The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 509 The man seduced by the great witch

"I hope you can be as reliable as your words when you take action." Aiden looked at Lamia nonchalantly.

Qiqimora and Lamia are both experienced, and Lamia is an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years. At least there is no need to worry about their mentality when facing a big scene.

"So the action is still as planned?" Qiqimora suddenly asked.

"Yes." Aiden replied, and then he recited the divine words. At the same time, Lamia's image instantly distorted and reorganized, turning into the female officer they interrogated yesterday.

"You really have a lot of convenient divine words." Lamia laughed, "Use this, you can walk around without clothes without worry."

"The usage you are concerned about... seems a bit strange." Aiden frowned and commented.

Qiqimora's "hiding" power can only be applied to two more people. The amalgam golem is too large and must occupy one person. Aiden simply let Lamia disguise herself as the female officer. They have searched the necessary documents from that person.

After the interrogation yesterday, Lamia took the female officer away. Aiden never saw her again. He could probably imagine her final fate.

The so-called plan was to enter the base from the nearest entrance and directly enter the core area of ​​the institute along the shortest route. Then Aiden used the power of the "Wordless Code" to suppress the artifact that limited the number of people in the restricted area and broke through directly.

Professor Dodge was now performing surgery on his child in the restricted area of ​​the institute. Contacting Professor Dodge on the spot was not planned, but they had no other choice.

At that time, they would give priority to stealing the artifacts in the base, and then appear to negotiate with Professor Dodge.

"Do you want to consider directly snatching the Hand of Annihilation?" Qiqimora suddenly made an opinion.

"If you want to rob it, I won't stop you. That's the only authority. Just a snap of the fingers can make you completely disappear from this world. Even the "Wordless Code" can't completely restrict it." Aiden said seriously, "Besides, you also said that it can't be stolen."

The Hand of Annihilation is not an artifact that can be easily stolen by the power of "nothingness". When there is a carrier, the Hand of Annihilation is invisible to others, just like the emperor's new clothes.

The risk of sneaking and assassinating Professor Dodge is also very high. If it fails, the possibility of negotiation will be completely cut off, and it will inevitably be counterattacked.

So Aiden proposed to find a way to steal the artifact in the base first, and then negotiate with Professor Dodge on the spot. Other high-risk proposals will be put after the negotiation fails.

From previous observations, the time period for the base to use up a batch of experimental products is relatively long. It is speculated that the whole process of making demons and stabilizing them will take five or six hours. The whole operation time will not be too short. I am afraid it is impossible to complete it before Mr. Bloody Clothes arrives.

In any case, Aiden cannot let Mr. Bloody Clothes contact Professor Dodge.

Kikimora's goal is to obtain the Hand of Annihilation, the only power that most people will not give up easily.

But Kikimora felt that when it comes to negotiations, neither Aiden nor Lamia will forcefully ask Professor Dodge to hand over the Hand of Annihilation. In fact, as long as the other party gives up cooperation with the base, Aiden and Lamia's goal can be achieved.

However, she alone would not have the opportunity to safely obtain the Hand of Annihilation, and the assistance of others, especially Aiden, is indispensable.

Kikimora recited the words of God, hiding herself, Aiden and the amalgam golem together, and moved to the entrance of the base with Lamia.

At this time, Kikimora spoke again: "Warden."

"Why do you suddenly want to whisper to me?" Aiden replied.

In the "hidden" state, even Lamia, as a companion, could not see or hear them. Kikimora deliberately chose to talk to him after the action started, and said a whisper that only the two of them could hear each other, even though Lamia was actually in front of them now.

"If Professor Dodge is unwilling to give up the Hand of Annihilation, but is willing to work with you to deal with Mr. Bloody Clothes, will you agree directly?" Kikimora asked.

"I will weigh the risks. If the risk is not high, I don't mind helping you." Aiden carefully chose his words.

In other words, if the risk is relatively high, he will not take the risk to help Kikimora achieve his goal.

"You are very dedicated to helping Lamia." Kikimora suddenly said, with a flat tone.

But Aiden heard the other party's dissatisfaction and explained: "This is part of the plan, which just coincides with Lamia's plan."

"If you are willing to help me get the Hand of Annihilation, I can solemnly promise you that I will definitely help you kill Mr. Bloody Clothes." Kikimora said in a persuasive tone, "If you let me be promoted to a saint and still hold the sole authority, your chances of winning will also be greatly improved."

Aiden heard that Kikimora was trying to win him over as much as possible, hoping that he would tend to forcefully obtain the sole authority from Professor Dodge during the negotiation process.

"It's not enough to just deal with Mr. Bloody Clothes." Aiden said, "Are you willing to help me deal with the Ruler?"

Kikimora thought for a moment: "If I also become a Ruler..."

"That's not an easy thing." Aiden smiled, "Okay, I'll seriously consider your words."

"You are quite popular with women. These two witches want to win you over." The goddess of vengeance appeared beside him and said sarcastically, "This is the value of you being raised by the goddess of conspiracy. Ambitious bad women will want to take a bite when they find you."

"My goal is to get out of this situation." Aiden responded in his heart.

"Low-level helpers are meaningless. The power of the spiritual throne can control people's hearts." The voice of the goddess of vengeance suddenly became serious. "I think you can seriously consider her proposal, provided that this girl is trustworthy enough."

"I know." Aiden replied lightly.

Mr. Bloody's "hatred" authority can make people betray, and Melissa's "desire" and "wisdom" authority can manipulate people's memories and goals.

To deal with these two people, half-baked helpers will be controlled by them instead. To deal with Mr. Bloody, the helper must reach the saint level; to deal with the goddess of conspiracy, it is difficult to compete with her without the power of the ruler level.

Aiden had imagined in the past that he would train one of Abigail or Qiqimora to a saint or ruler to help himself get out of the current situation.

Now, perhaps this is the opportunity.

After learning about what Professor Dodge had done, Aiden actually began to tend to identify Kikimora as the collaborator. At least as far as he knew, Kikimora didn't seem to have done anything unscrupulous.

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