The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 521: Separation of Life and Death

Aiden felt like his vision was completely blurred.

The rules of the "Wordless Code" worked hard to maintain the body's skills and allow his body to recover, but the damage caused by the double blades of vengeance was like a curse determined to drag him toward the abyss of death and pain.

This half-dead state couldn't be worse in this situation. The resurrection power given by Abigail seems to be activated at the moment of death, and the passive effect it usually exhibits will only slightly strengthen his healing ability. , while making his blood extremely unpalatable to vampires.

The lack of oxygen caused his consciousness to sink in the darkness, and a bunch of broken and irrelevant memories came to him at this moment, flashing through his consciousness one by one like a slide.

There is no normal order and no classification. The memories he has after coming to this world are derived from the memories of the previous owner of this body, Aiden Garrod, and even the memories of his own world in the past. Countless Fragments jumbled together before his eyes.

This is...the legendary revolving lantern?

But he had no intention of thinking about his life at this time, and the pain all over his body made it difficult for him to think normally.

A picture flashed by, slightly catching his attention.

In that picture, he saw his own face - Aiden Garrod's face, but it was not in the mirror.

More unfamiliar pictures appeared in the revolving lantern, making him a little unable to react.

Where do these memories... come from? Why no impression at all?

The pain continued to tug at his attention, and he couldn't remember where or when these images in his memory came from.

Or should I say, whose memory is this?

At this time, Lamia wrapped her arms around his armpits from behind and gently picked him up. Aiden felt the other person's body temperature.

Then, Lamia bit Aiden's neck and injected the medicine stored in his body.

Aiden suddenly felt that most of the pain had disappeared, and he suddenly woke up. The revolving images were immediately cleared from his mind.

Vision was restored.

Those just now...were just hallucinations that emerged when your mind was not clear when you were about to die?

"It's time to wake up from mother's arms, you unweaned brat!" Lamia hugged him and rocked him, "Don't die so easily!"

Lamia's potion made Aiden feel a little better, but the severe wound on his throat was still there. He opened his mouth and found that he still couldn't make a sound.

The bleeding stopped, but the pain of lack of oxygen remained.

The goddess of revenge suddenly spoke in his head: "Boy, what on earth did you just do?"

"What did you say?" Aiden didn't understand what the other person was asking.

At this time, he and Lamia heard Professor Dodge's screams.

They followed the sound and saw Professor Dodge lying on the ground twitching.

A few seconds ago, when the pain invaded, Professor Dodge suddenly felt that the blood in his body was cold.

For an instant, his vision turned bright red, and then his body completely lost consciousness.

Tony stood frozen in place. He saw his father suddenly fall to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut off. His arms were cut off in an instant and separated from his body.

Professor Dodge was lying on the spot twitching. The damage done to Mr. Bloody Clothes by the two knives behind him was that his arms were severed, and the first one penetrated directly into the skull.

"This is the easiest way." Mr. Xueyi pulled out the double blade of revenge and turned it around playfully, "I'm sorry for making a sneak attack. I was really careless. In front of me, I didn't use the hand of annihilation but used the divine word to hide myself. Yes. Being caught by this hatred is probably because of the sins you have committed. You cannot blame others. "

Aiden and the two great witches were both in shock, especially Aiden. He knew very well that the double blades of revenge should be used by sensing the other's presence. Mr. Bloody Clothes can use it on him because the other party can sense himself as an enemy through the "Revenge" power. The deeper the hatred and the higher the level of the power, the more accurate this sense will be.

If everyone else except Aiden uses the "hidden" power to hide themselves, it should be absolutely safe.

Only the goddess of revenge understood the reason at once: "It's a replacement body..."

"What?" Aiden struggled to maintain consciousness.

"That replacement body had a hatred for Harrison Dodge! That damn maggot inherited everything from that body, and also inherited his revenge!" Nemesis explained.

It took Aiden two seconds to realize that the original owner of the body occupied by Mr. Bloody Clothes, the young refugee, was similar in age to Professor Dodge's son, and he should have been one of the refugees kidnapped by Professor Dodge during the final experimental stage.

He is a believer of Mr. Bloody Clothes. I am afraid that Mr. Bloody Clothes has instilled in him a hatred for Harrison Dodge beforehand - Professor Dodge personally planned and kidnapped many refugees of similar age to his son in the final stage, and among them there may be relatives of the boy. Or friends, as long as the conditions are met, they can cultivate unforgettable hatred with sufficient conditions.

So as long as this young man comes into contact with Professor Dodge in this research institute, he will have the conditions to generate a sense of revenge.

When Mr. Xueyi used the boy's sacrifice to resurrect, he inherited the memory of the other party and also inherited the hatred. Revenge induction will also take effect on Professor Dodge. Everything is calculated - from the time he sent this young man in, he had already calculated the final method to deal with Professor Dodge.

If Professor Dodge used the power of the Hand of Annihilation instead of the power of the Word of God to "hide" himself, perhaps Mr. Bloody would not be able to find him. But on the other hand, when Mr. Bloody found that he could sense the opponent, it was the time when the Double Blades of Revenge could kill the opponent in seconds.

"Dad!!" Tony threw himself on his father and screamed heartbreakingly.

He immediately stretched out his hand to the broken end of his father's right arm, trying to parasitize his father. The parasitic effect of the parasitic demon can repair disability and injury, and the parasitic efficiency through the wound is the highest.

But Professor Dodge, who should have lost consciousness, suddenly moved his broken arm and avoided his hand.

"Don't... touch..." He issued a weak warning, "Run..."

"Not dead yet?" Mr. Bloody added another knife without hesitation.

Professor Dodge's body suddenly stiffened, and his pupils suddenly expanded. This was really a fatal blow. If Tony had parasitized on him just now, he would undoubtedly have suffered this fatal blow.

Witnessing his father's death, Tony kept his hand outstretched, as if his brain was hollowed out and he stood there in a daze.

"Phoenix!" Seeing this scene, Aiden tried to maintain his consciousness and called the goddess of vengeance.

"What's wrong, kid?" The goddess of vengeance responded calmly, and the grief of the father and son over there did not affect her much. As the goddess of vengeance, she had witnessed many similar separations of life and death in the past, and a considerable part of them were indirectly or directly caused by her.

"Can you try to transfer the injury of the double blades of vengeance to Lamia?"

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