The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 527: You shouldn’t call me auntie

A bonfire was lit under the tree house, and everyone gathered around the tree to have a late lunch.

"I'm asking you to get some ingredients. There's no need to hunt a deer..." Aiden couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded looking at the prey in front of him.

"I have brought rare game for you civilized people who have no ability to survive independently in the wild. Are you still dissatisfied?" Lamia put her hands on her hips and proudly puffed out her chest.

"How can I cook it without tools?" Aiden looked at the dead deer with its head twisted off, not knowing where to start.

"I'll tear it into small pieces. You can eat it directly. Some of the internal organs are delicious when eaten raw. I recommend the deer liver."

"You also eat raw intestines?" Aiden couldn't help but think of the "large intestine sashimi" joke.

"Is that food edible?"

"Actually, it's quite delicious after being cleaned and cooked." Aiden said.

"The taste of your food is so curious." Lamia shook her head.

"I'm still within the category of normal human beings. As for you..." Aiden shrugged, "You are completely beyond human beings."

"Although I am no longer a human being, I still have part of a human being." Lamia's hands grew blade-like claws. "I will do the work of skinning and peeling the meat, and you can just roast it."

Aiden turned his head and saw that Kikimora had already sat down next to Tony and was trying to persuade him: "Don't worry, the witch at the top is an artificial demon herself, and she will definitely have a way to keep you in a normal state. Without a body that can move normally, what's the use of holding that artifact?"

"I have heard of the name of the Apex Witch Abigail." Tony replied timidly, "Are you familiar with her, Auntie?"

"Auntie?" Kikimora's expression froze.

Aiden felt as if the air around him had solidified.

"Eh? Um..." Tony hadn't noticed the reason yet, and was a little at a loss for a moment.

"You shouldn't call them aunt." Aiden pointed out the reason.

"That's right!" Kikimora muttered.

"The seniority is wrong. Based on their age, you should at least call them mother-in-law to show respect." Aiden continued.

In an instant, Lamia's blade-like claws moved to Aiden's side.

"Keep your last words short." Lamia said coldly.

Chichimora's face also darkened visibly.

"Just kidding." Aiden raised his hand, "But I'm a little surprised that you care so much about age."

In terms of age alone, there is no doubt that Abigail is a mother-in-law figure, Lamia was an active person in the last century, and Kikimora seems to be one of the early members of the current witch coven.

Calling her mother-in-law may be considered young...

"Why else should we keep our appearance young? Are you kidding?" Lamia said in a matter-of-fact tone, "If you are called uncle by that little devil, you can accept it calmly."

"I understand." Aiden smiled bitterly.

Although they are only seven or eight years apart, it is a bit unbearable to be called an elder by a young man in his late fifteenth year.

"Why do you directly regard him as a peer, but think that we are older?" Kikimora complained to Tony.

"Well..." Tony blinked, "It's probably the difference in temperament."

"As far as the facts are concerned, you are very accurate." Aiden commented.

"Shut up!" Kikimora rolled her eyes at him dissatisfied.

"Okay, you are so anxious to trade with him now, have you already contacted Abigail?" Aiden asked.

"I contacted Abigail while you were chatting there," Chichimora said. "She agreed, but on one condition."

"What conditions?"

"The Hand of Annihilation will be placed with her temporarily." Kikimora's face sank again, "I still have to talk to her about this matter."

"What is she going to do?"

"She is probably planning to use this as a condition to let Kikimora help at the right time. Her time is coming soon." Lamia interjected, "Now Kikimora is also a saint on par with her. It’s so jealous.”

"Does she have her own plan?" Aiden realized that this was talking about Abigail's preparation to find the only authority of "life".

"Probably. Anyway, she only mentioned it occasionally and never revealed the specific details to anyone." Lamia shrugged. Unlike Chichimora, she didn't have much enthusiasm for the joint actions between witches.

Aiden knew very well that the Witches' Assembly was not monolithic and involved the sole authority. Abigail would not help Chichimora for no reason. It was better for them to handle their internal affairs themselves.

However, as Abigail said before, she has no intention of actively seeking help from Aiden for the time being when it comes to finding the authority of "life", nor has she considered assisting Aiden in his fight against Melissa, the God of Love.

It's really not easy to find collaborators. Aiden thought.

With this in mind, he turned his gaze to Tony: "Tony, have you made your decision?"

"Well, if the deal is guaranteed..." Tony whispered back.

"If I provide circumstantial evidence, there should be no problem." Aiden said, "I have a way to make both parties keep their promises."

The rules of the Wordless Code can be used to create unbreakable contracts.

"Besides this, I have one more condition." Tony said seriously, "I want revenge, I hope..."

"Let us help you?" Lamia stuck out her forked tongue, "You don't have to worry about this, little devil. We already have a personal grudge against that guy, and he is our common enemy."

Chichimora didn't say anything, acquiescing.

Aiden looked around at the others. All four people present had been offended by Mr. Bloody Clothes.

At least in dealing with Mr. Xueyi, this should be regarded as finding a collaborator.

"Then take a rest and go to a nearby city in the afternoon. We have to make arrangements to leave the country as soon as possible." Aiden said lightly. Such a big incident has happened in a country. This place is really not suitable for them. Jiu Liu, after so many days, he was also very concerned about the current situation in the prison, "Tony, you can go to the autonomous prefecture with me next."

"Autonomous prefecture?" Tony blinked.

"I'm from over there." Aiden explained, "You can't leave the scope of the artifact I hold for the time being. If you want to trade in the end, you will also need me to provide circumstantial evidence."

"Mr. Garrod, you have nothing to do with the transaction, why are you still so interested in me?" Tony asked cautiously.

"Sympathy." Aiden replied calmly.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and finally smiled helplessly: "Well, at least it's better than lying."

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