The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 500 Early Surgery

Silence permeated between Professor Dodge and the officer, and continued to ferment, exuding an unsettling atmosphere.

"Balance Space", also known as the restricted area, is the core area of ​​the "Infection" plan. The most confidential part of the "Infection" plan is carried out there - allowing humans and demons to merge and stabilize their state. Experimental subjects that cannot be stabilized will be executed on the spot.

The balance space is set to accommodate only a fixed number of people. Once it is equal to or more than this number, people from the outside cannot enter. And once it is less than this number, the people inside cannot come out.

After a while, Professor Dodge said: "The entrance and exit of the 'balance space' are always monitored by you. Didn't you catch the intruder?"

"There is no trace, no one saw the intruder." The officer shook his head, "But when we were replenishing the 'materials' to the restricted area, the last person failed to enter. This situation lasted for about ten seconds. We checked and the 'balance' has been operating normally. We can only judge that someone ventured into the restricted area for reconnaissance and used some method to hide."

Professor Dodge fell into silence again, and a chill slowly climbed up his spine.

He thought of the other party's invasion method, because he could do this kind of thing.

The heavily guarded areas of Luohui City's military base are not only restricted areas, but the entire research institute in the belly of the mountain is covered by a forbidden magic barrier. In this case, to sneak in without being noticed, one can only rely on some power beyond black magic.

That must be the power of the "nothingness" authority, and Professor Dodge knows this very well.

There is no doubt that a person or force with power has set its sights on the "infection" project. There must be a big man behind this so-called resurrection society, which is enough to threaten this project.

"We were a step slower in judgment at the time. We should have killed someone at the first time. In that case, the invader would have to be locked up inside." The officer said with some regret.

"Is it useful to review it now?" Professor Dodge said in a somewhat stern voice.

"I'm sorry." The officer hurriedly bowed his head, "Indeed, the most important thing now is the countermeasures, and I came here to convey this matter."

"Are you going to change the location of the research institute?" Professor Dodge asked.

"The higher-ups mean to end the plan as soon as possible and put it into use," the officer replied, "The experiment is nearing completion, and we don't have the extra resources to build another research institute."

"So what do you mean?" Professor Dodge realized the problem.

"After the last batch of experiments, the experiment will be temporarily suspended, but our contract will still be valid." The officer replied, "Your surgery may have to be brought forward."

"Are you forcing me to use the current semi-finished product results as a treatment plan? Is this your reward for me?" Professor Dodge glared at the officer.

"That's not a semi-finished product. The success rate of the experiment is already 70%." The officer emphasized, "And I have to remind you that every new round of experiments will cost more than a dozen lives..."

"You want to discuss conscience with me now?" Professor Dodge sneered, "You should know how many people you killed in this experiment."

"It's 'we'." The officer pointed at himself and then at Professor Dodge, "I'm not talking about moral issues, but risk avoidance. Every experiment requires the use of 'materials', and every time personnel enter and exit, there is a risk of being infiltrated. Now we can't find the other party's methods at all. You should understand how big this risk is!"

Professor Dodge fell silent. He certainly knew what it meant for a person who held the power of "nothingness" to target the experimental project. The two artifacts used in the balance space were not so easy to find, but if the experiment continued, the risk of the experimental results being stolen would be higher and higher. That was his only hope for treating his son.

"Only 70% success rate..." Professor Dodge muttered to himself.

Objectively speaking, this success rate is already very high. When he put his child into the Empire's project with all his might, there was no success rate at all. The artifact that could mix humans and demons was full of randomness and could not be controlled at all.

"The direct mortality rate is not that high." The officer reminded.

"But that result is something I absolutely cannot bear." Professor Dodge sighed softly.

In the first experiment, he took away Tony's chance to live a normal life.

If Tony died in the second experiment, it would be equivalent to him killing his own son with his own hands.

"Whether you can bear it or not, you must make a choice. This is helpless. When you think about it, we can transfer you half a day, and you can call on the resources of the entire institute to perform surgery on your child." The officer said respectfully.

Professor Dodge thought for a long time, and finally said slowly: "Okay, when will the last batch of experiments be completed."

"All processes will be completed tomorrow morning, and the analysis report will take some time." The officer replied.

"Then arrange it the morning of the day after tomorrow, okay?" Professor Dodge said slowly.

"No problem." The officer bowed deeply.

"I need to tell our son that the place he is going to is a special charity organization." Professor Dodge said.

"Charity organization..." The officer smiled sarcastically, "We will cooperate, please rest assured."

"Then you can reply like this." Professor Dodge waved his hand.

"Okay." The officer saluted, "We will send someone to take you to the base that day, please wait patiently."

Professor Dodge nodded and said goodbye to the officer.

He returned to the house, and considering that his son might have fallen asleep, he walked into the room with light steps.

But to his surprise, his son was still awake.

"Dad?" Tony turned his head as soon as he entered the door.

"Child, there is good news." Professor Dodge tried to put a smile on his face and sat down on the bed. "We have contacted a secret charity cult, and they seem to have a way to cure your illness."

"Really?" Tony immediately opened his dark eyes wide.

"Of course, the success rate is not 100%, but the chance is very high." Professor Dodge replied with a smile, "Your wish will come true soon."

Wish... Tony was slightly stunned.

He had prayed many times since he was a child, and the objects of his prayers were different, but the wishes he made were similar.

I hope I can run and jump like an ordinary child, I hope I can have a body that doesn't hurt, I hope my mother will come back, I hope I can live next year...

As long as I have a normal body, it's enough-thinking that this wish has hope, he has an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

But looking at the smile on his father's face, he could feel that his father was calm and not as ecstatic as he was.

There were lies hidden in his father's words, but he said nothing, because he knew that his father was the only one who would not harm him.

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