The War of Resistance

Chapter 928 Don’t fight an unprepared battle

Holding the position, they were blown to pieces by the invaders' artillery fire.

Seize the opportunity to sneak attack on the Japanese army, no matter whether it is night combat or close combat, whether it is a rifle or a grenade, it can still pose a threat to the invaders.

So, is there any need to ask which method of combat the soldiers choose?

As a result of Shang Zhen's success in convincing the soldiers, they appeared in a forest at noon that day.

"Have you seen the ridge in front of you?" Mu Gen said, pointing ahead.

"I saw it." Shang Zhen replied.

"Those are two slender mountain ridges, and the highway is between those two ridges." Mugen said again.

The result of the discussion between Shang Zhen and the soldiers was that even if the eighty or so of them rushed to LY City, it would not have any impact on the war. Since the Japanese army had already broken through in front of them, they might as well make a fuss on the Japanese army's supply line. .

At this time, Shang Zhen felt lucky that he met the people who were the most enthusiastic about the Chinese army since the Anti-Japanese War.

Although one of his veterans beat up a villager, didn't Shang Zhen restrain the soldiers from entering the village again? When Namugen heard that Shang Zhen and the others were going to ambush the Japanese army, he went back to the village and told his second grandfather who was in charge.

The old man was really good at talking in the village, so the villagers provided Shang Zhen and the others with food rations. This time, not only did they have sweet potatoes, they even gave them stacks of pancakes!

However, since they wanted to attack the Japanese supply line, Shang Zhen and the others did not have time to enter the village again.

Na Mugen was enthusiastic, but he took the initiative to serve as a guide for Shang Zhen and the others. Otherwise, how would Shang Zhen and the others know where to set an ambush for the Japanese army?

"Let's go, Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei, and Lao Qiuzi, the three of you come up to the front with me and have a look." Shang Zhen ordered.

As a guide, Mu Gen must follow, and the reason why Shang Zhen wanted to take the veteran named Lao Qiuzi was because he found that this old Qiuzi was quite prestigious among the veterans, even though he was also a prick. .

But for Yu Shangzhen, it doesn't matter. When he is an official, he doesn't have the final say and one person has the final say. When designing the battle plan, it is better to have a thorny head to participate. In this way, no matter whether he loses or wins, he will not be left behind. Complain.

To put it bluntly, Shang Zhen has not yet regarded the veterans of the original Hao Xiazi Company as his brothers, and those veterans were really unsatisfied by no one, so they made him the acting company commander.

A few minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others were already lying on the small high ground on one side to look at the terrain.

Shang Zhen just looked at the terrain and understood it in his heart, and then began to think deeply.

There is a road sandwiched between two long and narrow highlands. This kind of terrain is perfect for an ambush.

It's just that the reason why it is called a small highland is that the highland is a bit short, that is, about four or five meters high.

Some people will say that four or five meters is not short, so if anyone can jump up to four or five meters in one go, it will be the legendary flying mast and walking over the wall.

As for some people who say that they can jump up by raising their legs if they know how to do Qinggong, how can they say that? I can only use the famous three-word judgment of Northeastern people: What a bullshit! Four-word conclusion: pure bullshit! !

Of course, it's not short at four or five meters high, but the problem is that this is high ground, and there is a slope. Although the slope is thirty to forty degrees, it is by no means impossible for people to climb up!

So here comes the question. If Shang Zhen and the others really ambushed the Japanese army here, counting their distance from the slope, they would only be a few dozen meters away from the middle of the road.

This is convenient for fighting the Japanese army, but if there are many Japanese troops, how can they retreat if they can wipe them all out?

Thinking of retreating, Shang Zhen began to observe the terrain on the high ground where they were hiding.

They came from this end. Of course, there are slopes in the highlands on this side. After the slopes is the valley. There are puddles in the valley, but the puddles are obviously very shallow. And ahead is the forest where they stopped before.

The distance from the ridge of the high ground here to the woods is about a hundred meters.

The woods were quite dense. If they could escape into the woods during the retreat, they might not have a chance to escape under someone's cover.

Shang Zhen just faced the Japanese army and launched an attack, but why did he feel unwilling to do so?

Of course, the greatest threat is to attack the Japanese troops simultaneously on the highlands on both sides. Cross-fire is always the most damaging to the enemy.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen glanced at the northwest direction, where the highway came from, and was blocked by the high ground. At least so far, Shang Zhen did not see any Japanese troops or civilians walking on the highway.

"You guys keep a close eye, I'll go to the other side and have a look." Shang Zhen said.

Then, without waiting for anyone else to respond, he stood up and walked carefully down the slope.

It rained the day before yesterday, but it was a sunny day today. The sunshine on the body was already a little warm, so the grass on the slope was already dry.

That grass is just ordinary grass. If it is summer, then this kind of grass is the kind of grass that grows by the green river. It is not the kind of grass that grows very tall and has thick stems. Therefore, even if it is dry, it is soft and not too dry. Talk about trampling the grass.

However, it is said that it is easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down. If Shang Zhen wanted to go down the slope smoothly, he would not step on the grassless soil, but the soil was still slippery.

But when he stepped on a thick area of ​​hay, the grass there was not dry, so his feet slipped when he stepped down.

Shang Zhen's reaction could have prevented him from falling, but he simply took advantage of that slip and sat down on the grass and slipped away.

He slipped down very quickly, but when he stood up at the bottom of the slope, his buttocks were wet.

But just as he was about to run across the highway, Shang Zhen suddenly felt something in his heart. He remembered something, so he turned around and looked at the slope of the highland on this side. He saw that there were not many exposed areas of soil on it, but looking at it, there were so many White withered grass lying on the slope.

The trick he thought should work, Shang Zhen thought to himself, then turned around and ran across the road, but ignored the four people who were still hiding behind the high ground and looking at him.

With the experience of going downhill just now, Shang Zhen no longer went to the area with dense grass. Instead, he chose a relatively dry place and sprinted up to the high ground on this side of the road.

He only roughly observed the terrain outside the high ground on this side, but couldn't help but smile bitterly. With this terrain, if someone were to be sent on this side when setting up an ambush, it would be a life-threatening job!

Shang Zhen had already observed the terrain on both sides, and he knew it well.

Just as he was about to return, he caught a glimpse of a figure suddenly appearing at the end of the road.

This discovery made Shang Zhen startled and hurriedly retracted behind the ridge of the high ground and lay down.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the Japanese army. All he thought about was that he had just come up with a new battle plan. The people coming over were the Japanese army, and the number of the Japanese army was just enough to fight the eighty or so of them.

If that were the case, it would be such a pity!

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