The War of Resistance

Chapter 342 Special Selection Method

At this time, from the perspective of this soldier, anyone who encounters such a training load has to be anxious, but he is anxious and the veteran who supervises him is not anxious.

"Hey, boy, you want to blow your hair!" The veteran looked at the soldier who was already in a hurry, but instead smiled, and then he turned his eyes to his companion next to him. Personally, it is said that he is also the supervisor of the team.

"Anyway, I won't practice! I count the most, and you ask me to do more. Aren't you bullying an honest man?" The soldier said, poking his neck.

There is an old saying, how did you say it, that the Chinese are not afraid of poverty, but of inequality.

That is to say, if everyone eats corn flour pancakes, no one has any objections, but why should my family eat corn flour pancakes and yours eat rice noodles? Then no! It is necessary to beat the landlords to equalize the rich and the poor!

And isn't today's training the same?

Take today's soldier as an example, if he is asked to do push-ups, he can still do a few more.

But why? If it is said that those bear eggs, a total of 400 were made, but now he has made more than 600, isn't this just whipping a fast cow? The more able you are, the more you will do until you die of exhaustion!

"Ha! Bullying you?" The veteran continued to laugh, but immediately changed his face, "I'm bullying you, what can you do? How dare you fight with me?"

As soon as the old soldier said this, the faces of the other soldiers who were lying on the ground and dare not get up changed, and the soldier who was bullied knew the seriousness, but he was resentful after all. Hmph."

Hearing the soldier's "hmph", the veteran laughed again: "Boy, I know what you're thinking! Aren't you just afraid of military discipline? You're not afraid of me at all!

What you think in your heart is, if you can't afford to mess with me, you would have cut me off, right? "

If you want to say that the veteran's words really touched the heart of the soldier, the soldier involuntarily "hummed" again.

Although he didn't say anything, isn't that what his two hums meant?

"Stop pretending to be a calf!" The old soldier changed his face after sneering, "If you are so stubborn, you would have started fighting with a devil!" He continued, "There is no need It will be the same as your bunch of good-for-nothings, a bunch of people will run away with their tails between their legs when they see the Japanese devils, what the hell, a bunch of donkeys and horses!"

There are a lot of swear words in the Northeast dialect, and some of the swear words even the Northeast people themselves may not be able to understand the meaning, but the so-called rough words are not rough, and the words of the veteran are very heart-warming.

Yes, is what the veteran said wrong? Aren't these people just ruthless? If there was Gang'er, he would have fought desperately with the Japanese devils not long ago, so why did he escape from Rehe to Gubeikou, and now he fled to Tianjin?

"I don't care if other people are rotten asses or not, but I am not anyway. I have never fought a Japanese devil with a bayonet, but I have also shot at a Japanese devil!" the soldier argued.

"Ha!" The old soldier laughed, "You want to prove that you are not a scumbag, okay! Then you fight with me!"

"Fight as soon as you fight, who is afraid of whom?" The soldier's anger has been aroused by the veteran, in other words, the tiger's strength of the Northeast people has come up again.

"Hey, let's fight?" The veteran changed his face again, but this time he changed back to a smile, "Then I have to tell you first, you won't gain anything by fighting with me.

If you lose, you will be beaten by me, and you will have to be trained like this so that you will not die.

If you win, you won't get any good money, because I am the supervisor of the battle team.

Hey, if you dare to hit the person who supervises the team, then you must do it with military law!

To fight or not to fight? "The old soldier stared at the soldier with his eyes wide open and asked.

"I don't care about military discipline, I'll beat you up first!" The soldier was completely irritated, or he really didn't want to suffer from that inexplicable tiredness, and then be humiliated like this.

As he said that, he really ran towards that veteran!

"Wait!" But at this moment, other veterans spoke.

The so-called veterans are only from the perspective of qualifications.

Anyone who has fought devils on the battlefield can be called a veteran.

So being called a veteran does not mean that he is old. The soldier who spoke is only in his early twenties, but he looks younger than the soldier who was bullied!

"Who allowed you to fight one-on-one? If you want to fight, you can fight in groups. We have five people here. Do you dare to fight four more?

Let's put it bluntly, no matter whether you win or lose, there is no good fruit to eat!

Of course, if you have no one but you, then you will beat us five! said the young veteran.

After the young veteran said this, the bullied soldier was taken aback!

Isn't it just a fight? Why do you say so much?

But he really couldn't bear the bullying and humiliation, he shouted loudly: "I don't care if others get in, I'll beat you first!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped forward again, but at this moment, among the soldiers lying on the ground, three more soldiers jumped up one after another and came forward. It seemed that they really wanted to help the bullied The soldiers fought in groups.

"Oh, it's fun! There are people who are not afraid of death! There is still one more, is there anyone else?" At this moment, the old soldier shouted.

It's just that the rest of the soldiers are still lying on the ground, no one is willing to stand up and participate in this group fight that is destined to fail to get any good!

As the older veteran said earlier, as long as this fight breaks out, these soldiers are doomed to fail.

If you lose, you will be beaten, and if you win, you will be punished by military law, but what is the military law of their new seventh brigade right now? That is to commit crimes and then be beaten, no matter how they are beaten, then why do they still stand up?

At this time, the four soldiers had already come up side by side.

Although they knew that the four of them were doomed to fail, why would they be killed if they couldn't?

As the bullied soldier said before, I don't care what happens in the future, I'll beat you up first, let's talk about it after I have a good time!

But just when the four soldiers were about to attack, the young veteran opposite them said again: "Wait, I have something to ask you."

At this time, a soldier had already accumulated enough strength and was about to jump up, but he didn't expect that someone would say "wait", isn't it just a fight? This is too boring!

"Why did the three of you come up together? Do you have a good relationship with him?" the young veteran asked.

"The two of us have a good relationship with Tiedou. We can't just watch him being bullied by you. Since we are good brothers, we will share difficulties and share blessings." One of the soldiers said at this time.

"Your surname is Tie? Do you have this surname?" The young veteran asked the soldier who had done too many push-ups and wanted to fight them.

"My surname is not Tie, my surname is Guan, and my name is Guan Tiedou." The soldier corrected.

"Oh!" The young veteran nodded, and then he asked the fourth soldier on the opposite side, "The two who said they had a good relationship with Guan Tiedou didn't mention you, why did you fight?"

"I just think you don't like it, don't you say we don't have it? Everyone is from the Northeast, and today I will show you what is called a Northeast Ganger." The fourth soldier replied very stiffly, But he is an injustice in his feelings!

"It's not bad, not bad, there are finally four bloody people in your company." The young veteran said.

What this young soldier said stunned Guan Tiedou and the four soldiers. They were about to fight, so why did they praise us?

"Are you going to fight or not?" Guan Tiedou thought the young soldier was groaning, but the young soldier ignored him and said loudly, "Company Commander Chai, our reconnaissance company wants you four!"

As soon as the young soldier said that, the soldiers, whether they were lying on the ground or standing, turned their heads to look. Only then did they realize that at some point their company commander had already stood behind them.

"Company Commander Shang, you are not honest in this matter. You have picked out those who are not afraid of death and dare to contribute. What do you want me to do with this bunch of scumbags?" The company commander Cai said with a wry smile.

And what he called Company Commander Shang was referring to that young veteran, but he was Shang Zhen.

As for the forty-year-old veteran who had been bullying those soldiers, it was Old Mao Wang.

Only then did the soldiers realize that whether they were a supervisory team or a reconnaissance company, they didn't come to fight with them, they were recruiting people from their company!

This is the one with a big temper and who dares to fight!

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