The War of Resistance

Chapter 954: Gunslinger’s Showdown (7)

"Don't move, don't expose yourself!" Old Ball shouted.

At this time, the two Japanese soldiers who approached had been killed. The Japanese soldiers behind them had to be three to four hundred meters away. What did the old ball have to worry about if he pulled his neck and shouted.

"Then we should also shoot at the little devil!" Li Dabai, who was beside him, understood again.

"Pull him down quickly. Have you seen where the little devil is?" The old man was so angry that he scolded him again.

Li Da knew that he couldn't afford to offend the old ball player and stopped insisting, but in the end he muttered: "Then it's okay if you can cover the fight."

At Old Ball's shout, the veterans quickly shrank back, but they turned their heads to look at Ma Chuncai in an exceptionally orderly manner.

They saw where Qingfeng Li was hiding in the first place.

Now they guessed that the grenade must have been thrown by Big Boss. It is estimated that Big Boss with infinite strength can throw a round grenade fifty or sixty meters.

It's just that the veterans couldn't figure out why Qingfeng Li rushed out of his hiding place to pick up the Japanese sniper rifle. Was it just to prove to the Japanese soldiers in the distance that there were only one or two of them in this ambush circle and that you Japanese devils were okay? Send someone up next?

But now the Japanese gunshots were heard in the distance.

As soon as the grenade went off, even if Qingfeng Li ran fast, it would be impossible for him not to be discovered by the Japanese army behind him.

Now the gunfire must have been the Japanese shooting at Qingfeng Li.

Among them, Ma Chuncai was at the far left end of the ambush circle. Others could not see Qingfeng Li because of the trees, but Ma Chuncai must have been able to see it.

And this time Ma Chuncai really did not disappoint them. Just after the Japanese gunfire rang out a few more times in the distance, Ma Chuncai said loudly: "Run away, go into the woods, both of them ran away." .”

"How long did it take for him to run away?" Ma Erpao didn't believe it.

"He didn't go back to his original place. He went into the woods first." Ma Chuncai answered honestly.

Now Ma Chuncai no longer dares to speak much. As long as Hao Xiazi is still a veteran, anyone has the right to scold him. If he dares to make trouble, he will be a public enemy of the veterans, and he will definitely live a life worse than death.

As soon as Ma Chuncai said, "Both of them ran away," Lao Qiuzi looked at him.

Now Ma Chuncai is a frightened bird. As soon as Old Qiuzi looks at him, his heart goes crazy.

"That's the old fool. I guess-" He hurriedly explained.

What Ma Chuncai wanted to say was that the grenade was probably thrown by the old fool, but before he could finish his words, the old ball started to curse again: "I guess your grandma is a loser! You damn old cow went into the mud." Ah, you're still mumbling! Who the hell asked you to talk?"

Ma Chuncai was so choked that he shut up. Was he feeling aggrieved? Of course he was aggrieved, but no matter how aggrieved he was, he could only keep it in his heart. In fact, he didn't even dare to show his aggrieved expression!

He couldn't afford to mess with Old Ball. If other veterans beat him, they would definitely take action, but Old Ball didn't need to. Old Ball only had to use his mouth, because more than half of the veterans were Old Ball's thugs.

The Japanese gunfire stopped, the fields became empty again, and the veterans naturally shrank back.

Old Qiuzi looked outside the woods, but what came to his mind was still the grenade flying in a long arc in mid-air like a meteor, and then the grenade exploded and smoke and dust rose, and the two Japanese soldiers fell to the ground. situation.

"One little devil is equal to five of our people, and two little devils is equal to ten of our people." Old Qiuzi began to mutter in a low voice and then sighed with self-deprecation, "What a damn shame. !”

"Why are you complaining? What are you complaining about? Are you saying that the little devil's death was too disgusting?" Li Da understood that he didn't understand this time.

"You know how to play ball!" Sure enough, the old ball player scolded him again.

Li Da knew what he wanted to say when he glanced at Old Qiuzi. I only know one ball, but I only know your old Qiuzi's ball, or two balls!

But he could only think about this in his heart but he would never dare to say it out loud.

"About ten of us stood in line, waiting for the two little devils to take the bait. We were so excited that we were even ready to set up the machine guns.

As a result, damn it, a bastard threw a grenade and blew up the two Japs to death, and a bastard even picked up a good gun and ran away with it.

Look at how easy it is for people to fight Japanese invaders. Look at us again. Do you think we should complain or not? "At this moment, Lao Qiuzi said what he meant by being embarrassed.

When Li Da understood what Lao Qiuzi said, he thought, "After all the fuss, Lao Qiuzi is saying that veterans like them are arrogant!"

Come to think of it, it's a shame. Shang Zhen is also a veteran, and he himself is also called a veteran, but why is there such a big gap between veterans?

Alas, no matter what, the two Japanese soldiers are dead now, not by gunfire, but by grenades.

Let's see what actions the remaining Japanese troops take next. I hope these veterans will also have the opportunity to eliminate a few Japanese troops and make them look better.

Just when the veterans felt a little embarrassed, Shang Zhen had already moved the telescope away from the Japanese corpses and back diagonally in front of him.

Shang Zhen had not seen the scene where Qingfeng Li threw a grenade at the Japanese army and picked up the gun. He didn't even look when the grenade exploded. He was paying attention to the position of the Japanese army from the beginning to the end.

When the Japanese gunfire stopped just now, he turned his binoculars and looked at the situation in front of the woods.

Now that Li Qingfeng was gone and the two Japanese soldiers were dead, Shang Zhen could still think of something when coupled with the explosion of the grenade.

Besides, even if Li Qingfeng died in battle, there would be nothing he could do.

Shang Zhen is a veteran. He knows that worrying about his own people will have no effect when he is beyond his reach. What he needs is to find the location of the Japanese snipers behind him, and then try to eliminate as many Japanese soldiers as possible. This is the only thing he can do now Arrived.

It is naturally much clearer to observe the Japanese troops with a telescope than with a sniper lens.

Since September 18, Shang Zhen has seized Japanese telescopes several times, and he also studied them when he, Wang Laomao and others were together.

It turns out that all the captured telescopes have a magnification of six times, but this time he was pleasantly surprised to find that the telescopes captured this time were even clearer than the original six times. It was estimated that they were either seven or eight times magnification.

He guessed that this time he led his men to fight against this Japanese team with extremely accurate marksmanship. These snipers must be the elite of the Japanese army, otherwise the binoculars would not be able to be used well.

Because of this, he had been observing the position of Japanese snipers after the explosion.

Finally, he successfully spotted six Japanese soldiers with his telescope.

As for there must be Japanese soldiers in places he couldn't see, but that didn't matter. He just wanted to shoot a few more Japanese soldiers from his current position.

Based on what he just discovered, he observed for a while and found that the Japanese soldiers he remembered earlier did not change their positions, so he put down the telescope and picked up the Type 38 rifle.

Now the distance between Shang Zhen and the Japanese army behind him is more than 500 meters, and the sky is clear and windless, which is conducive to long-range shooting.

Shang Zhen put the rifle on his shoulder and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again.

The Japanese army can be seen more clearly with a telescope, but now that there is no telescope and all depends on the naked eye, the Japanese army has become a point. Shang Zhen must adapt to this contrast.

But just when Shang Zhen was aiming at a Japanese soldier in the distance, he suddenly felt something was wrong. The Japanese soldier he was aiming at seemed a little different from before!

This kind of long-distance shooting never lasts more than a moment. Shang Zhen knew that if he could hit a Japanese soldier with his first shot, it would be difficult to hit him again. The Japanese soldiers were not stupid and they would hide.

Shang Zhen put down the rifle and picked up the binoculars again to observe.

At this time, he was surprised to find that the Japanese soldiers who were originally lying on the ground moved, and several Japanese soldiers came towards him.

This is so good, Shang Zhen felt happy.

Now that he was in the woods and the Japanese troops were in the wilderness ahead, he could always wait for the Japanese troops to reach a wider area with nowhere to hide and shoot. In this way, the certainty of killing a few more Japanese troops would naturally increase.

Shang Zhen continued to observe, but then he found that he was too happy because he saw several other Japanese soldiers separated and went to the other side.

To put it bluntly, the remaining ten or so Japanese soldiers divided their troops and took a circuitous route in two directions.

He came all the way to his place, but the other way was towards the area where the recruits were guarding.

Not to mention my own side, even if I can't kill all the Japanese soldiers, I can always run away, but what about the new recruits?

Even though there were about twenty new recruits, could those twenty people defeat those Japanese sharpshooters?

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