The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 523: Wipe your own ass

Mr. Bloody stood alone in the empty operating room.

Just a second ago, he saw Aiden Garrod and his witch companion, Tony Dodge holding his father's body, and even the amalgam golem - all sentient individuals in this room except him, had a door opened behind them, and behind the door was a dark passage.

In just a blink of an eye, they were sucked into the door and disappeared on the spot.

Mr. Bloody could still sense the other party, not far away, still in the research institute in the belly of the mountain. He turned to the iron door of the operating room and heard a loud bang.

After the other party moved, he destroyed the passage. There was no hope of catching up from here, and the trick of replacing the body with "sacrifice" could not be used continuously.

It was the power of "order". Aiden Garrod developed well this time. Not only did he step into this world, but he even learned that he was going to obtain the hand of annihilation and came to stop him.

This is probably also the script written by the goddess of conspiracy.

Now the play should end.

He reached out and took Professor Dodge's broken arm, then chanted a spell: "At the end, you must return your flesh and blood and return to dust."

Professor Dodge's hand suddenly melted, turning into red blood as sticky as mud and flowing on the ground, leaving only two pieces of bones in Mr. Bloody's hand.

Mr. Bloody chanted the ritual of transferring divinity, and the only authority of losing the host should appear.

However, nothing appeared in the end, and he slowly wiped the two pieces of bones with his hand.

No, nothing.

Mr. Bloody immediately understood what was going on.

He threw the bones to the ground and let them scatter all over the ground.

Aiden Garrod was going away.


Outside the material warehouse of the base research institute, Aiden passed through the door made by the power of "punishment" and fell to the ground.

This research institute located in the belly of the mountain is a veritable dead end structure. Through the "exile punishment", they successfully teleported out of the restricted area and came to the entrance of the institute.

Aiden landed in a half-kneeling posture, and when he looked up, he saw Lamia following him and pressing straight at him.

Aiden rolled over to avoid it, and Lamia fell heavily to the ground and immediately stood up with her snake tail.

She immediately cast a dissatisfied look at Aiden, and Aiden read the expression on her face that said "too much".

"A girl fell down, and you didn't even know how to catch it. Is your gentleman spirit fed to the dog? Others have suffered fatal injuries for you, what a scumbag." The goddess of vengeance appeared beside Aiden and teased Aiden loudly.

"Stop it, you will die!!" Aiden opened his mouth and complained unceremoniously.

Lamia's weight as a monster is probably not much lighter than that of a cow. Falling from a height of three meters, it is not a question of whether she can be caught or not, but whether the consequence of catching her will be fracture or death.

Aiden noticed that the wound on Lamia's throat was almost closed, so there was not much bleeding.

"Are you okay?" He pointed at his neck. The other party was injured for him after all, so he should be concerned.

Lamia opened her mouth and made a weak "hissing" sound. It seemed that she could breathe a little bit.

Her body structure was completely different from that of humans. This kind of injury did not seem to be an absolutely fatal injury to her. As long as she was in the field of the "Wordless Code", she should recover soon.

The amalgam golem also fell to the ground like a ball of mud. As a special individual given life by the "Life" Saint Abigail, Aiden had confirmed that the "Punishment" power could also take effect on it.

It shrank into a ball, its surface seemed to be boiling and constantly agitated, while making a "buzzing" vibration sound, as if a machine was restarting in a malfunction.

It got rid of the influence of Mr. Bloody Clothes, but the internal core obeyed Aiden's program and needed to be readjusted.

"Damn it!" Qiqimora, who was also exiled through the door, gritted his teeth and cursed.

"You should feel lucky to escape." Aiden said.

"Warden, you are about to die and you still laugh?" Qiqimora looked at Aiden with some annoyance.

She was in a bad mood. It should be a great thing for her to be promoted to a saint, but watching the only authority in front of her being taken away by someone, this feeling was really terrible.

"That may not be the case." Aiden said and moved his eyes to a place a little further away.

Tony Dodge had just passed through the door, carrying the body of Professor Dodge. At this time, he was sitting on the ground, holding his father who had lost his arms. Harrison Dodge half-opened his eyes that would never blink again, and there was no sign of life at all.

Tony was stunned, and it seemed that he had not yet reacted to being transferred here.

"What do you mean?" Kikimora asked suspiciously.

"Can you destroy the passage over there first?" Aiden pointed to a place not far away.

Kikimora frowned and looked over there for a few times, chanting the divine word of "annihilation", and swallowed the pillars and load-bearing walls with power. The passage made a few strange noises, and then the top floor collapsed all of a sudden.

This is the only way out of the restricted area. If this place is closed, it will be difficult for Mr. Bloody to chase again.

"Boy." The goddess of vengeance suddenly spoke to Aiden.

"What?" Aiden knew what the other party would say, but he still asked.

"Why did you do that stupid thing at that time?" Goddess of Vengeance asked, "If you hadn't interfered, the maggot would have been severely injured even if he didn't die. The only direct damage he had authority might be destroyed before he could be transferred."

Aiden was silent for a moment and replied: "I'll wipe my own butt. I'll repay this humiliation myself. I don't need a dazed kid to do it for me."

"That's great, you are finally infected with the color of hatred." The goddess of revenge grinned with a twisted smile.

Aiden didn't reply.

In the past, although he wanted to solve Mr. Xueyi's matter, his motive was only for self-protection. He actually didn't have much grudge against Mr. Xueyi. Strictly speaking, the revenge for his death should belong to his predecessor Aiden.

But after what happened just now, it was different. He truly felt the unreasonable malice that Mr. Xueyi exerted on him.

As long as a person has normal emotions, it is impossible not to have a desire for revenge.

The villain set up for him in the Goddess of Conspiracy's script made him truly disgusted. This was also the first time that he actively participated in the script. This was no longer just a grudge against his predecessor Aiden.

Thinking of this, Aiden suddenly remembered the previous revolving door. In the memory picture, the memory of his predecessor Aiden being killed by Mr. Bloody Clothes appeared. It was indeed his own perspective, and he was immersed in it. But those strange memories...what are they?

While he was thinking, he suddenly saw Tony Dodge raising his hand again with some hesitation.

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