The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 530: The Secret to Catching a Rich Man


Camilla and Ophelia pricked up their ears at the same time and turned in the direction of Veronica.

The conversation just now ignited their gossip hearts.

"What nonsense? Who did you listen to?" Veronica immediately frowned and denied it.

She became a little alarmed. Only the prison guards knew about the appearance of the "Flower Lady". For Mayfair to know such news, maybe there was a prison guard chatting with the prisoners.

"It can't be fake. Look in the mirror. Your mood has been written on your face these past two days..." Feier pouted.

"Just answer whatever question I ask you!" Veronica put her face close to Mayfair, with an expression as if she wanted to eat someone.

"Well, a prisoner I know heard it while he was cleaning and listening to the chatter of your prison guards..." Feier shrank her neck and quickly explained.

"Don't listen to the wind and rain. You still have time to inquire about gossip. Aren't you too free?" Veronica impatiently wanted to bring up the topic.

"But is it true?" Feier insisted.

"No comment!" Veronica responded coldly.

"It's true! I heard something interesting." Camilla took the initiative to come over with a smirk on her face, "Looking at how restless you have been recently, you must be very competitive with your opponent."

"Yes, I heard that vixen is super beautiful." Fei'er added.

"How beautiful is that? I can't imagine it at all. Be specific." Camilla raised her eyebrows.

"Anyway, she is very pretty, that's what they all say."

"Hey, don't approach the prison guards casually during the break. Didn't anyone teach you?" Veronica drove away the idlers with a dark face.

"If you don't want to get close, don't get close. It's not against the law to chat for a while. It's not you that everyone cares about, but the love life of the prison boss." Camilla raised her hands and took two steps back, but she joked harder, " The prison boss is good-looking, has a nice voice, and is so famous recently. It’s not surprising that he has several women coming and going, let alone suitors. "

"Hmm!" Veronica felt as if she had been hit by an arrow when she heard this.

"And from a secular perspective, a civil servant who can become the top leader of his unit in his twenties is an ideal marriage partner." Arsena, who happened to be passing by, also interjected, "He has arrested so many felons recently. , the savings accumulated from the bounty alone should be quite considerable, and my future life will be very secure."

"You are so frigid that you would be interested in getting married?" Ophelia, who was sitting on the bench, also looked over.

"Just analyzing it from an objective perspective." Arsena adjusted her glasses.

"Are you talking about the warden?" Dai Li also came over, and Precia followed her. From a distance, they saw a group of familiar faces gathering near Veronica. It was hard not to be interested, "Me too. I think it’s very good. It’s capable and mysterious, which makes people want to explore and learn more.”

"It makes people want to conquer." Camilla smiled.

"Sister, haven't you always had a bad temper? How can you be so cowardly?" Mayfair fanned the flames next to Veronica, "If it were me, if someone were to pry my dick off, I definitely wouldn't be able to bear it! "

"Don't be ridiculous, what does this have to do with me?" Veronica said with a sullen face.

The prisoners present exchanged glances and sighed together: "Alas."

"What are you doing?" Veronica's eyes widened.

"Don't you think it's well hidden?" Arsenal said expressionlessly.

"Who do you like? It has already been spread among us." Camila smiled evilly.

"Who spread the rumor first?" Veronica immediately grasped the point and glanced over with a cold look.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then everyone except Feier herself raised their hands and pointed at Feier.

"Hey!" Feier exclaimed, and then she saw Veronica's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Ah, I suddenly want to go to the bathroom!" She turned around and tried to escape, but Veronica pinched her shoulders.

"If you want to use the restroom, you have to report it to the police officer." Veronica said sternly, "Have you forgotten all the rules?"

"Sister, I was wrong, be gentle! My shoulder is going to be dislocated!!" Feier screamed loudly.

"You are chewing your tongue, you also want to live in room three?" Veronica's expression became more and more scary.

"You also want to live in Room 3" has become a common phrase used by prison guards to warn prisoners. The "madman" Hero in Room 3 is a troublesome prisoner that even Mayfair's "money power" cannot solve, even more so than Camila. Much trickier.

"But every time you look at Master Aiden, your eyes are full of lust. It's a bit difficult for me, a succubus, to pretend that I can't see... Ah! I'm dying! Shoulders! There's a strange sound coming from my shoulders!!"

Veronica finally let go of Mayfair.

"Wow, it's too much, your joints are about to break." Feier squatted on the ground, covering her shoulders and looking at Veronica pitifully, "They obviously only care about you because of the friendship of living together. "

"You are obviously looking for fun." Veronica was unmoved.

"It's not my purpose that's important, it's that I can help you!" Feier suddenly jumped up.

"What are you planning again?" Veronica looked wary.

"It doesn't matter if a competitor appears. I can help you with suggestions!" Mayfair said with bright eyes, "I tell you, no other store will ever be able to take away the customers my store has poached. Leash the man, I think there is no one in this city who is more professional than me.”

"The dream of a succubus can create scenes that do not exist in reality. Normal nightclubs have no competitiveness in front of you. In addition, your business methods are unscrupulous. This is why you dominate the red light alley." Veronica replied coldly.

"Anyway, it is definitely better than working alone. You can see that you have no experience in love at all." Fei'er raised her hand and pointed at Veronica.

"Do you want to die?" Veronica's forehead was bulging with blue veins.

"Is it the time to care about face now? You are going to watch the man you like being pried away by someone else. Do you think you really like him?"

"Hmm!" Veronica was speechless for a while.

"The important thing is to have the ability to act, the ability to act!" Fei'er clenched her fist with full momentum, as if it was burning, "What's the loss of letting everyone give you advice?"

"No need! Your enthusiasm is a bit suspicious." Veronica has always followed Aiden's teachings and has no trust in these prisoners, especially Fei'er.

"Come on, tell us what tricks you have to hook up with men." Fei'er was so excited that she couldn't stop herself. She raised her hand and pointed at Camilla, "Come on, let's start with you."

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