The War of Resistance

Chapter 987 Addicted

"Dong Qiu, won't the kid come up the mountain?" A soldier in the woods on the top of the mountain asked worriedly.

"You are so worried. If the officer tells us to rest, we will rest. If we are told not to talk, we will shut up." The soldier named Dong Qiu who was with him replied dissatisfiedly, and then leaned against the tree with his gun in his arms. I took a nap again.

"But I still feel uneasy." The soldier from before was still worried.

"Oh, are you worried? Anyway, the commander won't sell us as cannon fodder." Dong Qiu, who was dozing, said without opening his eyelids, but he hugged the rifle tighter.

Although they are all new recruits, they are different from each other.

The former is called Xu Shenwei, and as his name suggests, he is too cautious to pick up or put down, but he is one of the few strong men among these soldiers who is literate.

The latter, Dong Qiu, was very arrogant. Since he chose to trust his superior Shang Zhen, he was really obedient. He went to bed when Shang Zhen asked him to rest. He didn't sleep all night yesterday!

Seeing his best friend Dong Qiu sleeping as soon as he said he wanted to, Xu Shenwei looked around and saw other soldiers leaning or lying down before sleeping. He looked towards the edge of the woods and saw the commander Shang Zhen and a few soldiers. It's hiding behind a tree.

They used the captured heavy machine guns to inflict disaster on the Japanese army. I don’t know how many little Japs they killed, and it is impossible to know. It is estimated that the killing effect of their blind attack will be as difficult to solve as the unsolved mysteries of the world. .

However, the momentum they used to fight the Japanese with heavy machine guns was quite impressive, so how could the momentum be smaller when they even used tracer bullets in broad daylight?

And the result of their ignoring the Japanese army is that they are now being driven out by the Japanese army from the west.

Of course, Shang Zhen would not let his people run around. He picked an area with many hills and woods and went straight up the mountain.

When we go up the mountain, we have to hide. Although our stomach is growling with hunger, we have to avoid the Japanese soldiers first.

Xu Shenwei looked at it for a while, but after all he was still worried. He took the gun and wanted to climb up. He also wanted to take a look at the edge of the woods.

But before he could get up, he saw two veterans in front of him shrank back, then turned around and came back.

The recruits heard that Shang Zhen was not very afraid of Shang Zhen, because Shang Zhen never hit or cursed anyone, but they were frightened when they saw the veteran who would curse when he opened his mouth.

Of course, the veterans used to hit people with just their hands, but since Shang Zhen became a commander, his habit of swearing has been reduced a lot, and the beating has even stopped.

Because he was afraid of the veteran, Xu Shenwei also pretended to sleep by leaning against a tree with his gun in his arms. Of course, educated people called that "pretending to sleep."

"What a shame, I asked the commander to keep watch, but they all slept soundly!" Xu Shenwei heard a veteran scold.

There seems to be something wrong. How can there be an officer watching the soldiers sleeping? Xu Shenwei thought with her eyes closed.

The vast majority of armies nowadays are like this. The officers are superior to others, and the soldiers, well, how should I put it, are not human beings!

It's not easy to meet a good commander like Shang Zhen. If he treats the soldiers a little bit, the soldiers will feel unbearable.

Xu Shenwei thought again whether he should go and stand sentry for Chief Shang Zhen.

But as soon as this thought appeared, he felt a slight pain in his calf. He opened his eyes and realized that he had been kicked by a veteran: "Get out of the way, is this tree you are leaning on? "The guy who kicked him was an old guy.

The soldier didn't expect the old ball player to kick him.

As everyone has a temper, Xu Shenwei felt a little annoyed.

The new recruits will naturally talk about the veterans behind their backs.

Needless to say, they were not afraid of veterans at first.

One of the reasons is that they are just ordinary people who become soldiers, and they are afraid of death.

The second reason is that veterans hit and curse whenever they open their mouths, because they are afraid of being beaten.

But after Shang Zhen took them through several battles, the new recruits became relatively speaking, and they were also veterans.

The cannon fodder was used as cannon fodder. Even if it was a little too high, it didn't kill him. The gun was fired. If it had been a little higher, it might have killed the Japanese. The dead people had also been seen, not just one or two.

And their leader Shang Zhen also told them that people have to die when they deserve to die, and they can't die when they don't deserve to die. Sometimes, if you don't fear death, you won't die!

When Shang Zhen told the recruits his own philosophy on "death", it was like a tongue twister.

It is true that when death is necessary, it means that the sky is high and the clouds are too dark to accept it. When there is no need to die, in Northeastern dialect, it means that the child will liāo.

The recruits belong to the new generation. They have done everything the veterans have done, so why do you, the veterans, still bully me?

However, although Xu Shenwei was angry at this moment, he also knew that now was not the time for these two veterans to fall out, so he also

I can only get up and look for a place.

At this time, Old Qiuzi became a little angry when he saw the recruits sleeping against the trees one by one.

He is not Shang Zhen. He doesn't harm the recruits now because Shang Zhen can't do anything about it. But when he saw most of the recruits falling asleep, it was the so-called "Damn it, I'm not asleep yet, you guys are so stupid." All fell asleep

In fact, people are addicted to whatever they do, including newlyweds, heavy smokers, blinking when looking at people, and unable to move when they see a beautiful woman, right?

And beating people is actually addictive.

Think about it, when Hao Xiazi was the company commander, he would hit the recruits below with their heads. Compared with Hao Xiazi, the veterans were not the most ruthless, but more ruthless.

But now that Hao Xiazi was killed in battle, Shang Zhen became their commander again.

They must listen to Shang Zhen's orders, even more than when Hao Xiazi was alive.

The reason is naturally because although Shang Zhen did not declare it officially, it was agreed by all of them. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face if they disobey Shang Zhen's order?

Shang Zhen didn't allow hitting or swearing, and they did stop hitting, but the problem was that it had been a long time since they hit anyone, and the old ball player's hands were a little itchy again.

After Shang Zhen became an officer, when Lao Qiuzi once talked about the issue of "addiction", he gave an example.

The example he gave was like this.

He said, I have a puppy at home, a little pug, the kind that doesn’t grow up, you know?

The soldiers said they knew.

He went on to say, that little pug is a male dog, but don’t look at how small it is. It also has a nice mouth. When it sees a little female dog, it will make signs. Hehe, the kind on the street, you guys Have you seen them all?

At this time, a veteran said, isn't that just a match for a dog? Who hasn't seen it?

Old Qiuzi said, yes, I said that the little pug is also addicted to doing that thing. One time, the little pug met a big female dog on the street, and he said, by the way, how do you say it in Northeastern dialect? Understand? Oh, it's called Wuwu Zaza, and it's still dancing and dancing upwards!

Look, this is called addiction!

The soldiers naturally laughed at the dirty words that Old Qiuzi said. They were all thinking about what it would be like to pull a small cart with a big cart.

However, now the old ball understands that no matter how itchy his hands are, it is not the time to hit someone, so he was so angry that he glanced at the soldiers who were sleeping next to the tree, and suddenly there was He had an idea, and then he suddenly whispered to Ma Chuncai, who came back with him.

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