The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 503 Where did you get it from?

A few minutes later, Lamia sat on the bedside, wiping her long hair with a towel. Her hair was very long, so this was a big job.

After drying her body and making her hair a little fluffy, she looked a little more normal. She looked more like a seductive female monster than a female ghost in a horror movie.

Aiden moved a chair and sat opposite her. After thinking for a while, he pointed to the small blanket folded by the bed.

"At least cover your legs if you don't wear clothes." Aiden suggested.

"You've been staring at me for three minutes, and now you want me to cover it?" Lamia laughed.

However, she still pulled the blanket to cover her lower body as she was told, and then covered her chest with her long hair.

The goddess of vengeance suddenly appeared in front of Aiden and laughed teasingly: "Tsk tsk tsk, kid, you-"

"Shut up!" Aiden replied with consciousness, directly interrupting the other party's ridicule.

"What's there to mind? This is not a normal physiological reaction for men!" The goddess of vengeance laughed, "Don't be shy, you can feel it every morning these days, right?"

"If you really knew this, you wouldn't have jumped out to mock me. Go back, don't be like a brat." After saying this, Aiden made the illusion of the goddess of vengeance disappear from his sight.

The other party and he now share a body, and she can also feel any reaction of this body. The so-called lack of privacy is basically like this.

"So, how did you get into this room?" Aiden stared at Lamia and asked.

"Hehe, didn't you tell us where you live? I just found it." Lamia smiled while wiping her hair.

"I told you the address in case there is an emergency contact." Aiden corrected seriously, "How did you get in? Is Qiqimora here too?"

"She is still monitoring. This is not your prison. It's just an ordinary room. Can you be considered a great witch if you can't handle this?" Lamia did not answer the question directly.

"Then what are you doing here?" Aiden frowned.

"To report the situation over there." Lamia replied.

"Wouldn't it be better to contact with the credentials of the Great Witch?" Aiden frowned even more.

"I can't bother Abigail every time, and I just want to take a hot bath. After all, I haven't closed my eyes and rested well for nearly two days. I just found this place to switch shifts with Chichimora." Lamia stuck out her tongue, "Your room is really nice."

Aiden had a bad premonition: "You'd better not tell me..."

"I can sleep here tonight-"

"No, don't even think about it!" Aiden refused the other party before she finished speaking.

Any person with a normal mind would not let a monster that can eat him alive stay in the same room alone and fall asleep unconsciously.

"This guy is really casual." The goddess of vengeance commented in Aiden's consciousness.

"You are qualified to say that?" Aiden replied, and then said to Lamia, "If you want to sleep in a soft bed, go get a room yourself."

"I am a wanted criminal, and I only wore a robe for show on the road, and there is no pocket on it. Where can I put the money in this state?" Lamia raised her hands.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will help you get a room." Aiden said with a dark face, "Now report your progress."

"We have figured out the innermost structure of the core area. This is a schematic diagram." Lamia didn't know when a roll of parchment appeared in her hand and handed it to Aiden.

"Well done..." Aiden spread out the hand-painted map and glanced at it, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Wait, where did you take this thing out just now?"

Lamia didn't answer, but showed a secretive smile.

Aiden wisely did not continue to ask, and continued to look at the map: "It's very simple."

"After all, Kikimora's time in each visit is very short, and the information collected is limited." Lamia replied, "Even so, it has been discovered."

"What is the current status of the experiment?"

"It has been suspended as a matter of course. The core area remains full, and Kikimora can no longer enter." Lamia replied.

"It's almost the same as expected..." Aiden nodded, "Didn't find the location of the artifact?"

"That kind of thing must be locked up like a treasure, and it's impossible to find it in a few seconds." Lamia said.

"But as long as the location is known, Kikimora can use his power to steal them all out, and no matter how tight the lock is, it will be useless." Aiden said, "Let's follow the plan on the day of the action."

"So when exactly do we act?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, we will do it directly to avoid more trouble." Aiden replied.

"Hehe, I like men who are decisive." Lamia grinned, and Aiden was a little surprised to find that the other person actually had normal teeth this time, only the canine teeth were sharper than those of ordinary people, "But why not arrange an earlier time?"

"Because I just borrowed some manpower." Aiden pointed to the birdcage beside the windowsill, "It will take time to transfer the manpower."

"This pigeon looks delicious." Lamia licked her lips with her tongue.

The white pigeon in the cage flapped its wings twice in fear.

"Enough, if I scare you again, I think it will not be able to deliver the letter." Aiden stopped Lamia from approaching the birdcage.

"Your power is really eye-opening to be able to borrow troops in such a place." Lamia sighed.

"Forget the flattery. How is the investigation going on with Mr. Bloody Clothes?" Aiden continued to ask

"I killed three confirmed controlled internal personnel in the past two days. Haha, I really like this job!" Lamia smiled happily, "Don't worry, I handled it very cleanly. The bodies are basically gone. There is only a little residue left that I spit into the pond!"

"No need to tell me about your crime process!" Aiden waved his hand to interrupt her.

"In short, the people controlled by that guy are very close to the core of the experiment. I guess we haven't killed all the believers developed by that bastard. He must have noticed the termination of the experiment."

"Not only him, Professor Dodge must have known it." Aiden said slowly, "He will also take action... Maybe he will show up in that base. We need to keep paying attention."

"In that case, wouldn't it be necessary to make enemies with him if we attack the base?" Lamia asked.

"If that happens, try to negotiate with him. Maybe there's a chance to persuade him."

"The worst case scenario is failure of negotiation, right?"

"Of course not, there are worse cases. Don't forget, the biggest threat to us is still the cult leader." Aiden replied dimly.

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