"...The victim was a twenty-eight-year-old proprietress of a tavern in the Lower City. She initially had trouble with the prisoner because of a counterfeiting case. On March 26, a customer reported it to Officer Veronica, who was patrolling the streets at the time. Their tavern sold counterfeit wine. After a preliminary investigation of the tavern, Veronica asked someone to seal the tavern and brought the owner of the tavern, the victim's husband, to the police station. The victim learned of the incident the next day. He came to the police station to protest and insulted Officer Veronica in front of her, causing a conflict between the two."

In the warden's office, Frenda read information about Veronica to Aiden.

"Then at 12:20 in the morning, someone heard gunshots coming from the tavern where the crime occurred. Later, the victim's body was found. He was shot in the back, penetrated the heart, and died on the spot. After investigators arrived at the scene, they left The bullet casings at the scene found that the caliber of the gun that killed the victim was the same as that of the Mounted Police. Officer Veronica, who had a conflict with the victim that day, was listed as a suspect. The investigation team then transferred it from the Mounted Police's vault. I took Veronica's gun and found that there was a bullet missing from her gun..."

"Wait a minute, did she return the used gun to the vault?" Aiden raised his hand to interrupt her.

"Yes, the person on duty at the vault that day testified that Veronica had returned the gun in a panic in the early hours of the morning. His testimony and the gun with missing bullets became the key to Veronica's conviction."

"When the gun is returned according to the procedure, it should be inspected. If the gun has been fired, it will be discovered on the spot." Aiden raised a question.

Flanda nodded: "It was also mentioned that the person on duty at the vault that day was a newcomer who had received instruction from Veronica. He claimed that he did not check Veronica's gun at that time."

"That sounds really weird." Aiden touched his chin.

"What's wrong?" Franda was confused.

"According to the statement above, Prisoner 3308 killed the victim because of a personal grudge. So she should have killed the person while she was out of control, right?"

"Yes, that is what the ruling court has determined. Werewolves are more likely to lose control of their emotions than ordinary people." Flanda gave an affirmative answer, "After all, normally, as long as she retains a little bit of self-control when killing, It is impossible for anyone to use a police weapon to kill someone rationally, and the investigation team would not have found her so quickly."

"When I was in the Inquisition, I handled some cases of injuries caused by werewolves. When werewolves hurt people when they were angry, they basically attacked with bare hands or threw tools at hand. When werewolves were angry, they would transform unconsciously. The symptoms of female werewolves are not as exaggerated as those of males, but their fingers will also become thicker and grow claws." Aiden gestured with his hand to shoot, "Isn't it very convenient to use a gun in this state?"

He retains the memory of the "previous Aiden", the ace investigator of the Inquisition in the past. Compared with the werewolf violent cases in his memory, Veronica's use of a gun to kill people is indeed a bit unusual.

"But warden, prisoner 3308 is a mounted policeman. She should be very skilled in using guns. Even if it is a little inconvenient, she has a gun at hand. It is not impossible to subconsciously draw a gun and shoot. "

"Then how should we explain that she killed someone and voluntarily returned the gun but did not turn herself in? If she planned to refuse to plead guilty, why did she take the initiative to hand over the evidence that could convict herself to the police? Even if she couldn't find a way to reload the bullet, she should at least Get rid of the gun and then claim that your gun was stolen." Aiden crossed his hands, "She is also a police officer after all, and judging from her resume, she is not that kind of idiot. There is no reason to be so stupid, right?"

"Well, maybe... it's because you were too panicked after killing someone?" Flanda also hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Aiden with some confusion, "Sir, do you really think that she was wronged? Right?"

"Just considering the possibility." Aiden shrugged.

Flanda sighed: "Sir, more than 70% of the prisoners here will argue that they were wronged, and many of them are current prisoners who were arrested on the spot. You must know that the most important thing about our line of work is... "

"Don't trust the prisoner easily." Aiden continued smoothly, smiling, "I know, I know, I don't believe her, but there are many aspects of this case that are a bit strange. It took less than two months from the verdict to the execution. It’s a bit incredible.”

Flanda thought about it for a moment: "I heard that the incident of killings by mounted police officers affected the reputation of the police force, so the superior department issued an order to deal with it as soon as possible."

"It's understandable that there is pressure from superiors. After all, this is a big scandal for the Mounted Police." Aiden nodded.

At this moment, someone suddenly opened the door and came in without even knocking.

"Warden!" A female prison guard shouted to Aiden in a panic, without having time to salute, "Just now... there was a fight between prisoners over there in the bathhouse!"

"Don't be anxious. Let's explain clearly which prisoners are fighting?" Aiden asked calmly.

"There are two prisoners in Room 6 in the core area, and two prisoners in Room 13." The female prison guard reported nervously.

Aiden and Frenda looked at each other. The two prisoners in Room 6 were the female thief Catherine and the pirate Anna, while the prisoners in Room 13 were Mayfair and Veronica. The wolf girl had just been transferred. There was trouble when he came over.

"So what's the situation now? Are the officers under control?" Aiden turned to the female prison guard again.

"They have all been controlled by the riot police and have been transferred to the medical department. Prisoner 3307 in cell 13 was knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, but he is not in danger for the time being. The two prisoners in cell 6 were also slightly injured."

"What about prisoner 3308, the death row prisoner?" Aiden asked again.

"3308..." The female prison guard thought for a moment and shook her head, "She doesn't seem to be injured."

"What was the fight about? Have you found out anything?"

"Not yet... not yet. When I heard the noise of smashing and smashing inside and ran in, there was only the death row prisoner standing in the locker room. She was still choking someone's neck at the time, and she looked very fierce... Then I called the riot police over and detained her."

The female prison guard answered carefully, obviously worried about being reprimanded by her superiors for this matter.

"Were there other people there at the time?"

"No, the other prisoners had already finished washing and gathered outside. There were only four of them in the locker room at the time."

"That means the death row prisoner beat up the others, right?" Flanda sighed with her hand on her forehead.

"Take us over there and have a look." After a moment's silence, Aiden signaled the female prison guard to lead the way.

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