How can a warrior fight without a gun?

In a former Soviet novel, there is a little Paul who saw that other people had guns and then tried to steal a pistol back.

As for the current China, whether it is bandits or anti-Japanese guerrillas, if they can get a few quick guns, then any force must be careful with them.

As the saying goes, Lao Tzu's team has just opened, and a few brothers have a few guns. If there are many brothers and many guns, wouldn't our team be strong?

And the current Northeast Army is getting poorer and poorer.

In the beginning, he was the son of a rich family, wearing something hot and spicy around his waist.

But with the beginning of the war, the rich second generation became declining and began to eat their money.

And it has been eight years since 1931, and the old book is almost eaten, the gun is also worn out, the rifling is worn out, and the ammunition is almost used up.

Because of this, in today's battle for Xiao Bengbu, the Northeast Army suffered a disadvantage when fighting the Japanese army with its old broken guns.

Therefore, there is a saying that a gun is the life of a soldier, and a more accurate saying should be that a good gun is the life of a soldier.

And just before dark, Shang Zhen lent all the good guns of his group to the company commander Gu, the flower mechanism, the Czech style, the pot belly box, and even the twenty-gun speed machine he used. .

But is that really a loan?

People took their good guns to the front line and went to the front line desperately. If those people are dead, who is likely to return their guns?

But although Old Mao Wang said he was full of displeasure, he had nothing to say!

Is the Northeast Army the brothers of these people? Of course, the brothers of these people borrowed their good guns to go to the front line desperately, and they are not fighting in the rear, so can they not borrow other people's guns? You have to borrow it, otherwise, it's called occupying the latrine and not shitting!

What's more, Shang Zhen had long thought that he would not be willing to borrow a gun, so Shang Zhen took the lead and gave away his twenty-ring gun. What else can he say?

It's not just old hat Wang who feels sorry for the good guns used by people like himself.

"Prodigal son, prodigal son!" At this moment, Hu Zhuzi was muttering to himself.

It could only be Shang Zhen who could force Hu Zhuzi to complain in such a low voice. Who was it that Shang Zhen ordered the gun to be borrowed?

"I said Old Wangtou, why didn't you stop that prodigal son from lending his gun?" Hu Zhuzi was so angry that he didn't even call "Old Wangshu" but instead called "Old Wangtou" up.

Old Mao Wang gave Hu Zhuzi a hard look, it was naturally because Hu Zhuzi stopped calling him his honorific title and changed to calling him old man.

"You know what a fart!" Old Mao Wang scolded Hu Zhuzi.

"Do you understand that you have many wrinkles on your face?" Hu Zhuzi was not convinced.

"Of course I know better than you!" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

"Tell me, what do you know, you old man?" Hu Zhuzi was still unconvinced.

As for Shang Zhen and the others, although they are soldiers now, they have all been professional soldiers for seven or eight years, but without exception, they are all farmers.

What's wrong with being a farmer? If you are a farmer, then you have the consciousness of a small farmer!

What is Smallholder Consciousness? That is, you are particularly concerned about your own one-acre three-point land, then what is your own is your own, so why give it to others?

How did the phrase "Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields" come from? That is what has been handed down in this farming society in China.

What is fat water? That is the excrement of my own house. After a winter, it trips over the grass and then lights it, and then goes to the one-acre three-point land of my own house. This is called "fertilization".

Undoubtedly, the wealth of future generations limits the poverty of Chinese people today. If anyone has excrement in other people's vegetable garden instead of putting it in his own latrine, the old people in the family will have to scold him as a prodigal, not to mention elephant businessmen. Aunts like Zhen sent out their excellent weapons directly.

Therefore, Hu Zhuzi's anger can be imagined, he didn't dare to make a loud noise, it was only because he was really controlled by Shang Zhen.

It is also because of this that he keeps arguing with Wang Laomao like this.

"At first I didn't want to lend the gun, but after thinking about it, it's okay, since we don't have any weapons, then we can justifiably stay outside the town." Old Mao Wang lowered his voice extremely low. Said.

When Wang Laomao said this, the surrounding soldiers all looked at him, and each of them had different expressions.

Those with bright eyes thought that what Wang Laomao said was reasonable.

Those who disapprove are because they think it's too embarrassing for them to hide behind like turtles.

But Wei Qiu Bo curled his lips and said: "I'm afraid that I will be mistaken by my cleverness."

"What do you mean?" Hu Zhuzi was puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Qiu Bo curled his lips, "I also borrowed the gun, so it's like Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou and never returning it. It's over. You think you can hide behind without a good gun. How quiet is that? Say you can hide if you can? I'm afraid that when the time comes, there will be an order from above to let us go to the front to fight again.

No gun, right? No guns! If you don't have a gun, you will be like a recruit. Each person sends a gun leader to fight the bayonet with the little devil! "

Qiu Bo unceremoniously pointed out the shortcomings of Wang Laomao's statement just now, but does Wang Laomao, an old fritter, not understand this reason? Of course he understood, he had deliberately said that they could hide behind, so he was just bluffing tigers like Hu Zhuzi!

The emperor's new clothes were revealed by Qiu Bo in this way, so Old Mao Wang became anxious: "Damn, you are the sharp one! As long as you understand? It sounds good to borrow a gun? Can you say not to borrow it? Then the gun is useless if you borrow it, what do you say?"

Wang Laomao raised his voice in a hurry, and when his voice was so high, no one else said anything.

They couldn't make a sound, since that company commander Gu opened his mouth, what they were facing was a dilemma.

As far as this matter is concerned, let alone Shang Zhen, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to come up with an idea to get the best of both worlds.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Shang Zhen and Gao Swift not far away.

Now Shang Zhen is lying on the yellow woolen coat he borrowed with his upper body naked, while Gao Yuyan is reaching out to apply something to Shang Zhen's back.

What can I paint? Of course it's medicine, the medicine Gao Yuyan asked for from the local doctor who worked on Shang Zhen's bones.

Shang Zhen was crawling around in the rubble, his body was seriously injured but there were many small cuts, and he always had to stop the bleeding.

"Are they talking about you, that you shouldn't lend the gun?" Gao Yuyan asked while rubbing some medicine on Shang Zhen's back.

Shang Zhen didn't answer.

It was a difficult choice. If you don't want to go to the front to fight devils, but also want to take advantage of good guns, how can people like yourself take advantage of good things.

Now he just let Gao Yuyan "heal" himself with peace of mind.

Anyway, he let Wang Laomao pass the news that he "had a family" to Gao Yuyan through Wang Laomao's little daughter-in-law.

Then this time, no one can say that he and Gao Yuyan are ambiguous. It is Gao Yuyan's business that Gao Yuyan likes him, but he has gained peace of mind anyway.

Seeing that Shang Zhen didn't say a word, Gao Yuyan was filled with resentment again, and while applying medicine to Shang Zhen, she asked, "Are you and your daughter-in-law engaged?"

Um? Gao Yuyan's words made Shang Zhen tremble uncontrollably, and Gao Yuyan, who was applying medicine to Shang Zhen, was so frightened that she acted more gently.

"There's no such thing as baby kissing. According to Chu Tian and you learned people, it's called free love." Shang Zhen said leisurely lying there.

Who is Shang Zhen? As Mr. Wang said, don't look at Shang Zhen who looks honest and honest, but he has a smarter mind than a monkey!

How could Shang Zhen fail to understand Gao Yuyan's purpose for asking him this way? If it was a baby kiss, he would ask his parents to arrange it. Maybe he didn't like it. He didn't want to leave Gao Yuyan alive and miss her good youth.

Sure enough, after Shang Zhen said this, he felt that Gao Yuyan stopped applying the medicine for a moment.

And when that cold hand began to apply medicine to him again, he heard Gao Yuyan ask again: "Is she good-looking? She must be as beautiful as a flower."

Be obedient and listen to the sound, as far as Gao Yuyan's words mean, then it's almost time to ask Shang Zhen, who is more beautiful than me.

How could Shang Zhen compare Leng Xiaozhi with Gao Yuyan, not to mention that Leng Xiaozhi is not as beautiful as Gao Yuyan, it's just that he fell into the trap of others.

So Shang Zhen, who was lying on the ground "burning his belly", had a cunning flash in his eyes and replied: "She is not beautiful at all."

Gao Swift's hand stopped again.

And Shang Zhen went on to say: "I like women to follow my mother's point of view. They have thick waists, round buttocks, and big breasts. They are capable of giving birth to children with sufficient milk, so they are easy to bear."

"Ah?" Gao Yuyan was stunned, followed by "Pfft—" She was almost hurt internally by Shang Zhen's words!

Gao Yuyan is indeed beautiful, but with Shang Zhen's strange mate selection criteria, why does she seem to have nothing to do with it?

Waist, I have a willow slender waist.

Ass, I just lost it, slap my ears!

Breasts, how should I put it, alas, it’s too far to say, but no matter what, it’s not enough milk!

It turns out that they didn't like me!

For a moment, Gao Yuyan didn't move her hands and was dumbfounded. She completely forgot that in this cold winter, Shang Zhen was still shirtless and waiting for her to apply the medicine.

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