The War of Resistance

Chapter 984 Humiliated to death?

The sound of heavy machine gun fire in the distance that was still ringing from time to time has stopped.

At first, when the sound of heavy machine gunfire sounded in the distance, both the enemy and ourselves paid attention.

But when they saw that the gunfire was still a little far away from the main battlefield, and no bullets hit the battlefield, no one cared anymore.

And now, the shooting sound on the Liujiahu battlefield has stopped.

However, the gunfire stopped but did not stop. There were dozens of Chinese soldiers lying behind a mound just away from the front line of the Chinese position.

"Company commander!" a soldier shouted.

"I'm still alive, don't let anyone come here!" came a reply from the front.

In front of the mound was a slope more than thirty meters long, on which more than twenty Chinese soldiers fell in layers. All the soldiers lay facing forward.

The river has its own channel, and the blood has its own path. The blood of those soldiers gathered into a small stream and flowed downward.

The soldiers had been killed for a while, so the blood had flowed away. Except for the blood that seeped into the soil, it all gathered into a puddle six to seven feet long and wide at the bottom of the slope, and a kind of rash appeared in the puddle. Red, it becomes a pond dyed red with the blood of anti-Japanese warriors.

Beyond the pond is another long strip of land, and at the other end of the land is vast white water, which is the large pond covering an area of ​​dozens of acres.

There was a Chinese soldier lying on his stomach on this side of the puddle. His head was immersed in the water and only the back of his head was exposed. He was obviously killed in action, and the rifle he was using was also tilted into the water with only the butt half exposed.

There was another soldier lying on his back in the puddle.

The bottom of the puddle was uneven, and his head happened to be resting on a high point. He did not close his eyes and looked at the sky above his head.

It is said that the eyes of the deceased are hollow, but because his face was also splashed with blood, his eyes did not show any hollowness, and all he could show was unwillingness.

The deceased is dead. Although he died in front of the soldiers, death is death, and everyone has to think about the living.

And on the side of the puddle facing the Japanese army, there was a man nestled there.

The reason for using "nest" was because he was turning around and using both hands to tighten a piece of cloth wrapped around his thigh.

He was shot, in the thigh.

As a veteran, he knew that if he could not stop the bleeding in time, he would only bleed to death.

As for saying that he must be exposed to the Japanese rifles now, the Japanese invaders can take his life with one shot at any time.

But so what, if you want to marry, just take it away, it’s better than being punished by foreigners here!

Both the enemy and ourselves started shooting around the large pond in front.

For the Chinese defenders, the advantage is that with the obstruction of this pond, neither Japanese tanks, armored vehicles nor Japanese infantry can rush up.

Their disadvantage was that their side was on a lower ground, so they suffered a loss in the exchange of fire with the Japanese army, as evidenced by the puddles stained red with blood.

The company commander was knocked down on this not very long slope by the Japanese army when he led his troops forward in order to reverse the situation.

Yes, they said it was random shooting, but it wasn't. He thought it was at first.

And it wasn't until he was shot in the leg that he realized that he hadn't realized it before. He thought he had a plan, but in fact?

But in fact, the Japanese army occupied a higher commanding height, and the puddle he was in now was really a pit, a pit where everyone in the platoon except him was "buried"!

Because of this, how could he let the soldiers behind him go into this pit again to save him?

"Company Commander, I have a rope here. We will throw the rope over to you. You hold on to the rope and we will pull you over!" a soldier shouted, and then there were soldiers actually throwing the coiled rope towards the person. The company commander threw it away.

But unfortunately, the rope was very light. Even if it was coiled into a ball by the soldiers and thrown out, it fell to the ground when it fell to the edge of the puddle near the end of the position.

"Idiot, tie rocks to the rope!" another soldier said next to him.

The rope was pulled back, but there were not many stones suitable for tying the rope as a counterweight. In a hurry, the soldier directly took out a grenade and tied it to it, and then threw the rope out again.

Then, the grenade dragging the rope hit the other side of the puddle, causing a bloody splash.

When the company commander reached out and touched the grenade, he also touched the rope.

He was shot in the thigh, but his arms were intact but he could still use his strength. Just as he grasped the rope tightly with both hands, the soldiers behind the mound started to pull hard while shouting slogans.

At the time of life and death, all the pain that usually seems to be there is just hypocritical compared to that life!

The soldiers' movements were like tug-of-war, but they were actually trying to save lives. With a few flexions and extensions of their arms, their company commander was dragged into the puddle, and more bloody water splashed up.

But the question is, will the Japanese army agree?

Of course the Japanese army would not agree, but as far as the Chinese officers and soldiers were concerned, if they dragged the people back, there was still a glimmer of hope of life, but if they stayed where they were, they would only die!

There was another shout, and the rope was pulled straight again by the soldiers.

But at this moment, gunshots rang out. The gunshots were not one, but because the triggers were pulled at roughly the same time, the gunshots overlapped.

The soldier lying behind the mound saw dust splashing on the slope in front. Almost at the same time, the life-saving rope was broken, and then there was an "Ouch" behind the mound where he was. Voices!

The tight rope suddenly broke, and the soldiers who pulled the rope were naturally dodged, and their company commander was once again left in the bloody puddle.

"You stupid little devil, beat me to death!" The company commander was stunned for a moment, then turned around and shouted angrily.

He put his hands on the ground and used his good leg to support him and tried to stand up, but in the end he could only put his hands on the ground and barely lift his body above the water.

After the Japanese army broke the rope with their guns, they stopped shooting, so the battlefield that became quiet again was only the company commander's hoarse curses that echoed.

As the saying goes, "Seeking benevolence will lead to benevolence". Now that the company commander does not want to be humiliated by the Japanese army and wants to die, will the Japanese army shoot him?

To be honest, not only the Chinese soldiers behind this mound, but also behind other positions no longer want to shoot at the Japanese army.

On the one hand, their marksmanship is not as accurate as that of the Japanese army. After the guns in their hands hit the opposite side five or six hundred meters away, the bullets would have already flown. After all, the accuracy and effective range of the Hanyang-made rifles are not as good as those of the Japanese Army's Type 38 rifles. .

Precisely because the marksmanship and weapons are inferior to the other side, the Chinese side does not say that the camp is full of wounded soldiers, but the wounded must always be dealt with.

So, what is the fate waiting for this Chinese company commander who is unwilling to be humiliated by the invaders?

Just when everyone thought that the company commander would die, whether he was killed by one shot by the Japanese army or humiliated to death by several shots, the heavy machine guns on the flanks of both the enemy and ourselves suddenly rang again.

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