The War of Resistance

Chapter 837 Drawing a clear line

Company Commander Zhan was very effective at doing things. He had discussed the matter of cooperating with Shang Zhen in fighting the Japanese, and soon sent people to find a large yard for Shang Zhen and the others, and even brought them food.

People even heard that there were female soldiers among Shang Zhen's group, but they found a small courtyard for them to let the three female soldiers rest.

Logically speaking, Shang Zhen and his group should be happy that food and accommodation have been solved, but no one can be happy about the problem.

Mr. Wang and the others originally had objections to Shang Zhen's decision to go to Nan'an to cause trouble, but they were talking about Shang Zhen and Gao Yuyan behind their backs so that Shang Zhen heard them.

Now he is watching Shang Zhen licking his "long face". Even though Mr. Wang has a thick face, if Shang Zhen calls him "old and unruly" to his face, how can he get off the stage? ?

"Oh, this house is nice. It has several houses. Leave one for our leader!" Qian Chuan'er glanced at the yard and said to please Shang Zhen.

"Yes." "Yes." The soldiers also knew that Shang Zhen was angry, so they naturally agreed. Mr. Wang was also there "Yes."

But Shang Zhen snorted and said: "My wife is in the Eighth Route Army. I want a single room to fuck? I'll sleep in that woodshed." He pointed back to a woodshed in the yard and turned around and went there. .

As soon as Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers naturally could only stare with big eyes, but Mr. Wang was so angry that he almost slapped himself in the face, and I said "yes"!

Oops, why do I have such a bad mouth!

have to! Hot face and cold butt!

Otherwise, don't make honest people angry.

Why? Honest people don't get angry easily. Not only will they get angry, but it's not that easy to get rid of them.

Shang Zhen entered the woodshed and closed the door with a bang.

He saw that although the woodshed was not big, there was a pile of straw in the woodshed, so he lay down on the pile of straw and rested his arms on it, and began to look at the fence in a trance.

The reason why Shang Zhen wanted to take people to the south bank of the Huaihe River to buy weapons was actually out of anger, and it was too irritating for him to throw around.

Yes, I slept at Gao Yuyan's place for the whole night. Yes, when I woke up in the middle of the night with a beautiful woman in my arms, it was true that my heart was moved. If I hadn't been injured, something must have happened.

But, after all, it didn’t happen! Why did I let you guys talk so badly about me and howl like I was walking down the aisle, as if I had done something shameful?

Well, if I really do it and let you bluff me behind my back, I won't lose. But the problem is that I didn't do anything. What else can you do if I'm so injured?

You damn old hater, if you find a little wife for yourself, just treat everyone else like you!

Shang Zhen internally complained to Mr. Wang and finally calmed down his resentment.

He did not know that a literary master of his generation named Zhou called his mentality the "Ah Q" spirit.

Are there really people in this world who don’t have Ah Q’s spirit? There are definitely some, but the vast majority of people have this kind of Ah Q spirit. Everyone needs to vent their emotions, right?

Shang Zhen vented his inner resentment and felt the softness of the straw under his body, then remembered the day when he woke up and found Gao Yuyan in his arms.

Thinking of Gao Yuyan nestling in his arms at that time, he felt warm in his heart.

Oh, no, Shang Zhen was alert. He couldn't always think about her. He had promised that girl Xiaozhi. If I don't marry someone else, I can't marry them. If they don't marry me, I can't marry them. This is a two-way constraint!

If Xiaozhi never got married, but he found a wife, then who would he be? Then you are no longer a human being, you can’t do this yourself!

No, I can no longer stay with Gao Yatou. Don’t worry about who is the firewood and who is the fire. If they come together, they will always catch fire!

Shang Zhen was thinking about it and suddenly sat up. He felt something was wrong, then he stood up and walked to the door of the woodshed.

The door of the woodshed is not that tight. Through the gap in the door, he saw Mr. Wang and the three women, Ju Hongxia, Gao Yuyan and Su Ya, standing at the door of the courtyard. Mr. Wang was still looking like a He was frowning and squinting at the woodshed where he was in a sneaky manner.

If that was the case, then that was all. Then Shang Zhen saw Gao Yuyan's soft steps moving. It seemed that she was coming to the woodshed.

Why am I so stupid? I don’t sleep in a single room in the house. Although this woodshed is a little dilapidated, it’s still a single room!

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen pushed the door of the firewood shed with a creak and walked out on his own.

When he walked out, he pretended not to see Gao Yuyan and instead walked towards the big house.

"The boss is out, are you going to go to Gaha?" Qin Chuan, who was at the door of the big house, asked hurriedly when he saw Shang Zhen coming.

"You're blind!" Shang Zhen said angrily, "Can you laugh when I enter the house?"

Well, Qin Chuan was in trouble again.

Except for giving orders for war, Shang Zhen had never said anything like this to people like him in such a tone and manner. Everyone knew that this time they were chewing Shang Zhen's tongue behind his back, which really made others angry.

Shang Zhen then walked into the house, but in the end he couldn't help but glance at Gao Yuyan.

Shang Zhen knows Mr. Wang very well.

He saw Mr. Wang and Gao Yuyan whispering something in the crack of the woodshed door, and he guessed that Mr. Wang saw that he was getting angry, so he must have persuaded Gao Yuyan to come over and see him.

Since he no longer wants to have anything to do with Gao Yuyan, how can he give Gao Yuyan another chance to be alone with him? As the saying goes, love will last for a long time. Sooner or later something will happen if two people stay together. He must not forget his love for Leng Xiaozhi. promise!

Although I say that I and Leng Xiaozhi are incompatible with each other, as a man, I have to keep it since I promised it. Even if I make a mistake, it will be the one who makes the mistake first. Anyway, I can't make the mistake first. As a man, take the lead. You must have this strength!

Shang Zhen entered the house again, and Hu Zhuzi followed Shang Zhen into the house.

When Hu Zhuzi walked through the door, the owner entered the house with Yiba under his arm. The door was never closed. Why? Because there was Yiba behind his butt, so the door couldn't be closed!

Although the two of them entered the house, the sound of talking came from the open door.

"You said you are the boss and the officer, and you have your own room and you can't live there. Why are you lying down on the big bunk here again?" This was Hu Zhuzi's voice, and even Hu Zhuzi could tell that Shang Zhen was angry. .

"Get out! I'm happy to. That single room is reserved for a couple. My wife is not here!" Shang Zhen's voice came out immediately, and the voice was a bit loud no matter how loud it was.

Suddenly, the face of Gao Yuyan, who was standing in the middle of the yard, suddenly turned red. She had to start chatting, but now she couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground to crawl in!

Chinese characters are very particular.

For example, "universe", "yu" represents space, and "zhou" represents time.

Who knows whether the "universe" as space has an end, and who knows where the "universe" as time begins and where it ends?

And at the same time, there are different people performing different scenes.

Shang Zhen didn't know that Leng Xiaozhi and Mo Jianchen were walking together in an anti-Japanese base area thousands of miles away.

"Are you really planning to go to Lunan to fight guerrillas?" Mo Jianchen asked.

"Of course, we have finished talking to the organization." Leng Xiaozhi replied.

"Alas." Mo Jianchen sighed, but he didn't say what he wanted to say.

Where there are crowds of people, there are three factions: left, middle and right. Where there are crowds of people, there are feelings between men and women, and food and sex are also human instincts.

Leng Xiaozhi can no longer stay in this base area because a leader has taken a liking to her and someone has introduced her.

Leng Xiaozhi still refused to let go of the ignorant junior officer of the national army in the distance, so she decided to stay away.

At this time, Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi are like two birds flying in the sky, always in the south and in the north. Who knows when they will meet? And this is life.

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