The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 517 The Disappearing Enemy

Professor Dodge was silent for a while and gave an answer: "The artifacts here are in my hands now. One is this statue, and the other is..."

As he spoke, a small knife suddenly appeared in his hand, which looked a bit like a scalpel and a bit like a carving knife. I don't know what metal it is made of. It is dark gold and rusty. It is obviously a bit old.

"This scalpel?" Aiden asked.

"This thing can make a mark or wound on any object. If the cuts of two objects are put together, the objects will merge together. The Empire and the Kingdom of Gistas use this to make demons." Professor Dodge explained, then raised his hand and threw it, "I'll give it to you first."

This was what he robbed after killing other technicians. It was originally locked in a mithril safe. But as long as there is the power of the Hand of Annihilation, any insurance measures are useless.

For him, this thing is actually not very useful.

Aiden looked at the flying scalpel and couldn't help but be stunned. It might be a bit difficult to catch it without getting hurt.

Just as he was hesitating about how to take it, Lamia suddenly jumped out and grabbed the scalpel first with the advantage of height.

Naturally, this action also exposed her directly.

"I will take this reward first!" Lamia laughed.

"Potion Queen Lamia..." Professor Dodge stared at this side.

Aiden just glanced at Lamia and said nothing. Now was not the time to argue about the division of the spoils. He looked at Professor Dodge again: "Can I regard it as you have agreed?"

"Take the artifact, you help me heal my son. As for the Hand of Annihilation, I can't give it to you easily." Professor Dodge replied calmly, "You just need the Hand of Annihilation not to be taken away, right?"

He can pay any price to heal his son, but this does not mean that he will lose his calmness in judging gains and losses in the transaction. The Hand of Annihilation is his trump card to protect his son and himself, and it cannot be handed over easily.

"I want that thing." Kikimora suddenly appeared and stated his position before Aiden could give an answer. "If you want to completely cure your son after you go out, give me the sole authority."

"Are you the great witch who controls the power of 'nothingness'?" Professor Dodge looked at Kikimora and felt the same breath from her.

"Then let's do this." Aiden interrupted, "Give us the artifact, and I will get your son out of danger first. The rest of the deal, let's talk about it after we go out?"

He turned his head and glanced at Kikimora, winking.

The general idea is that the situation is urgent, so go out first, and I will help you with the negotiation later, so don't get stuck in this matter.

Kikimora frowned slightly, obviously very dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything.

"Oh, you're having a quarrel." Lamia teased on the side.

"Okay, let's do this first." Professor Dodge agreed more straightforwardly.

Aiden then took out the "Wordless Code" and wrote down the rule: "All people in the area will recover and maintain normal functions."

Before writing the rules, he narrowed the area where the rules were effective to only this room - he saved the lives of all the base soldiers outside the room, but they were injured and unable to move. If the rules were also effective for them, they would be revived immediately with full blood.

Professor Dodge immediately turned his head to look at his son on the operating table. He could feel that some force was at work.

Tony Dodge suddenly coughed a few times, and then began to gasp for air. He opened his eyes wide, and then subconsciously struggled to get up.

"Tony!" Professor Dodge immediately rushed over to help him up.

But Tony sat up before he reached out to touch him, looked at his father with an incredible face and said: "My body...suddenly became lighter."

His body was still that demonic body, but his flesh and blood were a little fuller. But Tony felt unprecedented relief at this moment, no pain, no fatigue, no dizziness and nausea, smooth breathing, heart beating normally, this is the first time he has a real feeling that he is alive.

During the period when the rules are in effect, even his disabled half-human and half-demon body can still maintain normal physiological functions and remain healthy and complete.

Although it is only temporary, his wish has come true, a body free from pain.

Professor Dodge watched his son climb down from the bed flexibly and said nothing, just standing there, the bird-beak mask blocked the expression on his face.

"Dad?" Tony looked at his father motionless and was a little confused.

At this time, Professor Dodge suddenly reached out and gave his son a strong hug.

"Dad..." Tony felt his father's mood and was about to say something comforting to fit the atmosphere, but then he remembered what his father had done for him, and his heart sank again.

The mysterious people who appeared here proved that they had the ability to cure him, and his father would definitely find a way to make a good deal first. But the crime committed by his father will not change. The tentative conversation just now, the things he once suspected and feared, have all been confirmed, and the truth is even more bloody than he imagined.

Everything his father did was for him. No matter how much his father emphasized that this matter was his own arbitrary decision, Tony also knew that this matter was inseparable from him. Only he had no right to judge his father. All he could do was to share the responsibility with his father, and perhaps he could find a way to atone for his sins in the future. No matter how hard it was, he was willing to do it with his father.

"I'm sorry to disturb your touching scene, but we have to get ready to leave." Aiden reminded.

This scene did not move him much. He had a certain degree of sympathy for Tony Dodge. But he still couldn't accept what Professor Dodge had done.

"This statue can't be moved. Just take away the divinity and the words of God." Lamia immediately crawled towards the statue.

"Lamia, don't just think about taking all the benefits by yourself. The divinity should be divided equally. This time I will do it." Qiqimora stopped her.

"The divinity of the statue will be extracted last. I will recall the golem first." Aiden said.

The power of the statue is related to the number of people in the restricted area. Once the divinity is extracted, this insurance will disappear.

As for the location of Mr. Bloody Clothes... before he could speak, the goddess of vengeance shared it with him again.

Aiden felt it again with his heart-less than one kilometer, at such a close distance, he could feel the other party's presence as strong as a torch shooting into the sky.

This was already inside the institute, but it would take at least two or three minutes to reach the restricted area entrance. Outside and in the camp, people could ride horses like a car with the accelerator on, but there was no means of transportation inside the institute that could pass quickly.

He had enough time to escape!

At this moment, without any warning, the existence of Mr. Bloody Clothes in his consciousness suddenly disappeared.

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