The War of Resistance

Chapter 831 Visit (1)

With the arrival of the 59th Army, the Chinese troops on the north bank once again launched an attack on the Japanese troops crossing the Huaihe River north.

The tenacious blockade of the 51st Army of the Northeastern Army had already caused heavy losses to the Japanese troops attacking from the south. Now, under the full blow of the 59th Army, the Chinese army not only regained the strategic town of Xiaobengbu, but was also attacked by the Japanese army. Some small villages that were occupied were also taken back.

As a result, the Japanese army, which had originally attacked the Huaihe River, faced the desperate situation of a last-ditch battle.

They finally wanted to run away across the river, but so far the Japanese boats crossing the river had been destroyed by the 51st Army.

As a result, officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army and the Northeast Army launched round after round of attacks against the Japanese troops guarding the north bank of the Huaihe River, despite the bombardments from Japanese aircraft above their heads and the artillery shells flying from the other side of the river.

Within a few days, the remaining Japanese troops on the north bank were either driven into the Huaihe River by the Chinese army and fed to the bastards, or they finally fled back to the south bank of the Huaihe River.

In view of the fact that the Chinese army relied on the natural barrier of the Huaihe River to resist tenaciously, and the Japanese army suffered too much losses, the Japanese army on the southern front finally stopped attacking and faced off with the Chinese army across the river.

From the September 18th Incident to the present, the Chinese army has been suppressed and beaten by the Japanese army. It lost Shenyang and Harbin in the north, the Shanhaiguan Great Wall defense line, Songhu in the east, and even Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, and Nanjing in the west. If you lose Taiyuan and Niangzi Pass, you will really lose countless mountains.

And has the Chinese army ever won a battle? There are small wins, but what about big wins? You can really count them on your fingers, and you only need one hand!

The great victory at Pingxingguan is counted as one. The 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army wiped out more than 1,000 enemies.

To be honest, annihilating more than 1,000 enemies is not too much, but the problem is that the popular theory in China nowadays is the theory of quick defeat. Lose this today, lose that tomorrow, and who knows which one you will lose the day after tomorrow. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know. It’s just a loss anyway.

Therefore, the political significance of the Pingxingguan victory is far greater than the military significance.

Just when the whole country is filled with depressing news about the Diucheguan Mountains, there is suddenly such a bright light. Do you think it will boost the morale of the Chinese people?

Therefore, after the victory at Pingxingguan, that old man sent two telegrams to commend the Eighth Route Army. Major domestic newspapers and radio stations such as Yan'an's "New China News" and Nanjing's "Central Daily News" and even newspapers from the United Kingdom, France, the United States, and Southeast Asian countries, The radio stations also reported the news of the Eighth Route Army's victory at Pingxingguan.

As for the common people, they naturally take to the streets to celebrate!

But what about the great victory at Pingxingguan? In a word, there are very few victories!

Some people say that the Chinese army won the Battle of the Great Wall, but didn’t the Northwest Army chop off hundreds of heads of the Japanese invaders?

Sorry, this can only be regarded as a partial victory in a local battle.

If the Chinese army won the Battle of the Great Wall, how did they lose the first line of the Great Wall? Why did the Chinese Communist Party issue a warning on the day after the July 7th Incident: "Beijing and Tianjin are in danger! North China is in danger! The Chinese nation is in danger"?

Some people say that the Battle of Songhu was a victory, but this can really only be regarded as an act of putting gold on one's own face.

The Chinese army suffered heavy losses and lost Songhu after three months of fighting. Not to mention the loss of all the elite of the Central Army in this battle, it was also debilitating. Therefore, from a tactical point of view, the battle could not be won. of.

What's more, after the defeat of Songhu, the Chinese army scrambled to retreat and was pursued by the Japanese army, which in turn paved the way for the fall of Nanjing.

Now that the Japanese army on the south bank has resigned and will no longer attack, the Huaihe River blockade finally ended with the victory of the Chinese army. In this blockade, the Japanese army suffered more than 3,000 casualties and the Northeast Army suffered more than 4,000 casualties.

If you look at the battle loss ratio between the enemy and ourselves, you must know that the battle loss ratio between China and Japan in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War could reach 5:1 or even 8:1. After the entire Anti-Japanese War ended, the quality of the individual soldiers of the Japanese army was no longer good, but the Chinese and Japanese sides The battle-loss ratio is still 4:1.

And if the Chinese army, with the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army as the main force, could fight like this in the Huaihe River Blockade, it can be considered a great victory.

But the war at this time naturally has nothing to do with Shang Zhen and the others.

Shang Zhen himself was injured. Even though he had taken penicillin and said that he would go to the battlefield immediately, it would be unrealistic. Xiao Dustpan's life or death was uncertain, so they were no longer in the mood to go to the battlefield.

After a few days, Shang Zhen's bruised area finally began to swell.

This person, let alone which part is unimportant, even the appendix usually doesn't seem to have any use, but you have acute appendicitis and try it? If it gets perforated, it will be life-threatening!

What's more, Shang Zhen injured his private part. He didn't take it seriously at first, but after he woke up from Gao Yuyan's place, the area became swollen. When he walked, it hurt when he scratched his inner thigh! And it is precisely because of this that Liu Chengyi, the 337th brigade commander, said that Shang Zhen is "a hot ass walking down the aisle!"

But now that Shang Zhen saw that the penicillin was really working, and his swelling had subsided and he no longer had pain when walking, he asked a few veterans to go north that day.

Now that he can move, he naturally wants to take a look at the small dustpan.

"Young people are careless, and old people are careless. That person has been out for such a long time, so why don't you send someone back to report the news no matter what he is like!" Hou looked at the mountainside and complained while walking on the road.

Hou Kanshan said no one knew who the younger one was, but the older one definitely meant Mr. Wang.

"That's right, that's right, everyone in the slave family misses that old man." At this time, Bai Zhan imitated the woman's voice and said.

What does Bai Zhan mean by this? Of course she was impersonating Ju Hongxia.

When he said this, several other people laughed, but Shang Zhen did not laugh. At this time, Qin Chuan said: "Don't say people are big-hearted, I think you are big-hearted!"

When Qin Chuan said this, everyone saw that Shang Zhen walked forward quickly without saying a word.

But then everyone thought, what are these people doing here? That's not why I'm here to take a leisurely tour, I'm here to find a small dustpan.

Therefore, Bai Zhan's joke was definitely not at the right time, so everyone stopped talking and followed suit.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Shang Zhen and the others appeared in front of the 59th Military Hospital.

At first, they didn't know where the hospital was, but everyone has a mouth, and they would ask if they had a mouth.

Although they also took a ride on a carriage transporting supplies from the Northwest Army on the way, they still had to walk some distance, so at this time several people were already sweating out.

Seeing that the village pointed out by passers-by was right in front of them, they started talking more.

"Shang Zhen, what did Commander Zhang say last time?" Hou Kanshan asked.

"That is to say, he has ordered Xiao Dustpan to be treated for his injuries. Such a big official doesn't have time to ask what's going on. It would be a huge favor to be able to treat him for us." Shang Zhen replied.

Everyone became worried again when they got here, hoping that the little dustpan could save the day.

Just when they were still some distance away from the house in front of them, Shi Xiaowan suddenly said: "Look, see if the big guy in front is ours."

Everyone looked forward carefully when they heard this, but they saw a big man in front of him holding a wooden bucket with his right hand dangling, and covering his nose with his left hand.

With that head and that appearance, who could it be if it wasn't Gu Man who came to deliver Xiao Dustpan for medical treatment earlier?

"Big man!" Not one person shouted this time, but everyone who came out from Shang Zhen shouted.

The shouts were unanimous and in unison, causing Gu Man, who was walking diagonally across, to jump up.

At this time, Gu Man also saw Shang Zhen and the others.

Shang Zhen and the others saw Gu Man running toward them as soon as he saw them carrying the broken wooden barrel with long legs. What he shouted was a voice that made Shang Zhen and the others a little excited and overwhelmed. : "Boss! The little dustpan is alive!"

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