The War of Resistance

Chapter 914 In the Rain

All four Japanese sentries were killed. From Blind Hao's perspective, he could only see Shang Zhen and Qingfeng Li rushing in through the front door. As for the platoon leader and platoon leader who entered through the rear window, he could not see them.

He didn't need to know how Shang Zhen and the others killed the four Japanese sentries in that moment. He only needed to know that the four people he teamed with came out alive, and that was enough.

That is to say, five minutes later, Hao Xiazi took more than a hundred people with him and set off again, and this time the frontline was directed at the village one mile away.

The rain fell harder again, and everyone's cotton-padded clothes were already wet. However, Blind Hao felt that the morale of the soldiers had improved. It should be that Shang Zhen and the others succeeded in killing four of them in less than a minute. The reason why he was named a Japanese sentry.

Faced with a fierce enemy, since there is no way to avoid it, let's do it.

Facts have proved that the four of us can also kill the four little devils. The little devils have nothing more than us, so let’s do it.

If you want to be proud of death and ashamed of life, then do it!

At least these were the things that Blind Hao was thinking about.

In fact, he felt that the five-minute delay was too late. According to his original intention, since Shang Zhen and the others had killed the Japanese guard post, they should have immediately moved towards the village shrouded in rain and fog in front of them.

But Shang Zhen refused, so Shang Zhen took off the clothes of a tall Japanese soldier, and then asked Qingfeng Li and Wang Xiao to put on the clothes stripped from the Japanese soldier.

Shang Zhen said that the three of them could pretend to be Japanese soldiers and stand in the front line. This would be more conducive to engaging the enemy and giving the Japanese soldiers in the village a surprise blow.

Shang Zhen made such a suggestion in front of Quan Lian, and for a while, Blind Hao really couldn't refuse.

Shang Zhenna had just made a meritorious service. The blood on his body after he stabbed the Japanese to death with a bayonet had not been washed away by the rain.

And Shang Zhen's proposal can help them reduce casualties, so how can he refuse Shang Zhen's request?

So that's how the five minutes passed.

At this time, how could Shang Zhen, who was walking at the front, not understand what Blind Hao was thinking?

Regarding Hao Xiazi's idea, Shang Zhen's own evaluation was that his courage was commendable, but his behavior was inappropriate.

Courage is commendable, which naturally means not being afraid of sacrifice in the face of powerful enemies.

Improper behavior means that it is not far away from darkness. So why should we launch a night attack on the Japanese army when the visibility is still good?

The reason why Shang Zhen made this evaluation of Hao Xiazi was because he was not the kind of extreme person. If the veterans of the Northeast Army under him were to encounter such a situation, it would be unpleasant to hear.

For example, can he still be a company commander with this little brain? Was his head slapped by a bow or kicked by a donkey?

For example, are you rushing to reincarnate? Why die when you can live? Only a fool would do this!

Therefore, although Shang Zhen took Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan to change into Japanese army clothes with the intention of getting closer to the Japanese army, did he not actually intend to delay Hao Xiazi's attack? That's just Shang Zhen pretending to be like Hao Xiazi and didn't notice it.

This time Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan naturally walked at the front again.

The old man pouted because of this, but what can he do? Who said he was too tall? He looked like a black iron tower.

Shang Zhen has been fighting Japanese soldiers seven or eight years ago. He has never seen a Japanese devil as tall as a big old fool. If the old fool pretends to be a Japanese devil, you don't need to think about it. It will be like a group of chickens suddenly appearing. It just has a long neck waiting for the (heron) to come, and everyone knows it is fake.

However, Shang Zhen and the others killed four Japanese soldiers in total, but Hao Xiazi asked a small soldier under his command to dress up as a Japanese soldier and walk with Shang Zhen and the others.

As for the reasons for this, no one will point out, but there are only a few, either dangerous things can't always make Shang Zhen good, or things that add glory and color can't always make Shang Zhen good, or Since Hao Xiazi and the others had withdrawn from that village, the soldier was more familiar with the terrain in that village.

The rain was falling harder, and the sky was getting darker. There were four top soldiers in front, followed more than 200 meters behind by a whole company of troops.

It should be said that Hao Xiazi shouldn't have so many people left, but because he put in the most effort to capture the young men, he captured the most young men. Later, the superiors did not allow these young men to be used as cannon fodder, so there were many young men who stayed with him temporarily for training. .

The battle broke out suddenly, and the strong men did not have time to withdraw.

Therefore, the method Hao Xiazi used was to bring a few veterans and more than a dozen recruits to fight the Japanese army. Although their casualties were high, they could not stand up to the large number of people.

Otherwise, why did Shang Zhen suggest that Blind Hao temporarily give that position to the Japanese army? Seeing those new soldiers and veterans die in vain under the superior firepower of the Japanese army, the feeling in his heart is really indescribable!

"What's your name?" the veteran asked Shang Zhen, looking at the village in the rain and fog ahead.

"Huh? Talk to me?" Shang Zhen, who had remained silent since he started walking, was slightly startled.

"Of course I'm talking to you," the veteran said.

"I thought you would call me a Northeastern guy." Shang Zhen laughed at himself.

"That's because everyone is used to making trouble, don't be like them. My name is Lu Yifei, what's yours?" the veteran asked next.

"My name is Shang Zhen." Shang Zhen answered honestly.

"They said you have a group of brothers of your own." That Lu Yifei asked again.

"Yeah." Shang Zhen responded.

"Then you are also a commander." Lu Yifei said again.

"That's right." Shang Zhen answered vaguely.

He never felt that he was a commander, but he did lead his brothers.

Lu Yifei sensed Shang Zhen's lack of words and stopped asking. The four leading soldiers in front of them walked forward unhurriedly.

This is the beauty of Shang Zhen dressing up the four top soldiers as Japanese soldiers.

Now the four of them were walking forward in the rain, step by step, not going anywhere slowly but definitely not very fast.

They were like people returning home in the rain. Sometimes they even used the rifles in their hands as walking sticks and hammered them on the ground to maintain their balance. However, when leaning on the ground, they used the butts of their rifles.

Come to think of it, four Japanese soldiers are now returning to the village occupied by the Japanese army. Anyway, they are soaked by the rain. If they hold their guns and keep looking like they are facing the enemy, it will be too fake. Got it!

As a result, Hao Xiazi, who was following far behind, could no longer rush him.

After all, Blind Hao let Shang Zhen do the "scheming". If he saw Shang Zhen's intentions, he would definitely charge Shang Zhen with "delaying the opportunity to fight"!

However, it was only a mile or five hundred meters from the ruined kiln where Shang Zhen and the others set out to the village. Shang Zhen and his four leading soldiers finally arrived only a hundred meters away from the village.

At this time, Lu Yifei finally felt nervous. Who knew if there were Japanese soldiers under a certain roof in the rainy and foggy village, aiming their rifles at them.

Lu Yifei wiped the rain off his face, looked at Shang Zhen who was still using his gun as a crutch and said, "Isn't this your first time pretending to be a Japanese devil?"

"I pretended a few times." Shang Zhen replied, not looking at the village in front but concentrating on walking.

"Aren't you afraid?" Lu Yifei asked again.

"What's the use of being afraid? Believe in fate. When I first fought against the Japanese, I thought, in eighteen years I will be a good man again. I am twenty-five years old now. So if I die this time, in twenty-five years I will be a good man again." A good man." Shang Zhen replied.

Although it was still raining, Shang Zhen's answer even had a hint of smile.

Lu Yifei didn't expect Shang Zhen to answer like this. He stood stunned for a moment before following him, and finally whispered: "It's a blessing to be your brother."

Shang Zhen pretended not to hear anything and said nothing. He felt a little proud in his heart, but then the voices and looks of those brothers who had sacrificed their lives for the country appeared in his mind. Third brother Li Fushun, company commander Hu Biao , Er fool...

Not every mission is extremely dangerous, at least this time. When Shang Zhen and the four of them entered the alley on the outskirts of the village seemingly casually but nervously, nothing happened, and no Japanese troops attacked them. After asking, no Japanese soldiers shot at them.

Presumably, the Japanese army thought that sentries had been placed on the flanks, and there were as many as four people there. The Japanese army in the village must have placed sentries in the main direction, and the rest of the Japanese army took shelter from the rain.

To be precise, this is a winter rain. Soldiers from both China and Japan are wearing cotton-padded clothes. The cotton-padded clothes become bloated when they are soaked by the rain, and water is also weight. It is a kind of carrying a load to move forward, just like nowadays Chinese people’s war of resistance.

"We should have a chance to do something big!" When Shang Zhen met Hao Xiazi who caught up later, he, who had always been calm, felt that his voice was a little strange.

As for the reason for the strangeness, it was of course excitement, because the Japanese army was completely defenseless!

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