The War of Resistance

Chapter 963 Is it difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy?

"Don't touch those four little devils. They will cause trouble for us." Shang Zhen squatted at the foot of the hill and said, while the soldiers formed a semicircle to listen to his analysis.

"The direction we are taking now is not heading straight to LY City, and there is no strategic location on the other side, so what are the four little devil cavalry going to do there?

They also grabbed a commanding height and looked around with telescopes.

But they are not officers, just ordinary soldiers.

This can only mean that these little devils are looking for someone. Who are they looking for?

I can't say that they are definitely looking for us, but it is not impossible.

Let me tell you, I have been fighting Japanese for seven or eight years, and this is the first time I have encountered so many Japanese using rifles like that. "Shang Zhen's eyes fell on the sniper rifles in the hands of the soldiers.

Shang Zhen told the truth. Although he had also captured Japanese sniper rifles, they were only a few of Xingbeng's.

In Shang Zhen's understanding, the sniper rifles of the Japanese army are also advanced weapons. It is impossible for the Japanese army to issue one to every soldier like ordinary 38-type rifles. It should be like a grenade. Yes, just a few are distributed to a small team.

But this time he bumped into a small squad of the Japanese army, and all of them, more than twenty people, used this kind of sniper rifle. Doesn't that mean that the Japanese army that they had wiped out was different?

Such a Japanese team was completely wiped out by them. It is impossible for the Japanese army to have no reaction at all. It is also entirely possible for the Japanese army to send troops to search for these "culprits".

"The kid is riding a horse again. None of us have the ability to knock the kid off his horse without firing.

But if the gun goes off, we will be exposed.

Let's avoid these four little devils first and see if there are any other little devils' cavalry around. We must be careful this time! "Shang Zhen came up with his own conclusion.

Shang Zhen had analyzed it in detail, so the soldiers had nothing to say, so they continued to pick the hilly area with dense woods and circled towards LY City.

The next development of the situation was really unfortunate for Shang Zhen.

Thanks to this time, the leading soldier sent by Shang Zhen, Laobeng, heard the sound of Japanese horse hooves again in time, so they hid again, thus avoiding being discovered by the Japanese army.

Yes, regardless of whether the Japanese troops were searching for them or who they were searching for, each group of Japanese troops only had four cavalry.

But the problem is the cavalry. Everyone can imagine that whenever gunshots are heard somewhere, the Japanese cavalry who hear the gunshots in the entire area must be like wolves smelling blood, surrounding them from all directions.

So, for the thirty or so of them, the meat was really too little, and it really wasn't enough for the wolves to share!

At this time, Li Da Ming, who also sensed that the situation was not good, muttered, "We should send someone to take a shot from a distance!"

Shang Zhen glanced at him without saying a word, but then Lao Qiuzi said to him again, "Go!"

Li Da knew that he kept his mouth shut and did not dare to say anything.

Everyone knows what Li Da understands. It is nothing more than someone using it as a bait to shoot a certain group of Japanese cavalry from a distance, and then the surrounding Japanese troops will definitely swarm.

In this case, the vast majority of their people must be safe, but it would be strange that the bait man was not killed by the Japanese army!

The person in charge of the search was a Japanese cavalryman. The man's two legs couldn't outrun a four-legged dog, let alone the four-legged Japanese horse!

If Blind Hao was still alive, there was no chance that he would do what Li Da Ming proposed, but that was absolutely impossible now that Shang Zhen was an officer.

If someone has to be the bait, given Shang Zhen's personality, it can only be him and not others!

With extreme caution, Shang Zhen and the others hid and were not discovered by the Japanese cavalry groups left and right.

For safety reasons, Shang Zhen deliberately avoided places where gunshots were heard. Finally, they did not see the Japanese cavalry for a while, and the sound of gunfire in the distance became faint.

But at this moment, the old man who was walking at the front and serving as the vanguard suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Look, there's someone in front!"

When the old man called out, the few people who were also the vanguards also saw it. Under the setting sun, they saw someone coming out of the woods on the opposite hill.

Big Old Man and the others had just turned around a hill, and the woods on the opposite side were less than a hundred meters away from them, so at the moment when Big Old Ben screamed, the people on the opposite side also saw them.

"He's one of ours!" the old man shouted again.

It was true to say that the old man was stupid and smart. He saw that the other party was also wearing gray or black clothes. Anyway, it was not the khaki military uniform of the Japanese devils. He thought, wasn't he one of his own?

The heartless old fool must have been excited to see his own people. Not only did he shout, but he also jumped up excitedly.

But he was only halfway through the jump when he was pulled down by Qingfeng Li next to him!

"Lie down, hide everything!" Zhu Yuliang, who was also a leading soldier with them, also shouted.

In today's Chinese army, logically speaking, orders should be executed vigorously and resolutely, but the fastest execution is not "charge" but "lie down".

The current charges are all towards the Japanese, and the Japanese have a strong firepower advantage, so the possibility of being killed in battle is high.

But what is lying down? Lying down will save your life!

So when Zhu Yuliang shouted, their five leading soldiers, Zhu Yuliang, Li Qingfeng, Da Laobeng, Wang Xiaodan, and Zhao Chengwen, all fell down.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was following more than 200 meters behind, also realized that something was wrong. He gave an order, and the people behind them also fell down.

"Telescope!" When Shang Zhen called out and picked up the telescope, someone was already shouting in front of him.

"Brothers, which group are you from?" Someone from the group in front was already shouting, but before the shout, they all fell down.

As for the people in the woods, but when they saw other troops coming outside, they stopped going out. For a while, Shang Zhen and the others couldn't figure out how many people there were in the group opposite.

"Which group are you from?" As a veteran, Zhu Yuliang couldn't figure out the identity of the group opposite and how he was willing to declare his family, so he asked directly.

"We are from the Forty Army!" the person on the other side shouted.

"Look, it's one of our own!" Big Boss said excitedly.

Hao Xiazizi was originally from the Forty Army, and the people across from him also said that he was from the Forty Army, so wasn't he one of his own?

"That's great, are you from the military department?" Zhu Yuliang shouted as he pulled his neck.

But after he shouted, he said in a low voice: "Load the bullets, they are probably not our people!"

Zhu Yuliang has his own judgment.

If you say that the other party is really from their Forty Army, isn't that nonsense? Aren't the Chinese troops in the entire LY area from their Forty Army?

Of course, He Gui said that the 59th Army also came for reinforcements, but the other party did not say that they were from the 59th Army.

But if they are really members of the Forty Army, then why report them to the Forty Army? Then they will directly report which regiment they are from, not even which division they belong to.

There are only six regiments in an army. Wouldn't it be superfluous to register a division in the middle? Anyway, as far as Zhu Yuliang knew, they usually only said which group they were from when calling each other.

At this time, behind these top soldiers, Shang Zhen looked at the other side and asked He Guidao beside him: "Are there any puppet troops in the Japanese attack this time?"


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