The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 507 Female Ghost Wake-up Service

In the early morning, Aiden suddenly opened his eyes to a metallic buzzing sound.

The alarm sound came from the metal net covering his bed and the deformed amalgam golem. When sleeping here, he would let the amalgam golem transform into a solid metal net to protect him. Once it sensed someone approaching, the metal net would vibrate and emit this harsh but not loud buzzing alarm.

He immediately got up and looked around, and immediately found a figure standing outside the metal net.

It was still dark, and with the help of night vision magic, Aiden saw a woman with long hair that almost covered half of her face standing at the end of his bed. She was wearing a white cloth, which looked particularly creepy in the dark.

It was Lamia. Aiden remembered that he had specially booked another room for her yesterday, but she actually entered this room without permission. Aiden had locked all the doors and windows before going to bed, and now the doors and windows were still closed. God knows how this guy got in.

Shit - Aiden cursed in his heart, but he didn't show any expression on the surface.

"Fuck!" The goddess of vengeance cursed in his mind without hesitation, "What's wrong with this girl?"

"I don't remember ever asking for this kind of wake-up service." Aiden said with a dark face.

"You are too cautious to set up such a mechanism." Lamia smiled nonchalantly, "I wanted to give you a good morning kiss."

"Good morning kiss? The kind that can eat people?" Aiden had a blank expression, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't get angry when you wake up. In order to prevent you from overreacting, I deliberately put on a white sheet this time." Lamia lifted the "white clothes" draped over her body, and her body was looming in the dark.

"It's more scary to wear a white cloth, okay?" Aiden replied unhappily, thinking that this guy has to be like a horror movie every time he appears?

"Sure enough, you still prefer me naked? Haha, you should have said it earlier." Lamia simply took off the cloak-like sheet.

"Hmph, kid, why don't you tie this guy up with a golem, and then..." The voice of the goddess of vengeance suddenly sounded in Aiden's mind, "I don't think she minds at all, and she keeps testing the edge of danger."

"Some prisoners in my prison do this, so it's nothing strange." Aiden answered in his mind.

The goddess of vengeance just wanted to see him embarrassed, just like Lamia deliberately dangling in front of him. He found that most of the women he had come into contact with had this kind of twisted personality-after all, they were basically criminals.

"What do you want to do, you exhibitionist? If you're just playing around, go back and don't disturb my sleep." Aiden looked at Lamia with a serious face and said, "I said I had to conserve my energy before the action."

Professor Dodge moved the child's surgery forward to tomorrow because the experiment was terminated, and Mr. Bloody Clothes also learned this information through the network built by the infiltration operation.

The plan here is to attack the base before the scheduled operation, use the power of the "Wordless Code" to forcibly invade the core of the restricted area of ​​the institute, snatch the artifact with divine power, and then find an opportunity to negotiate with Professor Dodge, and avoid direct contact with Mr. Bloody Clothes as much as possible.

The operation is scheduled for the afternoon a few hours later. For this reason, before going to bed, Aiden has released the pigeons to let the mercenaries of the Vengeance Temple gather at the small lake where he and Lamia fought before.

It has been more than five hours now. If the mercenaries of the Vengeance Temple set off immediately after receiving the letter, they should be closer to the destination now.

Aiden did not want to arrange the operation too tight. He was still tired after running around for two days. Even if he avoided Mr. Bloody Clothes, he would not dare to relax his vigilance against a military base of a thousand people.

"Well, actually I have some news for you." Lamia spread her hands nonchalantly, "Kikimora has discovered something."

"If you have something important to say, tell me as soon as possible, and don't disturb me to continue resting." Aiden patiently prepared to listen to the report and then take a nap.

"Just now, something big seemed to have happened in the research area of ​​the base. There was a commotion, and then Qiqimora saw a man with his face covered, pushing an operating table into the restricted area of ​​the base under the guidance of a group of officers."

"Operating table?" Aiden became alert, "Is there someone on the bed?"

"Yes, it was completely covered, but Qiqimora 'lifted' the cover and saw that there was a person inside. The body was deformed, skin and bones, no muscle tissue could be observed, there were bone protrusions on the spine, and a bony tail. From my professional point of view, this is a demonic feature." Lamia analyzed, "The demonized young man looked very weak and was about to die. The possibility that he was also one of the experimental subjects cannot be ruled out, but the reaction of the base personnel was not quite right."

"Impossible, there has never been a living artificial demon out of the core area, all that came out were disposed of waste! How could the finished product be transported back from outside the core area?"

"So the person who sent the operating table in was indeed..."

"Professor Dodge!" Aiden said firmly.

From Lamia's description, Chichimora didn't see anyone being swapped out.

Kikimora had not been able to get into the restricted area before, which meant that it was full. No one came out, but they were able to go in directly. Either the people inside had readjusted the artifact, or they killed two experimental subjects to free up the number of people. The person who went in probably had a certain status in the base, and brought a demon in like a special patient. There was no other candidate except Professor Dodge.

"The time of the operation is not scheduled for the day after tomorrow... No, it should be tomorrow now." Lamia said.

"From the situation observed by Kikimora, Professor Dodge's son may have had some emergency. Now is not the time to sleep. We have to set off quickly. I hope the mercenaries of the Vengeance Temple have assembled!" Aiden is now completely sleepless, "Damn, why didn't Kikimora contact me directly?"

"You slept too deeply. The Great Witch's certificate can't summon you in this state, so Kikimora contacted me first..." Lamia spread her hands.

"Then you should tell me the business at the beginning!" Aiden said as he tied his belt and inserted his gun into the holster.

"It's because you scared me because you were grumpy when you woke up." Lamia raised her hand and grinned.

I really wanted to shoot her. This thought flashed through Aiden's mind.

But he didn't have much time to think about such trivial matters now.

"Ms. Phoenix..." He called the goddess of vengeance in his mind.

"I know, I was just about to tell you..." The goddess of vengeance smiled coldly in his mind, "Bad news, our enemy is also in the city, but he seems to have started to move to the suburbs."

"It's really... It can't be worse." Aiden commented.

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