The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 501 Transaction Established

Aiden, dressed in the form of the goddess of revenge, stood on a high altar, with a group of kneeling mercenaries underneath.

When he came in, these mercenaries were performing strange worship around the altar. On the altar was a pile of skulls. According to the goddess of revenge, these were the skulls of their enemies.

Most of the people who offer their faith to the goddess of revenge do it for revenge, either for personal grudges or for family and national hatred. They sacrifice a part of their spirit and offer irreversible absolute loyalty to the goddess of revenge, and the goddess of revenge bestows upon them The power of revenge.

After entering the cave, which was decorated as a temple, the goddess of revenge possessing him declared her identity on the spot. Normally, the voice of the Nemesis can only be heard by Aiden's consciousness, but the effect was immediate. Someone recognized his identity on the spot and knelt down to him - obviously, these mercenaries were the "Nemesis" "Sacrifice" believers, the goddess of revenge is their master. They can sense the presence of the goddess of revenge at close range and hear the call of the goddess of revenge.

Some people also expressed doubts. Not every mercenary here is a sacrificial believer of the Goddess of Vengeance. Some are soldiers recruited later, and some are just simple spontaneous beliefs. They cannot feel the existence of the Goddess of Vengeance.

Fortunately, those "sacrificial" believers served as core religious figures such as priests in the mercenary group. In addition, Aiden used his power to perform a "miracle" on the spot, which immediately convinced the entire mercenary group.

"How does it feel to gain a believer?" Nemesis stood beside him and asked him.

"Nothing special, I feel like a mascot being enshrined." Aiden replied.

"That's because the object of their faith is actually me, not you. You still can't fully feel the feeling of power in your hands." The goddess of revenge looked at a believer with a smile, "Do you need me to confirm their belief in me? ?”

"You can try, but don't—"

"——Playing tricks! Okay, I already know it very clearly." The goddess of revenge's smile twisted, "Staying with you like this, I will probably turn into a roundworm in your belly sooner or later."

"That sounds really gross," Aiden replied.

"My believer, are you willing to sacrifice your life for me?" the goddess of revenge raised her arms and shouted.

"Yes, rebel queen!"

"Yes, Lord of Sacrifice!"

"Yes, I am waiting for the patron saint of the Avengers!"

Those "sacrifice" believers chanted together, but there were differences in the title.

"Huh?" Aiden blinked quickly.

"You! Prove it to me!!" The goddess of revenge pointed at a believer.

The believer immediately raised his face, pulled out the pistol from his waist and pressed it against his temple, shouting: "Proof of loyalty to the bright red one who has washed the world with blood!!"

Seeing that he was about to pull the trigger, Aiden immediately drew his gun and knocked the gun out of the opponent's hand.

"That's enough." Nemesis stopped the farce with a smile, and then looked at Aiden with a happy face, "Did you see it?"

"I see..." Aiden's focus was not on this at all, "It turns out that your followers really call you those titles."

"My honorable name? Did I tell you before? Can't you remember this?" The goddess of revenge raised her eyebrows at him.

"Aren't you embarrassed that your followers call you that?" Aiden asked.

"Isn't it nice to hear?" the goddess of revenge said with a matter-of-fact expression.

Aiden is serious?

"You are more honest than I thought." After a moment of silence, Aiden suddenly said, "Are you really going to hand over these people to me to use as abandoned children?" Aiden confirmed to the goddess of revenge.

"I won't go back on what I promised you." The goddess of revenge answered lightly.

"I thought you would do something secretly, and I was wary of you all the way." Aiden said.

The Nemesis had been encouraging him to use these followers before, but Aiden was wary of this and only considered it as a last resort.

"It's meaningless, just a few believers, how much trouble can they cause?" the goddess of revenge said quietly, "I have lost too many things, and I have a lot to get back. You have a 'smell' that makes me hate it, and I don't have it." I like you, but you are indeed an exploitable person. You are a very simple person, simpler than most people I have met. As long as you don't violate your principles and don't actively provoke you, basically everything is easier to talk to. If you're against me, it's better to sell your favor."

"You can see so far in the beginning, so I don't have to work so hard to negotiate with you." Aiden said.

"Even if I don't think so far, I don't want my throne to be taken away by others. That man can complete the revenge ritual after taking away the Hand of Annihilation, right?" said the Goddess of Vengeance.

"You are suddenly so sensible, which makes me a little uncomfortable." Aiden smiled.

"I changed my mind, kid." Nemesis glanced at Aiden, "If you can survive this time, let's make a deal."

"..." Aiden suddenly fell silent.

"What? Isn't this what you have always wanted?" The goddess of revenge was a little confused.

"It sounds very unlucky to say that you can survive..." Aiden muttered in his mind.

Isn't this simply a death flag?

"You are such a troublesome person," the Furies complained.

"In that case, let's talk about the deal."

"If you help me regain my throne, I will do my best to set you free. After that, I will leave your country and completely avoid all possible conflicts with you." The goddess of vengeance replied.

"The body you are staying in still has several years of imprisonment. You can leave if you want. It's hard for me to do that."

"Then let her stay in prison. Anyway, for me, it will just take a nap and it will be over." The goddess of vengeance replied.

Aiden was silent for a long time. These things were indeed a big concession for this goddess who only cares about herself.

"I can't trust you completely." Aiden said.

"I haven't been interested either." The goddess of vengeance replied.

"But this deal is what I want. I promise you." Aiden said seriously.

"Aren't you afraid that I will turn my face and deny it? I am a capricious god who will break the rules at any time." The goddess of vengeance laughed grimly.

"What I am best at is punishing people who break the rules." Aiden also laughed.

Faintly, he could feel that he and the goddess of vengeance had begun to form a subtle tacit understanding, and it was this tacit understanding that made the deal between them possible.

Of course, as the goddess of vengeance said before, the premise of the deal was that Aiden had to survive this incident - Mr. Bloody must not get the Hand of Annihilation.

"The goal has been achieved, so it's time to go back." Aiden said calmly, "Go back and see how our witches are doing."

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