The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 504 You really know how to play

"By the way." Lamia suddenly pointed to the closet as if she remembered something, "Actually, I prepared a surprise little gift for you."

"What is it?" Aiden looked over with a wary expression.

"Oh, if you say it, can it still be considered a surprise?" Lamia encouraged Aiden with a smile, "Open it and take a look."

Aiden stood there thinking for a moment, then turned to the amalgam golem.

"Open that cabinet." He ordered.

"This is boring." Lamia protested from the side.

"I always have a bad feeling." Aiden calmly stared at the amalgam golem and opened the closet.

There was a woman in military uniform huddled in the closet. Her face had lost all color, her eyes were closed, and she didn't seem to have any physical reaction. Like a corpse.

Aiden slowly turned his face and said, "Lamia, please explain, this corpse is not your food reserve, right?"

"Don't look so scary all of a sudden." Lamia quickly waved her hand, "Take her out and take a closer look. She is still alive!"

"Why don't you tie her up alive?"

"I gave her a drug that can put humans into hibernation. She will be very honest for at least two days. Her heartbeat and breathing will weaken, which is why her face is so white. If it were a corpse, it would be It should turn green," Lamia said.

Sleeping potion is a magic potion that Meiliuki can also prepare. There is no reason why Lamia, who is above her level, cannot use it.

"So who is this person?" Aiden confirmed to Lamia.

"The female officer in the base. She must be pretty. I caught her here for you to have some fun. It's a small favor for helping me. No need to thank me." Lamia grinned.

"...A disciple of Mr. Bloody Clothes, right?" Aiden simply ignored Lamia's dirty jokes.

Lamia and Kikimora were once attacked by Mr. Bloody and a group of believers. At that time, they roughly remembered the faces of some of the people.

Aiden asked the two of them to go back and clear out some of these believers, and also told them to capture one or two and hand them over to him for interrogation.

"Yes, I remember very clearly the only woman among the people that the masked man brought over at that time." Lamia replied, "This woman's spirit has been completely controlled. When we caught her, she She even tried to commit suicide, so I just gave her medication to calm her down.”

"Very good, let's wake her up." Aiden couldn't wait to start the interrogation.

"She won't be so honest when she wakes up. Are you really not going to have some fun first? She will be killed anyway. Let's use the waste." Lamia persuaded with a evil smile, "I am a professional Choose her alive and bring it to you. Don’t worry, she will keep it secret. Do you need an aphrodisiac potion?”

"Wake her up." Aiden repeated helplessly.

"Oh, I understand. Only struggling and resisting can make you excited?"

"Wake her up!!" Aiden repeated word by word, glaring at Lamia.

"Tsk, tsk, so scary, so scary."

Lamia then went over and took the female officer out of the closet. Just when Aiden was wondering where she was going to take out the medicine to relieve the female officer's hibernation, Lamia suddenly opened her mouth and bit her neck. When she got down, the moment she opened her mouth, Aiden noticed with sharp eyes that the canine teeth on the other party's upper jaw quickly grew long and pointed, like a poisonous snake.

He immediately understood the various principles. Lamia could store some prepared magic medicine in the body, and then use its fangs to inject the medicine into its prey like a poisonous snake.

After injecting the antidote, Lamia turned the female officer from a horizontal hug to a vertical hug, and wrapped her arms around the opponent's neck and ribs. The female officer's figure was definitely not petite, and could even be said to be quite tall. But in Lamia's arms she was as delicate as a girl.

Only ten seconds passed, and Aiden saw the female officer's face begin to turn red and her chest begin to rise and fall.

Another moment passed, and the female officer slowly opened her eyes and met Aiden's eyes.

The initial haziness passed, and she woke up suddenly, her eyes widening.

Just when she was subconsciously about to open her mouth to shout, Lamia suddenly tightened her arms and caught the other person's throat and ribs, instantly cutting off the other person's voice.

The female officer struggled violently, breaking off Lamia's hand with her hands, and tried to dig out her skin with her nails, but Lamia's strength was completely overwhelming to her. The female officer's nails dug out a few marks on Lamia's skin, but there was no blood. What was exposed under the damaged outer skin were fine scales.

Aiden opened his mouth to recite the divine words in a low voice, and then said to Lamia: "Let her go."

"It would be troublesome if she screamed and someone heard her," Lamia said.

"I have taken measures, don't worry." Aiden replied, "Let her go first, she looks like she is suffocating."

Only then did Lamia let go, and the female officer immediately screamed excitedly and rushed towards Aiden, the sound was enough to wake up every guest staying in the hotel.

Aiden stumbled and dodged to the side. The female officer hit a "wall" and a cage shrouded them flashed for a moment.

Aiden used the punishment of "punishment" to create a cage covering most of the room, and stipulated that no sound could spread outside the cage.

"Restrain her!" Aiden ordered.

The amalgam golem immediately rushed forward and turned into shackles to tie up the female officer.

"Prevent biting your tongue." Aiden added the order.

The shackles that fixed the head extended a piece to the female officer's face, and before the other party could react, it drilled into the other party's mouth and pried it open, and then transformed into a fixed gag.

The goddess of vengeance suddenly appeared beside Aiden, holding her hands and looking at the female officer who was tied up with chains and forced to kneel on the ground and forced to open her mouth with interest, and nodded.

At the same time, Lamia looked at this scene and whistled.

"Boy, you really know how to play."

"Kid, you really know how to play."

Aiden heard the two people's comments almost in unison.

"It's just to prevent her from biting her tongue." Aiden answered calmly.

This was the lesson learned when interrogating Sophie Carter. Some people will bite off their tongues without hesitation to keep a secret.

"Is this cage also your power just now?" Lamia asked.

"This thing can completely block out sound." Aiden looked at Lamia and said, "I've already proven it when I fought you."

"I even used Dragon's Roar on you." Lamia immediately understood what was going on, "Is this barrier really that powerful? I kind of want to try it."

"Don't be silly, you don't have the memory of that time, but you deafened my ears once. Okay, go outside the cage first, I want to interrogate her." Aiden motioned for Lamia to leave the cage.

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