The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 505 Inhumane interrogation methods

"You still use the ambiguous term 'interrogation'... You don't have to be shy. You have already asked this woman to assume this posture. Just do whatever you want." Lamia spread her hands, "I won't hinder you. Yes, rather, I can cooperate a little to make you have more fun. Do you need big sister to inject you with something good?"

"Exile!" Aiden no longer had the patience to continue to accompany this guy's dirty jokes, and used banishment to throw Lamia into the corner of the room outside the cage.

"This brat is really boring to tease." Lamia sighed boringly outside.

The main reason why Aiden threw Lamia out is that the rules of the "Wordless Code" will take effect on him. Once the rules of forced confession are written, Aiden himself will inevitably become answerable. . If Lamia suddenly asked some confidential matters nearby, it would almost certainly cause a leak. If you throw Lamia away and isolate the sound with a cage, you don't have to worry about this.

"Boy, if you want to do something bad, do it now." Nemesis is still in the cage trying to persuade Aiden, "This cage should be set up so that people outside can't see it."

Aiden can indeed do this. In addition to sound, the light cage reflected on the surface of objects can also isolate it. The power of "chaos" that creates demons can forcibly eliminate the boundaries between different things and mix them in disorder, while the power of "order" can in turn create such boundaries.

In addition to trapping opponents, the punishment of imprisonment can also serve as a protective shield. It can also be used to create a dark room where outsiders cannot observe the inside, or completely deprive the people inside the cage of hearing and vision. It is a very versatile ability. .

"You talk a bit too much, why don't I banish you too." Aiden returned to consciousness coldly, "I wonder if the great goddess of vengeance will dissipate directly like a puff of smoke without her body."

"Don't you have any feelings about dirty jokes?" Nemesis commented, "It's really hard to see you at a loss for once."

"I work in this job, and there are countless female prisoners who have tried to molest me. In the past two years, there has been a stupid succubus who has continued to make pornographic remarks to me. It is difficult not to develop some resistance." Aiden replied lightly, and then Start writing rules in the "Wordless Code", requiring people in the field to give complete and detailed answers immediately when asked questions.

Then, Aiden looked at the female officer who glared at him: "Answer, as far as you know, including you, how many people are there who are as loyal to Mr. Bloody Clothes as you are - that is, the masked man you are loyal to now?"

After asking the question, he ordered the amalgam golem to unshackle it.

"Gu!" The female officer's expression became ferocious, trying to fight against the mysterious force that forced her to reveal the truth, but she still failed, "Ten...two!"

This amount is more than Aiden expected, and it may not be all. Mr. Bloody Suit is very efficient. Most of the soldiers involved in the core work at that base are extremely loyal to the army, otherwise they would not be entrusted with such confidential work. But this kind of loyalty can easily become a weakness in the face of "rebellious" power.

"How many people are the core figures who have access to the base's research restricted area?" Aiden asked, "Name their names!"

"Well, four, four, their names are..."

The female officer opened her mouth to answer the question with some difficulty. Aiden had just written down the answer when the female officer suddenly bit her tongue hard, with such force that she bit her tongue off.

She convulsed in severe pain, and blood spilled directly from the corners of her mouth.

Aiden watched this scene leisurely and recited the divine words of "return".

The overflowing blood immediately flowed back, and the broken tongue was slowly reconnected.

At the same time, Lamia also discovered that the room was automatically becoming tidy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This power is very practical. It can be used to tidy up the laboratory and restore used potions." She suddenly began to feel that the divine word of "order" seemed quite good.

Aiden watched the female officer return to her original state, and then said coldly: "Continue to ask, what instructions did Mr. Xueyi give you?"

"Your interrogation is really inhumane, but I like it." Nemesis commented from the side.

"Every opportunity to write in the Wordless Codex is precious. Things that can be solved with divine words are better solved with divine words." Aiden answered.

The three writing opportunities on the "Wordless Codex" are like three independent skills. Each skill has to wait for a day to cool down after use.

The female officer continued to give answers in despair. Every time she gave a complete answer, she would try to hurt herself to prevent herself from leaking the secret, but the power to return everything to the original point healed her time and time again.

Through several rounds of quick questions and answers, Aiden gradually figured out that the female officer was responsible for logistics work at the institute, including some paperwork, declaration of experimental materials, and waste disposal. She was not qualified to directly enter the core restricted area, but she would He has handled some confidential documents and reports related to the restricted area, so he is not completely ignorant of what is going on inside.

Through this, he got some sporadic information about the restricted area, and these gentlemen in blood must have known about it.

"Do you know Harrison Dodge?" Aiden turned the question in the direction of Professor Dodge.


"He cooperates with your research institute, right?"

"He is our...special advisor."

Aiden narrowed his eyes. This completely confirmed that Harrison Dodge was directly involved in the "Infection" plan, and his status was not low.

"Your experiment has been terminated. Is there any new movement from him?" Aiden continued to ask.

"He... asked us to arrange the operation in advance to treat his family." The female officer replied.


"The morning of the day after tomorrow."

"Then where is he now?"

"I don't know..."


Aiden asked a few more questions, but he couldn't dig out more information.

This female officer was not directly responsible for matters related to Professor Dodge. It was just that the institute had recently terminated the experiment, and the only major schedule was to arrange an operation for Professor Dodge's son.

Professor Dodge might take action in advance when the "Infection" plan changed. This was also within Aiden's expectation. Fortunately, this female officer at least knew the time of the operation, but unfortunately Mr. Bloody Clothes must have known it.

If you want to ensure the success rate, it is necessary to advance the time of action. If you wait until the day after tomorrow, not only will Professor Dodge, who holds the Hand of Annihilation, be present, but Mr. Bloody Clothes will also take corresponding actions.

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