The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 536 I am just an ordinary dog

This light bulb goddess came out again when she shouldn't have. Aiden thought.

Last time, this goddess seemed to like doing this kind of annoying thing. To some extent, she and Melifilia really wanted to do it.

Aiden ignored her and continued to talk to Veronica: "Why do you ask this question suddenly? Did you encounter anything?"

Veronica's eyes widened suddenly.

Veronica is serious and responsible, and very organized. Aiden believes that there must be a reason why she suddenly asked such a question.

"Recently, a lady I haven't seen has come to the prison to see you every day." Veronica explained in a low voice.

"Looking for me? Did she introduce herself?" Aiden asked.

"No, she didn't fill out any application forms or put any letters in the mailbox. When we asked her, she said she hoped to introduce herself to you in person." Veronica asked.

"What does she look like?"

"Very beautiful." Veronica said seriously.

"Then what? Features?"

"It's just...very, very beautiful." Veronica was at a loss for words for a moment.

It was only then that she realized that the breathtaking beauty of the Flower Lady was hard to describe. Her facial features were very well-proportioned and beautiful, without any shortcomings and without any protruding imbalances. She looked like a statue made by a top craftsman.

Aiden and Veronica stared at each other for a long time, and finally Aiden blinked: "That's it?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to describe it..." Veronica's voice dropped.

"Then use the divine words I gave you to turn into her and show me."

"This, actually..." Veronica hesitated and told Aiden the results of the previous experiment.

"Can't use the divine words of the 'substitute' to reproduce it?" Aiden frowned.

"Yes. I feel that the impression left is also very deep. I don't know if there is a problem...but I tried to turn into someone else, and it was successful." Veronica lowered her head in frustration.

"..." Aiden fell silent.

Once the divine words are taught, they will be engraved in the memory like a brand, and can even be extracted from the remains after death. There is basically no possibility of misreading. Veronica has also successfully used the divine words.

Then the problem must be with the lady who sent the flowers.

"Phoenix, what do you think is going on?" Aiden consulted the goddess of vengeance.

"It is the power of 'existence' that has failed. I don't know much about the authority of the higher level, not to mention that I don't have any memories before my death..." The goddess of vengeance replied with little interest, "I can only say that there must be a higher-level divine word interfering, either the user or the target of the use."

Aiden thought about it again. Veronica said that she could still become someone else, so it was not her who was interfered with, but the person who sent the flowers.

Melissa had visited the prison in person to see him before, and said that the arrangement for the next game had been arranged. Could it be this mysterious woman who sent flowers?

Seeing Aiden remained silent, Veronica couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm so useless..." she said cautiously.

"No, you did a good job." Aiden stretched out his hand and pressed on Veronica's shoulder, "The other party can't use a 'stand-in' to imitate, this is a very critical information."

"Really?" Veronica opened her eyes wide, "You didn't mean to comfort me?"

"At least, we can be sure that she is related to the power of authority, which is very important." Aiden said seriously.

"Great." Veronica was relieved, "Then, sir, what are you going to do?"

Aiden thought for a while: "Well, the other party didn't show obvious hostility, so it's better to contact her directly first."

"You, still want to meet her?" Veronica became nervous again.

"It's necessary to meet once, otherwise no information can be collected." Aiden replied.

"Yes, yes..." Veronica couldn't refute, and her voice became smaller again.

"This little girl's mood is basically written on her face." The goddess of vengeance teased again.

Aiden also smiled helplessly. It would be strange to explain at this time, so he simply changed the topic: "I encountered a lot of things this time."

"Everything went well?" Veronica raised her face again.

"Overall, it was quite lucky, but it was really thrilling. Regarding the dog just now, I have something to explain to you..." Aiden's expression gradually became serious, "Actually, he is a human."

Veronica tilted her head, puzzled: "What does this mean?"

"It's better to let you see it directly." Aiden got up and opened the door, "Tony, come in..."

The door of the apartment suite opened outwards. As soon as Aiden opened the door, he heard Tony call out - the door opened outwards just pushed.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't know you were at the front door... By the way, you are not sticking to it to eavesdrop, right?" Aiden suddenly realized something.

Tony hurriedly got up and shook his head in panic.

Judging from the reaction, it seems that he was eavesdropping...

"Has this dog been outside all along?" Veronica was a little surprised.

"For some reasons, it is not convenient for him to leave the field of the Code for the time being." Aiden gestured to Tony to come into the room, closed the door again, and then introduced to Veronica, "This is Tony Dodge, he is the son of Professor Harrison Dodge."

"Huh?" Veronica was completely confused.

"No wonder you don't believe it, Tony, you introduce yourself first." Aiden looked at Tony.

"He can speak human language?" Veronica was surprised.

"Of course, I said he is actually a human."

"..." Tony was silent, recalling the fact that he accidentally heard the elder sister's words just now.

If she finds out that he is actually a human, will he be... silenced?

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and greeted: "Woof."

Just pretend to be a dog to the end, I am just an ordinary dog.

The scene fell into silence, filled with unspeakable embarrassment.

After a while, Aiden looked at Tony in surprise: "What are you doing?"

However, Veronica said expressionlessly: "Hello, Tony Dodge, my name is Veronica Wolfe, I'm glad to see you."

"Woof?" Tony was caught off guard.

"Really? You're glad too." Veronica smiled and nodded.

"He just keeps barking like a dog. Can you understand?" Aiden turned his face back.

"The commander said he is a human, so he is!" Veronica replied as if it was a matter of course.

"Is that so?" Aiden didn't know what to say.

Tony, at this moment, suddenly felt a real sense of awe for the big sister in front of him.

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