain, if there were Japanese troops staying, then that mountain was the best hiding place.

I don't know how the trees grow on that mountain. There are rocks below, but there are trees on the top of the mountain.

Who knows where the Japanese army will hide? Now Shang Zhen can only exist as a Japanese army.

Fortunately, he had a telescope in his hand, so he started to search inch by inch from the bottom of the mountain.

This search process will undoubtedly not be fast.

Shang Zhen slowly searched that mountain, while Erhanzi and Ma Erhuzi kept staring at the foot of this mountain.

Shang Zhen never appeared in the small dustpan, nor did he find that there were Japanese troops on that mountain.

But not finding it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just like Shang Zhen and the others haven't seen the little dustpan now, but they firmly believe that the little dustpan will definitely appear.

Shang Zhen and the others bombed the Japanese tanks at about ten o'clock in the morning, and then they were chased and killed by the Japanese army, and it took another hour or so.

So now it was close to noon, the little dustpan didn't appear, and it was useless to be eager. Naturally, it was impossible for them to go out, and the time passed slowly like this.

In the blink of an eye, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and Shang Zhen still did not find the Japanese army, nor did the small dustpan appear.

Originally Erhanzi was anxious at first, but Shang Zhen didn't move, and it was useless for him to be anxious. After all, he is also a veteran, so he finally calmed down.

But people have stayed like this for a long time, so they naturally want to talk.

Ma Erhuzi was the first to speak: "What do you think will happen to the three of us here now? Will the platoon leader come to see us?"

"Then who knows, it should be here. We went out to look for the little dustpan and didn't go back. Shouldn't the platoon leader come to look for us?" Erhanzi followed suit.

Shang Shi didn't say a word, but he also felt strange in his heart.

After all, the big old Hu Wang old hat and the others are only two or three miles away from the three of them.

Then if the children of the family go out to play and don't come home, the adults in the family still know to come out to look for them. Are they so relieved of the three of them?

But what Shang Zhen didn't know was that at the place where he originally started, there was no one there.

And on the way back to the army station, not only Wang Mao, but the rest of them had no guns in their hands. They were all angry, while the big old Hu who was walking around them The soldiers of the company were pointing guns at them.

The reason here is complicated and complex, simple and simple, just because Old Mao Wang is impatient, and he wants to bring himself and these people out to find Shang Zhen.

But he finally offended the majesty of Li Xiang, who is the highest officer of this army, the more the two sides talked, the more excited they became, and finally Li Xiangxiang even raised his gun at Wang Laomao!

As soon as Li Xiang fired his gun, Shang Zhen and his group naturally also fired their guns, but the two sides almost clashed.

In the end, Big Lao Hu was the lobbyist in the middle, but the final result of the peace talks can only be that Wang Laomao and the others were disarmed.

Li Xiang, who was also furious, didn't want to care about Shang Zhen anymore, instead, he escorted Old Mao Wang who dared to point a gun at him and they returned!

But how could Shang Zhen at this time know that this would happen?

But he took Ma Erhuzi and Erhanzi to guard here.

Although the wait was long, time would eventually pass. Finally, after five o'clock in the afternoon, the little dustpan still hadn't appeared, but at this time Shang Zhen made a new discovery about the mountain.

"Brother Huzi, show me, is there a little devil's hat there?

Alas, after watching it all afternoon, my eyes are sore! "Shang Zhen sighed while calling Ma Erhuzi.

Of course Shang Zhen knew that even if there were Japanese soldiers hidden on that mountain, they would not show their faces easily.

If Ma Erhuzi and Erhanzi had followed their thinking, they would have thought that there would be no enemy troops on that mountain.

However, Shang Zhen, who has always been cautious and cautious, held up his binoculars and looked at it for most of the day, except for eating some dry food in the middle.

Now let alone his eyes are sore, even his arm holding the telescope is already sore!

In the process of fighting against the Japanese invaders, how could there be so many superheroes, and more of them were just the persistence of ordinary soldiers.

"I just said you don't need to look at it. Why are you here?" Ma Erhuzi complained to Shang Zhen, but he finally took the telescope from Shang Zhen's hand and asked, "Where is it?" ?”

"Did you see how many pine trees there are? There are a few big rocks in front of the pine trees, and there is a gap between the two rocks." Shang Zhen pointed.

Ma Erhuzi held up the binoculars to look at the position Shang Zhen said.

Regarding the conversation between Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi, Erhanzi turned a deaf ear to it.

One is that he does not believe that there will be Japanese soldiers on that mountain at all, and the other is that he is always staring at the foot of the mountain to the north of his own mountain, but he is still waiting for the appearance of the little dustpan with his own stubbornness.

But at the next moment, Ma Erhuzi and Erhanzi spoke at the same time.

"I saw it, there is really a little devil's hat there, no! There are really little devils there!" This is what Ma Erhuzi said.

"Oh, the little dustpan is out!" This is what the second fool said.

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