The War of Resistance

Chapter 901 Hero and Coward

Is Shang Zhen's bayonet stab outstanding?

That’s certainly brilliant!

Nowadays, regardless of whether the Chinese soldiers are from the Central Army or from the unnamed army, it is not possible to just pick up a Japanese soldier and kill a Japanese soldier so cleanly in hand-to-hand combat.

Therefore, Shang Zhen stabbed the Japanese soldier all the way through the front and back, and the people nearby shouted "Okay". However, the voice only just started, but there was a louder "Coax" from the crowd!

At this time, Shang Zhen had drawn his gun and jumped back, preparing to engage the enemy again.

If Shang Zhen's stabbing to death of the Japanese soldier demonstrated his stabbing prowess, his retreating with a gun fully demonstrated his veteran qualities.

Fighting events, such as martial arts, Sanda, and boxing, actually all have a starting point, which is to keep the center of gravity of the body moving at any time to facilitate attack or avoidance. The same is true for bayonet fighting.

That counts as shooting. As a veteran, after firing the bullet in the chamber, the next action must be to press the bullet so that it can be fired.

However, at this time, Shang Zhen's outstanding performance was overtaken by others. When Shang Zhen raised his gun and looked at it, he saw that the old man had already swung the Japanese soldier he was facing!

right! It was a swing, not the kind of carrying the opponent on the shoulders and spinning around to throw the opponent away, but using one's own hands to grab the opponent's ankles and pull the opponent up!

The three Japanese soldiers previously raised their guns outwards to form a triangular defensive formation, and Shang Zhen only faced one of them.

Shang Zhen was naturally focused on the enemy just now. Of course he didn't know what happened on the other side of the big man. Who knows why both the enemy and our rifles were thrown away, but the Japanese soldier was already looking like a black iron tower. It seemed like the big old fool was getting up and down like a dog!

At this moment, Shang Zhen didn't allow him to think too much. He saw the old fool swinging the frightened Japanese soldier into an arc in the air, and then, the Japanese soldier's head and body hit him. It made a "boom" sound when it hit the ground!

At this moment, if the Japanese soldier's head was not broken, it would have been stuffed into the chest by the big old man.

It's just that the big old fool can't finish it in this moment.

He still felt that the smash was not enough, so he grabbed the Japanese soldier's ankle and started swinging it again, and with another "boom", the Japanese soldier no longer made any sound!

"Okay, if you throw the shit again, the shit will come out!" At this time, someone shouted from the side, and the person shouting was Qingfeng Li.

Qingfeng Li and Big Boss grew up together. Others, including Shang Zhen, didn't know Big Boss's methods, but how could Li Qingfeng not know?

"Oh." After hearing Qingfeng Li speak, the old fool gave up.

At this time, the onlookers saw the Japanese soldier who had been beaten to a disgrace, with blood flowing from his eyes, mouth and nose.

At this time, there was really a faint stench. Just as Li Qingfeng said, the old man really knocked the shit out of this Japanese soldier in just these two moves!

By this time, no one was paying attention. Of course, it was the three pairs of people fighting in the middle anyway. You could still see it even if you weren't paying attention.

It was only Cheng Wan, but he took advantage of the power of Shang Zhen and Da Laobeng to kill the enemy. When his opponent was frightened, he stabbed the Japanese soldier he faced in the lower abdomen with a bayonet, and then stabbed the Japanese soldier. The Japanese soldiers rolled on the ground.

There was a ferocious look in the big and small eyes of the young man. Just as he was about to kill the Japanese soldier with another shot, Blind Hao shouted: "Stop!"

It was only a matter of time before the Japanese soldier died, so of course Cai Chengwan was no longer in a hurry to take action.

But at this time, Blind Hao pointed at a recruit who was watching the battle beside him and said, "You! Go over there and kill this bitch!"

When Hao Xiazi made such a fuss, the person he was referring to became the focus of the scene, and everyone's eyes naturally focused on it.

But at this moment, he saw that the man was holding an old rifle and was trembling. Hao Xiazi shouted louder, and he was so frightened that the recruit sat down on the ground with a "plop"!

"The thief has no future! If you don't kill this little devil, I will kill you!" The thing that Blind Hao looked down on the most was the coward, and he would scold whenever he opened his mouth.

But at this time, Shang Zhen walked over and reached out to grab the person sitting on the ground. Just because he didn't know how things happened so quickly, the person Hao Xiazi was pointing to was Wang Xiaodan!

There is a gap between ideals and reality after all.

It's a far cry to say that new recruits are afraid of cannons and veterans are afraid of guns. What do new recruits fear the most? What recruits fear most is hand-to-hand combat, simply because it is too bloody!

At this time, the wound of the Japanese soldier who was rolling on the ground burst open, and his colorful intestines came out!

How has Wang Xiaodan seen this before?

At this time, all he could see were the colorful and black intestines of the Japanese soldiers. How could he care about looking for his own exciting new life? He spat it out with a "wow" sound!

The coughs of those people were spreading to each other, but the nausea and fear were the same.

It didn't matter that Wang Xiaodan vomited like this. The recruits nearby who were already frightened also said "Wow". For a moment, the smell of their vomit was better than that of the old man who was thrown to death. The Japanese army smells really bad!

"Coward! I'll kill you!" Blind Hao was so anxious that he stretched out his hand and raised his box cannon towards Wang Xiaodan.

He had long seen that Shang Zhen was a veteran in his military background, so he asked Shang Zhen and Caicheng Wan Da Laobeng as representatives of the new recruits to go forward to fight with the Japanese army that was already trapped and still fighting. Not only did these three people not It disappointed him, but it also made him face a big fight in front of his superiors!

But the joy he was filled with just now was instantly nauseated by Wang Xiaodan's first words!

Wang Xiaodan and the other recruits were disgusted by the tragic sight of the wounded Japanese soldiers, but Blind Hao was disgusted by Wang Xiaodan and the others, who were as fearful of the enemy as rats!

If Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen, and the idiots just now were heroes, then this Wang Xiaodan is what a Shaanxi person calls a coward!

"Hey, company commander!" At this moment, Shang Zhen, who had already noticed something was wrong, hurriedly stepped forward, but he stood directly in front of Wang Xiaodan.

"Company Commander, don't kill your own people. You tie up this little devil first. Later, I will ask my brother to kill this little devil!" Shang Zhen said loudly.

As a veteran, Shang Zhen is undoubtedly well-informed, but this is really the first time he has seen an army like the Forty Army.

Just Hao Xiazi and his gang are bandits in military uniforms!

"You let this coward kill the Japanese?" Blind Hao's eyes widened when he heard what Shang Zhen said.

As the saying goes, mud can't hold up a wall, but he doesn't think Shang Zhen has any good tricks to make the coward in front of him become bolder.

"Really, company commander, I have a way." Shang Zhen hurriedly continued to persuade. At the same time, he glanced at the box cannon in Hao Xiazi's hand. Seeing that the machine head of the gun was not open, he reached out and gently pushed Hao Xiazi back. 's pushed.

"Okay! Boy, I will fucking trust you for once. Let me see what tricks you can use to make the coward not afraid of death!" Blind Hao angrily put away his gun.

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