The War of Resistance

Chapter 942 The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

A group of soldiers armed with guns and loaded with ammunition and on full alert walked into the village where the remaining flames were still burning. It is not an exaggeration to describe the situation before them by saying that every family is mourning and every family is mourning.

The men clenched their fists with sullen faces, looking sad, sad or angry, while the disheveled women sat on the ground, beating the ground and crying. The half-collapsed burned house, and the person lying in a pool of blood at the door of the street, felt this. But nothing is known.

Suddenly, a man rushed towards the group of soldiers who were on full alert, and the soldiers subconsciously raised their guns at him.

This scene happened so suddenly that the people in the village were stunned when they saw this scene.

Soldiers are China's soldiers, and ordinary people are China's ordinary people. What can they do? Suddenly they were at a loss.

It was true that the man rushed towards the group of soldiers entering the village, but in the end he did not pounce on him. He shouted in a hoarse voice: "Dozens of people have died. Why are you here? If it weren't for you, we would There won’t be so many people dying in the village!”

It should be said that this man's questions and accusations still represented the thoughts of some people, so some of the people who were watching stood up and looked at the soldiers with unfriendly eyes.

"My son is dead, and my wife was forced to jump into a well by the Japanese. Why do we ordinary people support soldiers like you?"

The man might have seen the soldiers being wrong, or maybe he was just bursting out hysterically. He was still shouting, and even because he was so excited, he even took two steps forward, and his chest almost collapsed. Hit the muzzle of a soldier's gun!

The soldier was startled.

He was just a new soldier. It took courage for him to pick up a gun and shoot at the invaders. When facing the common people and hitting the muzzle of the gun, it was more in line with his habit to give in directly.

Then the soldier became panicked, as if the middle-aged man in front of him had turned into a vicious monster, and what he was holding was just a fire stick.

"Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, and you have the damn courage to fight the Japanese devils!" At this time, a veteran in the team spoke, and he had already raised the rifle in his hand.

Who are the soldiers and who are the common people? Who is the rabbit and who is the hound? Pretending to be fierce in front of me is fucking counterproductive!

If the middle-aged man in front of him continues to move forward recklessly, this veteran will not mind giving this common man a gun butt!

He has limited experience in fighting Japanese devils, but he has quite a lot of experience in fighting ordinary people!

To be honest, this is really not about burying him. How many years has the Chinese Civil War been fighting, and how many years have the Japanese invaded the Central Plains? But even when the Japanese invaded the Central Plains, it was only the first time that their troops participated in the war.

At this time, I didn’t know if the veteran was trying to scare the middle-aged man or if he wanted to fight him for real. Anyway, he had already raised the butt of his gun.

The agitated middle-aged man was violent because he lost control.

But the fierceness of this veteran was the corner of his mouth twitching.

Don't talk about you, a common man, even a Japanese devil. If I hit him with the butt of my gun, he would be half dead. If I hit him with a gun, he would still die. I have killed people, and I only believe in guns!

But just when the conflict was about to happen, two voices sounded almost at the same time.

An old voice shouted, "You can't beat me."

A young and energetic voice shouted, "Don't fight."

When the soldiers heard the young voice, they turned their heads to the right. At this time, they saw four people standing next to a house facing the street on the right.

"Hey, Shang-Sir Shang!" The veteran who just looked at the common people grinned happily. With this joy, his original fierce look disappeared. In fact, he looked more upright when not fierce.

The group of soldiers who entered the village were from the original Hao Xiazi Company, and it was Lao Qiuzi who planned to give the common people a rifle butt to establish his authority.

But the person they were calling now was none other than Shang Zhen. Standing next to Shang Zhen, also holding guns in their hands, were Li Qingfeng, Da Laobeng and Wang Xiaodan.

When Lao Qiuzi and the others saw the Japanese troops withdrawing, they always wanted to find Shang Zhen and the others, so they entered Niuzhuang with caution. But as what happened now, they encountered a reason Ordinary people who lose control of their emotions after their family members are killed.

Shang Zhen stepped forward. He glanced at Lao Qiuzi, who was beaming with him, and then glanced at the sincerely happy eyes of the soldiers facing him. He also smiled and said the words he originally planned to say: " How can you raise a gun with the common people?" He hid it deep in his heart.

And when Shang Zhen smiled at the soldiers, the soldiers' hearts were as sweet as a honey jar!

Shang Zhen's smile was considered as a greeting to his own people, and then he met the middle-aged man whose chest was still heaving and foam was hanging from the corners of his mouth.

"Why are we soldiers? Have I eaten a grain of rice from your family? Have I drank a sip of water from your family? Who told you that we are soldiers to protect you?" Shang Zhen said coldly.

Oops, Shang Zhen's tone of voice was extremely cold, and his eyes looked as if they could kill someone, which made the middle-aged man stay in place.

Is there anything wrong with what Shang Zhen said? In the eyes of any Chinese, what he said is very wrong!

If you don't make decisions for the people when you are an official, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes. When you are an official, you must benefit the countryside!

When you are a teacher, you need to be tireless in learning and tireless in teaching!

When you are a soldier, you must protect your home and country and drive away the Tartars. The strong men eat the meat of the Huns when they are hungry, and they laugh and talk about drinking the blood of the Huns!

This is called human duty!

But Shang Zhen didn't recognize this duty, so as soon as he said his words, the people watching around him felt a chill in their hearts. Even the old man with a gray beard opposite him suddenly turned pale. changed!

Just now it was the old man who shouted "You can't fight".

The old man was originally the person in charge of this cattle farm. How could he see the people in his farm being beaten by Chinese soldiers, so he wanted to come up and make peace with him? But he never thought that Shang Zhen-this The officer whom the soldiers called "Sir" actually said such heartless words.

Shang Zhen saw that the scene was quiet, and then he glanced at the common people who were looking at him with disappointment and anger. He said loudly: "I am also a common person. When I became a soldier, I took the gun from the kid. Come!

You, a fucking grown man, don't try your best to protect your wife and children, but you come over to us with a shameless face and say, we deserve it! "

After saying this, Shang Zhen turned his head and looked at the soldiers under his command. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed at the men, women, old and children still lying in a pool of blood in the village. He shouted: "Did you see this? It’s the result of not resisting!

You should be glad that you have guns in your hands now. When the Japanese devils come, you can resist them, fight them to the death, and fight them to death!

Otherwise, have you seen these people who fell in blood? This is the result of them and the men in their family who dare not use guns or resist! "

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