The War of Resistance

Chapter 945: If something is good at the top, what will happen next?

The veterans still had smiles on their faces, but their eyes revealed their worry.

Just because Shang Zhen had already asked everyone why they were laughing.

When Shang Zhen asked about something, Liu Cheng didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid that the veterans would deal with him behind his back.

But there was one of Shang Zhen's "ones" in the team, and the articulate Qingfeng Li told the whole story.

Qingfeng Li, Da Laobeng and Wang Xiaodan have always been in the team.

However, Li Qingfeng was born as a Taoist priest, Da Laobeng was born as a monk, and Wang Xiaodan never got ahead in everything. If it were replaced by future generations, these three people are very Buddhist, and they would just ignore it if it has nothing to do with them. rise.

But this doesn't mean they are afraid of those veterans!

When Shang Zhen asked questions, others didn't say anything, but Qingfeng Li had to say it.

Otherwise, people would say that it is very important to have your own people in the team below!

Now that he knew the reason, Shang Zhen returned to his usual nonchalant and even honest demeanor.

A woman who raises her head and lowers her head, a man!

Shang Zhen didn't express his position, but the veterans began to beat the drum in their hearts.

Before the night attack the day before yesterday, Shang Zhen had already given them a chance to choose. Since they had chosen to stay, it was equivalent to recognizing Shang Zhen as the commander.

Shang Zhen didn't force them, they recognized it themselves. People want face and trees want skin, and it is impossible to regret.

Well, now that they have violated military discipline, if Shang Zhen punishes them, they will naturally say nothing.

Seeing Shang Zhen standing there without saying a word, the veterans guessed that Shang Zhen was thinking of ways to deal with people like them.

Although everyone is said to be a piece of meat and has long been scolded and slapped by the former company commander Hao Xiazi, he still feels uneasy in his heart. Being punished by Shang Zhen in front of the new recruits is really too humiliating. .

Shang Zhen was silent for a while and then suddenly asked Zhu Yuliang: "What are our Captain Hao's hobbies?"

"What are your hobbies?" Zhu Yuliang, as the creator of Zixi this time, didn't expect Shang Zhen to ask this question, so he didn't react.

"I'm just talking about what our Captain Hao likes to do the most." Shang Zhen asked calmly.

"Ah, the things that our Captain Hao liked when he was alive, hehe, how should I put it, are the things that all men like, eating and drinking - as well as gambling and smoking." Zhu Yuliang answered euphemistically.

"One less thing?" Shang Zhen was angry and funny.

"Less like that, occasionally, occasionally, hehe." Zhu Yuliang said hurriedly.

"What did they say? It was so polite. I can't remember. Anyway, it means that if the officials at the top like to do something, the soldiers below will definitely follow. The superiors will do what they want, and the subordinates will do what they want. Yes." Shang Zhen laughed.

"There seems to be a saying, hey, what does it mean to be Captain Hao? Naturally, we soldiers have to share the worries of the commander." Zhu Yuliang didn't know why Shang Zhen mentioned the dead Hao Xiazi, so he could only follow Shang's words. Shocking words.

Shang Zhen nodded, then glanced at his veterans and said, "Now that I am your commander, do you know what I like and don't like?"

"This -" Zhu Yuliang scratched his head. Although they had been with Shang Zhen for a while, how could they possibly know what Shang Zhen liked and didn't like.

"What the hell, if you don't even know what I, the commander, like and don't like, how can you flatter me in the future?" Shang Zhen said with a smile.

When Shang Zhen said this, it was just a joke. The veterans relaxed when they saw that Shang Zhen did not punish them or even scolded them.

"We don't know what Mr. Shang likes. How about you tell us clearly which one or several of the five things you like, so that we can respect you in the future!" At this time, Li Da understood and spoke. .

What Li Da understood successfully made Shang Zhen laugh, and the veterans laughed with Shang Zhen.

In the eyes of the veterans, it is true that it can be worn a thousand times but never flattered!

"Actually, what I like and what I don't like are the same." Shang Zhen said with a smile.

"Ah?" Shang Zhen's words confused the veterans again.

"I don't like bullying people, whether you are bullying recruits or civilians. I like it whether you are helping recruits or civilians." Shang Zhen suddenly said seriously.

After going around in a long circle, Shang Zhen finally got to the point. When he said this, the veterans became chatty. What could they say except "yes".

But Shang Zhen didn't intend to let these veterans go like this, but he said again: "Okay, now I will also tell you what your Commander Shang likes. I hope you can use the spirit of flattery just now to see who can do it. most.

If someone does it again, don't blame me for using my authority as a superior.

Pay attention to maintaining marching discipline. Okay, let's go! "

After saying this, Shang Zhen turned around and walked forward, and the veterans behind him could only follow him in silence.

The recruits exchanged glances and followed suit. Their eyes showed excitement that Shang Zhen had given them support, but they also expressed dissatisfaction that the veterans had not been punished.

At this time, Shang Zhen also had a headache.

He had discovered a long time ago that the veterans of Hao Xiazizi Company were different from his own group of veterans.

My group of veterans at least listened to me and did what I said. In the process of doing so, they were able to figure out their own intentions and handle things better based on the actual situation. His mouth is not idle either.

But this group of veterans can't do it. You can't just tell them to work. You have to use a whip to do it!

Do you really have to enforce military discipline in the future and kill the chicken to show the monkey?

Why don't you let your veterans take care of these people before they can join up with your group?

But I don’t know if this is possible? Don't forget that the original people failed to take care of these "new people", but these "new" people abducted the old people!

Everyone has a positive side, such as fighting Japanese invaders and caring for the people, but it seems easier for everyone to learn bad things, such as eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and smoking. If you are involved in any of these things, you may not be a good soldier.

Alas, if you want to say that you are true, do you have to care about them? Nothing to do but look for trouble!

But now I can't do anything about it. They all behave like laziers and let themselves be the superiors. It's over and they still don't obey!

As Shang Zhen's mind wandered, the team continued to move forward.

But before they had gone far, Shang Zhen and all of them heard gunshots suddenly rang out in front of them!

Those were two gunshots, "pop" and "pop", which were heard particularly clearly in the fields this morning!

The more unexpected the situation, the more it reflects the quality of the soldier.

Just at the sound of those two gunshots, the veterans fell down in a flash, and some of the recruits fell down. Some of the slow-reacting ones were still at a loss, but when their companions stretched out their hands and pulled them, Under the pressure, he finally lay down.

And looking at the veterans, they were already pulling the bolts of their guns and looking for where the bullets were coming from.

This is the difference between soldiers and soldiers.

But when he looked at Shang Zhen, he shouted "No", and then he ran forward like a hunting dog catching a rabbit.

What's going on? Some of the veterans were stunned, but there were also a few who were stunned for only a second, then climbed up from the ground and jumped out after Shang Zhen.

"No! Lu Fengshu!" Lu Yifei, who was rushing forward with Shang Zhen, shouted.

"What's wrong with Lu Fengshu?" Ma Erpao asked.

"Stupid, they are the vanguard at the front!" Lu Yifei said angrily.

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