The War of Resistance

Chapter 967 Dilemma

"Brothers, it's time for us to show our faces! Uh-huh, that commander and old ball don't need you two to shoot this time!" Ma Erpao said excitedly.

At this time, only a few minutes had passed since Shang Zhen and Lao Qiuzi killed the four Japanese cavalry, but four more Japanese cavalry heard the sound and came from a distance.

Shang Zhen and Lao Qiuzi were able to kill four Japanese soldiers, but there were about thirty of them.

If thirty people face twenty or thirty Japanese cavalry, they may not be able to take advantage, but can more than thirty people still not be able to destroy four Japanese cavalry?

Although the others did not yell as much as the Ma Erpao, they also saw the advantage. Naturally, their thoughts were the same as the Ma Erpao. No matter how they looked at it, more than 30 guns hit four Japanese cavalry. There is a chance of winning.

Everyone hid in the dark and aimed their rifles at the four approaching Japanese soldiers.

But at this time, these soldiers didn't know how Shang Zhen and Lao Qiuzi had killed four Japanese soldiers. Shang Zhen's first two shots were not to attract the Japanese soldiers, but the reason was that, thanks to Shang Zhen, After the shock, he stopped because he found that puppet troops were secretly following him.

After all, it was what He Gui said about Li Tantou being a bandit that caught his attention.

Shang Zhen had never dealt with bandits, but he had always been with Wang Lao Mao, who had a beard and was a bandit from the Northeast.

Li Tantou's group of puppet troops was so powerful, but they had suffered a loss at their hands before. Shang Zhen thought that the bandits had a character that was determined to retaliate, so how could they not want to regain their position after suffering a loss this time.

Because of this, he did not take the lead but went to the rear.

As a result, he was really blocked. The soldiers moved in front. He and Lao Qiuzi hid in the bushes and saw two puppet soldiers following behind.

The Japanese army brigade Shang Zhen couldn't afford to offend him, and the puppet army brigade Shang Zhen couldn't afford to offend him either. But if he didn't want to be pitted against his team, then he had no choice but to cut off his minions so that their brigade could not find people like him. Whereabouts.

So that's how his two gunshots came from.

It's just that the people in front didn't know the specific positions of the two puppet soldiers who followed, so they didn't notice. In fact, Shang Zhen's first two shots actually brought down two "tails".

"More than four hundred meters is a bit too far. Let them go another hundred meters." Lu Yifei also said loudly at this time.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yifei did not forget to glance at Shang Zhen. He saw that Shang Zhen was just looking at the approaching Japanese army in front without saying anything. Knowing his strategy, Shang Zhen acquiesced.

But just when Lu Yifei turned his eyes back, an accident happened.

"Those four little devils are not going forward!" Lu Yichun, who was holding a telescope, suddenly said.

With a distance of more than 400 meters, it is impossible for ordinary people to see whether the enemy is advancing with the naked eye, and the only way is to rely on telescopes.

"Why don't you move forward?" Ma Erpao wondered.

"Afraid of being ambushed, I'm not stupid," Lu Yifei said.

But at this moment, Lu Yichun, who didn't need to use a telescope to observe, all of them saw that the four Japanese cavalry in front separated!

They were far away, so they couldn't see clearly whether the other party was heading towards them, but they were separated. Originally there were four horses running in a bunch, but now it became four. Can they still not see clearly?

"How about we fight?" Ma Erpao said, but as he spoke, he could only look at Shang Zhen.

Just now they said they would give these four Japanese cavalry platoon guns. If more than thirty people were to fight four cavalry, even if the marksmanship was not very accurate, wouldn't they be able to hit the horses if they couldn't hit the men?

But now, the Japanese army did not move forward but separated. So how should they fight this ambush?

"We can't fight. Everyone, please follow me and stay hidden!" Shang Zhen spoke at this time.

As soon as Shang Zhen spoke, he naturally overcame everyone's choking.

So Shang Zhen used the cover of the terrain to hide where the Japanese troops could not see yet, followed by the soldiers who also realized that the situation was not good.

Shang Zhen had his own considerations. If the four Japanese soldiers in front kept advancing, then they would have to fight if they didn't fight. If they didn't fight, they would be discovered, so how could they not fight?

But now the four Japanese soldiers are separated. What does this mean? It shows that the four Japanese soldiers later noticed the anomaly here.

Just now, Shang Zhen looked back. The four Japanese soldiers were killed by him and Lao Qiuzi. One of the Japanese war horses was also knocked down by Lao Qiuzi, but the remaining three horses had no owners. The war horse.

A war horse was wandering in the mountains. One war horse ran away to nowhere, and the third war horse stopped in front of the bush and lowered its slender neck.

Although Shang Zhen couldn't see the horse's head, he could still imagine that the war horse was probably snorting at its dead master.

The second group of Japanese troops who came later should have seen that the two horses were empty of people. Considering the previous gunshots here, how could they not imagine what happened?

Then why do people keep moving forward? Do they think their fate is in danger?

So now these four Japanese soldiers have divided their forces very smartly. They don't move forward. They only need to patrol around and watch, and it is enough to prevent them from running away.

Now people like myself are undoubtedly facing three consequences.

The first is the best, that is, not to be discovered by the Japanese army before dark, and then sneak away under the cover of night.

The second type is neither bad nor bad. Although they were also discovered by the Japanese army, as night fell, they finally escaped from the Japanese army through fighting.

The third type is undoubtedly the worst, that is, being trapped by more and more Japanese troops before dark. Then, what awaits them will undoubtedly be the annihilation of the entire army!

And if people like myself don't run away, as the Japanese army gathers more and more, I'm afraid they really won't be able to escape!

The sun has set, and the sky above our heads is blue, but there is a faint black smoke filling the sky to the west, and the sound of gunfire can be heard faintly.

According to He Gui, that place should be one of the main battlefields of this LY defense battle - the Liujiahu position. It cannot be said that Shang Zhen and the others are very close to there now, but they are indeed getting closer.

Just now, in front of many soldiers, Shang Zhen and Lao Qiuzi staged a good show of double-killing the Japanese cavalry. The soldiers couldn't help but feel inspired by the scene of killing the enemy.

From a broad perspective, Shang Zhen and his team are like a microcosm of the Anti-Japanese War.

Generally speaking, the enemy is strong and we are weak, but on local battlefields and in local battles, the performance of Chinese officers and soldiers always shines in people's eyes, and then this dazzling behavior inspires more Chinese people's fighting spirit.

But to put it another way, what shines in front of us, whether it is a major victory or a partial victory, will ultimately be unable to change the general situation that the enemy is strong and we are weak, so we can only abandon the mountains and seas and rely on the territory conquered by the Chinese ancestors. The vastness of the world keeps retreating and retreating, which is the so-called "exchanging space for time".

Since Shang Zhen decided to run away first, his skills were of course impeccable. He lowered his body, bending down when he needed to and crawling when he needed to.

But when he turned around and saw a soldier running with his waist hunched over, he was so angry that he cursed: "Climb when you have to. You damn rich lady, what's wrong with your figure?"

Shang Zhen was also furious, but some of the recruits didn't understand that if the Japanese army discovered their whereabouts at this time, the end would really be coming.

Shang Zhen was just cursing and was stunned for a moment when he turned around again. He saw that there was water in front of him. You could call the water a small river or a small stream. The water was quite clear and still a small stream. The grass bottom seems to be just above the ground, but the river is the lowest in this area.

Shang Zhen raised his head and glanced into the distance and saw the shadow of the Japanese army patrolling on horseback. In the current situation, it's not just whether you want to cross the water or not!

"Follow me and crawl over! Lower your butt!" Shang Zhen ordered.

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