The War of Resistance

Chapter 959 The Gunslinger’s Showdown (12)

Shang Zhen walked some distance further.

But the woods ahead have become denser and smaller.

At this point, he stopped.

Although the leaves have not yet grown, the small miscellaneous trees are quite dense. If you get into it, there will be a "squeaking" sound. If it is shot by the Japanese army or one of your own people, you will die really hard. Unjust!

Come on, you'd better hide yourself first and wait for the rabbit!

Shang Zhen hid in the small miscellaneous trees.

But he had only been hiding for a while when he heard shouting from ahead.

Now that Shang Zhen was a little far away from the sound, he couldn't hear it clearly.

But after a while, the person shouting was obviously getting closer, and he finally heard it clearly. The voice shouted: "Man from the Northeast, where are you?"

If that's all it takes, then those who can call "Northeast Guy" must be our own people.

But when Shang Zhen listened carefully, the voice sounded very familiar, but it was Qingfeng Li's voice.

Qingfeng Li was barely an adult, and his voice was quite high-pitched.

Oops, this little bastard actually dared to call me "Northeast Guy". Shang Zhen felt angry and funny at the same time.

But then he started to worry about Qingfeng Li again, just because Qingfeng Li didn't shout just once, but he kept shouting the title of "Northeast Guy" one after another.

You little brat, you don’t have to shout like that even if you’re looking for me, right? How can I still promise you when you call me that?

Besides, if you shout like this, don’t attract any more bullets from the little devil. You are pretty good at it, but no matter how good your skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives, let alone bullets!

If it had been anyone else, 80% of them would have answered Qingfeng Li.

But Shang Zhen didn't. Shang Zhen had always been cautious, but what he was thinking about was how about going forward to welcome him?

But he looked at the densely packed small miscellaneous trees in front of him and thought, let's forget it.

It would make a "clatter" sound if you climbed over it, let alone drilled it.

But at this time, Shang Zhen heard Qingfeng Li shout again: "Northeastern guy, don't shoot! Those two little devils in front of me were pretenders!"

What are you throwing away? Shang Zhen thought he heard it wrong, but then he heard another shout: "And me! Wang Xiao, we came here pretending to be Japanese soldiers. We are afraid that the Japanese soldiers will shoot us again!"

The voice was not quiet this time, but it was Wang Xiaodan's voice.

At this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly realized.

What I'm telling you is that I was close to the two little devils in front of me and far away from the two little devils chasing me from behind. Why did the voices of Qingfeng Li and Wang Xiaodan come over just a moment later? I bet those two little devils in front of me were them. Two packs.

The two are the smallest and most resemble Japanese soldiers.

It seems that the battle has been won. These guys estimate that they cannot wipe out all the Japanese Japs here.

When they came over, they were afraid that the Japanese snipers would shoot them coldly, so they staged this drama of chasing the Japanese troops.

Then they drilled into the woods at a suitable distance. In this way, even if the Japanese soldiers saw them, they would think that there were Japanese soldiers on their side who had escaped.

This is like encountering the Japanese army in the woods. The Japanese army can't figure out what is going on, but they know it. This way, they have one more way to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen suddenly realized that Qingfeng Li and the others knew how to guard against the little Japs shooting at them, so shouldn't he be more careful, in case the two remaining Japs didn't escape?

While Shang Zhen was thinking about it, he heard Qingfeng Li in front of him shouting "Northeastern guy" and "Northeastern guy", and then he shouted again: "Do you know, we won the battle on the other side, and the little boy The devils are all destroyed!"

As Shang Zhen sighed that this was indeed the case, the shouts got closer and closer. Somehow, it was such a coincidence that Qingfeng Li and the others came to him.

"It was my idea to beat up the little devil. I'm good, right?" Li Qingfeng was still talking in front of him.

But maybe he was tired of shouting, so his voice was a little soft this time.

Shang Zhen couldn't hear clearly, so he naturally listened carefully.

But just when he heard clearly what Qingfeng Li was talking about this time, his body suddenly trembled, but he stopped immediately.

Just because he suddenly heard a "quacking" sound coming from behind him.

Shang Zhen had been in the woods for a long time, how could he not know what the sound was.

There are some twigs and twigs under the big trees in the woods that may not be as thick as a human finger. When winter comes, the big trees will not die, but some twigs and twigs will dry up.

When a person accidentally scratches the tree while passing by, it will make a small but very clear "crack" sound of the twigs breaking.

The sound was really not loud, but in Shang Zhen's ears it was as if he heard a thunder in spring, and there was someone behind him!

My people are all in front, they just came here to look for me, so why bother asking who is there behind?

What does it feel like when someone points a gun at you from behind, or puts a sharp dagger to your waist and eye?

The moment he heard the sound, Shang Zhen felt that the back of his neck was a little stiff.

It is said that people need to take deep breaths when they are nervous, but this time Shang Zhen didn't even take deep breaths. He was afraid that he would gasp loudly and with just a slight movement of his body, the branches of the small tree above his head would be withered. It's touched again!

Shang Zhen, who was originally squatting, lowered his head and slowly twisted his neck to look back and down. Behind him were still the trunks of miscellaneous trees that were at most as thick as an egg, branches as thick as a thumb, and a few trees standing on the ground. Dead grass.

It was only then that he was surprised to find that there were green grass peeking out among the withered grass!

But what's the use? He's not the kind of literati who sheds tears when seeing the wind, flowers, snow, moon and moon. What he cares about is not the wild fire that can't be burned out and the spring breeze blows again!

At this time, Shang Zhen did not dare to lie down, because he had also "squeezed" into this small patch of trees before. The dense trees were like large mugworts. If he dared to stretch his head forward, It will touch the small tree in front of you.

So what’s next?

Next, Shang Zhen was like a prisoner who was kowtowing to plead guilty. He was still squatting like that, with one hand on the ground and pressing his head against the ground, so he changed from squatting to pouting again!

In fact, it's not that accurate to say that the person is pouting. The butt of the person who is pouting must be at the highest point, but does Shang Zhen dare to push his butt higher now? He doesn't dare!

So, in the end, in Northeastern dialect, he rolled himself into an egg!

When Shang Zhen pressed his head to the ground, his upside-down eyes finally saw a pair of large yellow suede leather shoes in the gap between the trees behind him, and the big leather shoes were tied in circles. Leggings, those are a person's calves.

As for going up further, you can't see it anymore, it's blocked.

The conscience of heaven and earth, although Shang Zhen only saw the pair of calves, he was sure that they were the legs of Japanese invaders.

Just because, not to mention the croaking veterans or the new recruits under his command, even veterans like him have never had their leggings wrapped and tied up so straight before!

Only the kind of Japanese beaters who are said to be so strict and almost perverted in military discipline would be so strict!

As the saying goes, “a glimpse reveals the whole picture.”

It is said that a shoe seller can guess the shoe size of a buyer by looking at the size of his hands.

It is said that a lustful man can tell whether a young woman is a virgin by looking at the way she walks.

It is said that there are some folk experts who know how many excrement balls someone can pull out when they open their mouth!

As for Shang Zhen, although he could only see the part below the calf of an invader, he could guess that the invader was holding a gun and keeping a shooting posture as he scurried forward with his buttocks raised.

He couldn't wait any longer. This was not the summer when the leaves were dancing. It was impossible to see anyone without brushing aside the nearby leaves.

Now the Japanese soldiers behind can find themselves at any time, and then press the muzzle of the gun and pull the trigger.

So Shang was shocked. He reached for his pocket but did not stand up. But as soon as he raised his hand, he threw something backward from his hiding place!

"***", Shang Zhen heard the Japanese shouting. Although he couldn't understand it, he could still guess what the other party was shouting. What the other party shouted was either "grenade" or "get down"!

And just as the Japanese screamed, the people behind him fell down, but Shang Zhen had already turned around, stood up with the gun and pulled the trigger!

Thanks to those small trees that have no branches and leaves but are still standing like a weave. The first Japanese soldier shot by Shang Zhen was too slow after all. When he lay down, it was already too late to look up again.

At this moment, the rifle in Shang Zhen's hand, who had already stood up, was pointed at another Japanese soldier who was five or six meters away from the Japanese soldier.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen saw the other party lying on the ground, and at the same time he also saw the muzzle of the gun being raised towards him!

In this flash of lightning, a shocking change occurred again. Shang Zhen sat down and a bullet flew past his scalp.

And the rifle in Shang Zhen's hand, who had just sat on the ground, rang again.

And in Shang Zhen's second shot, he saw the second Japanese soldier's head hanging down in the gap between the small trees.

"Man from the Northeast, are you okay?"

When there was a "crash" sound and Qingfeng Li and Wang Xiaodan, who were wearing Japanese army uniforms, rushed over, they saw Shang Zhen covering his buttocks with his hands. It was because Shang Zhen's buttocks were pierced by grass roots when he sat down.

They also saw two Japanese soldiers who were killed. They were both shot in the head, and the blood flowing out was already a big pool.

Oh, by the way, they were also surprised to find a smashed sweet potato between the two Japanese soldiers.

"Do little devils also eat sweet potatoes?" Qingfeng Li asked in surprise.

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