The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 518 This wave can win

At the entrance to the mountain of the institute, a group of refugees and soldiers of the Resurrection Society were kneeling on the ground in several circles. The bodies of the suppressed base guards and the victims of the Resurrection Society were lying on the periphery of the circle.

In the center of the circle, a man wearing a bloody mask was lying on his back, and a strange dagger with blades on both ends of the handle was deeply inserted into his chest.

The leader of the Resurrection Society, Mr. Bloody Clothes, was dying, and life was rapidly draining from his body, but the believers around him were just worshiping, and no one came forward to help.

Blood squeezed out of the wound, wrapped around the dagger, and pulled the dagger out. More blood gushed out, and the blood gathered together and turned into a familiar with the appearance of a bat - a soldier with a relatively high position among the believers, providing Mr. Bloody Clothes with the authority to perform black magic.

"Go." The dying man smiled.

The bloody familiar grabbed the dagger and flew towards the depths of the mountain at a speed that even horses could not catch up with.

At this time, Professor Dodge and his son were immersed in a touching atmosphere. Lamia and Kikimora were arguing over the division of the spoils. In the end, they reached an agreement that the divinity would be given to Kikimora, and Lamia would learn the divine language.

Only Aiden's face changed. He found that he could not feel the existence of Mr. Bloody Clothes - no, it was not that he could not feel it, but that the feeling became extremely thin, just like the torch suddenly shrank and became a candle in the wind.

"Boy, I advise you to leave here immediately!" The goddess of vengeance suddenly shouted, "He is using 'sacrifice' to transfer his body!"

A shudder suddenly exploded in Aiden's heart. He realized that Mr. Bloody Clothes had actually prepared to invade this space long ago!

The power of "sacrifice" has several effects. It can give up things you don't want on your body, transfer damage and negative effects under the condition of mutual consent, and create fanatics who will never betray you. But the most important thing is that you can use the body of the fanatic to resurrect.

The effect of this resurrection is very similar to the "inheritance" power of the "reproduction" authority. The difference is that the use of "sacrifice" to replace the body and resurrect can only be used by individuals above the level of Saints, and the designated object must be one's own fanatic who voluntarily offers everything - just like the madman Hero to the goddess of vengeance. In addition, "sacrifice" requires both parties to release it actively before death.

The power of "inheritance" must be designated to a direct descendant individual, and the effect can be passive. Even if there is an accidental death, it will automatically be transferred to the designated descendant.

It is obvious that Mr. Bloody has been transporting his fanatics to the base. The restricted area has been full before. Those refugees have not been completely killed. They are still in the cage. Among them are Mr. Bloody's believers, who are Mr. Bloody's spare bodies!

He had already thought of a way to break through the restrictions of the Libra Statue. He was just waiting for the right opportunity!

Aiden realized that he had to leave here immediately. The amalgam golem left there might not be enough time to recover it, so he left it to the madman to play with. The most important thing is his life!

As soon as this thought came out, he suddenly felt a dizzy nausea.

An inexplicable feeling of disgust attacked him in his heart.

Escape? Why must he run away with his tail between his legs? Is Mr. Bloody really that scary?

This is actually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Mr. Bloody doesn't know the power he has, nor does he know that the other two witches are his companions. If Qiqimora gets that bit of divinity, he can be promoted to a saint. If Professor Dodge, who holds the Hand of Annihilation, also helps him... he may not have no chance of winning!

Sometimes taking risks can be a shortcut to victory!

Just like a ship suddenly turning around, Aiden's thoughts have changed dramatically.

"No, this is an opportunity. We can ambush him here!" Aiden told the goddess of vengeance this idea in his heart.

The illusion of the goddess of vengeance stared at Aiden with wide eyes. She couldn't see Aiden's face, but this illusion could show her conscious activities.

This man has always been cautious to the point that she is extremely disgusted, but now he is more reckless than her who is bent on revenge. He actually wants to fight Mr. Bloody to the death when there are no rules to write in the "Wordless Code"?

But she, who once held the power of "hatred", immediately realized what was going on.

In her consciousness, Mr. Bloody's reaction had disappeared from the original position, but appeared nearby as if teleporting - almost outside this door.

He had already reached the restricted area!

"Idiot! Has it been affected already?!" The illusion of the goddess of vengeance spat at Aiden, who looked possessed.

She knew very well that no matter how she persuaded or used her remaining ability, it would be impossible for Aiden to change his mind.

Mr. Bloody, who appeared in the restricted area, activated the power of "betrayal", which could not achieve precise strikes without seeing the target. But Aiden was an exception. At such a close distance, the method of the dual spirits in one body and the power of "substitute" could not deceive Mr. Bloody, and he could already clearly sense his existence!

At the same time, the two great witches who knew nothing about the outside world noticed that the scale on the left hand of the statue, which symbolized the number of people, moved. It first tilted further in the direction it was originally tilted, and then adjusted back.

Lamia and Chichimora looked at each other in bewilderment - this space was in an overloaded state, even if one person disappeared, people from outside couldn't get in. The reaction just now was like someone died in this space, but was resurrected immediately.

The silver amalgam golem suddenly smashed open the iron door, and the loud noise startled everyone present.

After entering, it made a violent metallic buzzing sound.

The amalgam golem itself has no will, but the orders attached to it by the master are conscious, and the power of "betrayal" can reverse these orders and make it betray the master.

"Why is this toy broken?" Lamia didn't understand the situation yet.

Behind the amalgam golem, a thin figure stood in the corridor. He was only about 18 years old. His skin color and appearance showed that he was a Dillon from the south, and his patched clothes showed that he was a refugee captured here.

But the "refugee" had a hideous smile full of expectation on his face at this moment, and raised one hand high.

Behind him, an officer affected by the power of "betrayal" dragged his seriously injured body to open the door to enter. As soon as the door opened, a bloody afterimage flew in.

A familiar made of blood flew into the restricted area, quickly rushed into the palm of his raised hand, and exploded into a ball of red plasma.

The "boy" clenched his hands and grabbed the bloody dagger brought by the familiar.

At the same time, Aiden directly recited the divine word of "punishment", and the idea of ​​winning still occupied his mind.

His voice stopped abruptly, and a deep cut appeared on his throat without any warning, and blood gushed out of the wound.

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