The War of Resistance

Chapter 904 The Age of Heroes

Shang Zhen, along with Li Qingfeng, Da Laobeng and Wang Xiaodan, temporarily stayed in Hao Xiazi's company. At this time, Hao Xiazi naturally asked Shang Zhen about the identity of the Northeast Army.

After Hao Xiazi and the others witnessed Shang Zhen's stabbing skills with their own eyes, and after Ma Erpao described Shang Zhen's marksmanship as a witness as a witness, Shang Zhen's Northeastern Army identity was no longer something he could conceal.

Shang Zhen actually said that he wanted to take the three of them back to the Northeastern Army, but Blind Man Hao would never let him go. Seeing that Shang Zhen insisted on leaving, Blind Man Hao showed his cunning like a jackal from the northwest. He said, it's okay if you want to leave. Then you can help me lead the new recruits before you leave, right?

Shang Zhen said, you captured the young man, why should I train him?

Blind Hao said, "If you don't help me train, I'll make these new recruits go to the fucking charge!"

Where is Shang Zhen's weakness? Shang Zhen's weakness lies in his soft heart.

However, he still said stubbornly, the soldiers are yours, whether they die or not has nothing to do with me!

But he didn't expect that Blind Hao would treat the other person in his own way and said, I say you kid, think about it, think about it! If it were your brothers who were being charged into battle and killed by rows of Japanese machine guns, would you feel sad or not? Yes, just think about it with your eyes closed!

After finishing speaking, Blind Hao looked at Shang Zhen with a playful smile.

And Shang Zhen saw the cunning gaze of an old guy like Old Huo Tou or Wang Lao Mao in the blind eyes of Hao Xiazi.

He always hangs out with jackals, so how can he feel a sense of intimacy when he sees a jackal? Shang Zhen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but what he said became, okay!

In fact, Shang Zhen knew very well that he did not become a soldier just by holding a gun. Training new soldiers was a very tedious job.

It's just that Hao Xiazi's regiment was only able to rest temporarily because they captured this village.

And this "temporary" cannot last more than a week, or three to five days, or one or two days, and the war will definitely start again.

At this time, Shang Zhen also had time to ask Hao Xiazi some things about the Forty Army.

After he asked Hao Xiazi carefully and made his own inferences, he had a general understanding of the Forty Army, a branch of the Northwest Army where Hao Xiazi was located.

The commander of the Forty Army was named Pang, and they were all in their fifties.

People are always cunning, and Commander Pang is a cunning old man. Whenever there is a tough battle to be fought, no matter whether it is civil war or foreign war, he will lead his team to escape first!

It can be said that there are quite a few Chinese troops nowadays who flee as soon as they see the fierce Japanese aggressors. For example, wasn't the chairman of SD Province killed by the old man because he abandoned Shandong?

It should be said that Commander Pang's team is slightly different from other teams.

That is, if other troops flee, it will be like herding sheep, and it will be chaotic.

But this is not the case for Commander Pang. Even though he is old, he is willing to share the joys and sorrows with his subordinates. If there is something delicious to eat together, if there is something not delicious, I will also eat it if I am old and have bad teeth.

As for China today, of course, let’s not talk about today, let’s just talk about China at any time. How many such military commanders are there? Not much!

Therefore, the officers and soldiers under him are willing to follow him, fighting together and escaping together. No matter how they escape, the organization is always there and there is very little attrition.

This time, after the Japanese army adopted a north-south flanking attack on Xuzhou, they encountered firm resistance from the 51st Army and the 59th Army in the north and south. They were blocked at the Huaihe River line, so they could only go from the north to the south. beated.

They really occupied Jinan first, then Feicheng and Tai'an, then Yanzhou and Qufu, and then Jining and Qingdao. The enemy was really arrogant and powerful.

This time Commander Pang received the order to guard LY again.

The Guangxi general who is the commander-in-chief of this war zone is also very particular about his work. As a member of the motley army, he understands the pain of the motley army. Grandma does not care for his uncle and does not love him. He has no logistics and no supplies. He has been defeated and has no soldiers.

Who knows who's in pain, if the soldiers are gone, they can secretly catch some strong men, but how can they do this without weapons and equipment?

In order to protect Xuzhou, the Guangxi general actually asked for a large amount of weapons and equipment from someone who always only focused on his direct lineage to arm Commander Pang's 40th Army!

And is the Fortieth Army really short of guns and ammunition? Maybe there were a few missing originally, but after getting supplements from the central government, the number of light and heavy machine guns they owned under the same organization exceeded that of the central army.

So, don't look at this time, blind man Hao and the others took people to the north bank of the Huaihe River and captured hundreds of strong men. They only gave them old guns when they came back, but the 40th Army is really good at guns, and they can only live a normal life. At the same time, these strong men are not taken seriously.

In order to thank the commander-in-chief of the Guangxi Clan for his kindness, Commander Pang also issued a death order this time. We will not run away this time. People always have to do something big in this life!

So this time he really let the Forty Army fight to the death, but by chance, Shang Zhen was captured by Hao Xiazi at this very moment.

There is an old saying in China that "in troubled times, heroes emerge." If we don't talk about justice and injustice, then which of the generals from the various local factions and motley armies is not considered a hero?

Although he has the style of a bachelor who dares to fight, he also has a cunning character. It really takes eight people to have eight and a half minds.

However, these Chinese heroes all have the same dream.

What do you want to dream about? Unity!

From the Beiyang warlords to before the formation of the Anti-Japanese United Front, no matter how hard the heroes fought, they rarely stood still. If they say that I am independent once I occupy a piece of territory, I am no longer Chinese. Are there such people? The answer is, no!

So which hero doesn't want to first compete in the Central Plains and then take over the Central Plains?

To say that the best conditions for independence are probably the Northeast King Zhang Dashuai who was killed by the Japanese. But once Zhang Dashuai died, although Zhang Marshal's performance during the September 18th Incident was really very good, but others After his father died, he changed his banner and accepted the leadership of the central government, at least in name.

There is a method of tying knots in Chinese folk custom called "Chinese knot", Chinese knot, Chinese knot. It is really a knot that only Chinese people can tie, and a knot that only Chinese people have.

China is very big and has a long history. The complexity of the Chinese national character sometimes seems to be innate in our bones.

It is reflected in the crowd, that is, when the nation is in danger, there is always the backbone of the nation to come forward.

Reflected in a single person, the natural desire to save the country by having people's hearts be kind to others also realizes a little thought of his own, that is, people's hearts are inherently evil but they also have a heart for good.

Therefore, some people surrendered and became traitors and then rebelled, and some were determined to resist Japan at first but later became traitors.

This is China today. From the big guys at the top to the little guys below, there is a sense of crisis.

And now Shang Zhen, a little man, a veteran of many battles, is training in this era with a group of new recruits who have been pushed out of the market.

But maybe the battle is coming tomorrow, so Shang Zhen won't have time to explain it to them in detail.

Since soldiers have guns, they must be able to shoot. Shang Zhen taught the recruits how to shoot. Of course, it was impossible to shoot with live ammunition. According to Hao Xiazi, when they went to the battlefield, each of them fired five rounds. Bullets!

Shang Zhen knew that it would be good to give the new recruits a chance to shoot, so he continued to teach without saying anything, and what he was taught was naturally how to use the terrain to carry out cross-cover attacks during the charge.

Experts will know if there is anything wrong as soon as they make a move. Shang Zhen's tactics were all summed up in actual combat. Not to mention the recruits, at least Blind Hao listened to it with great interest.

"I said, boy, okay, you are a famous soldier. One day I will treat you to a drink, and you can tell me more about it." Blind Hao said, looking at the new soldier who was practicing crawling under Shang Zhen's order.

"Tch, you still have a reputation? I also have a bunch of brothers under my command." Shang Zhen replied disapprovingly.

Blind Hao was completely convinced by Shang Zhen, so he didn't say anything to Shang Zhen's rude words this time.

In fact, all veterans have the characteristics of veterans. Veterans are not polite when talking to each other. If you are really polite, you are not a veteran!

Shang Zhen looked at the recruits crawling forward on the ground, thinking about his first time as a soldier, and then thought about his brothers.

I don’t know how Uncle Wang and the others are doing now, and I don’t know that Little Dustpan’s injury is getting better.

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