The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 538 A Gift That Cannot Be Accepted

The next day, Rose Iron Prison.

"Morning, warden, how about your vacation?" Flanda greeted Aiden with a smile.

"Yeah, not bad. I went to Qingshui City's Mirror Lake for a few days, rowed, fished, and swam to an ancient ruins, where the bones of a giant dragon were placed." Aiden replied without changing his expression.

"Ah, that's where my husband and I went for our honeymoon twenty years ago!" Flanda laughed nostalgically, "There is a stream on the mountain beside Mirror Lake where you can go boating and rafting. Did you go?"

"I went, it was very exciting. I felt like I was going to be thrown out of the boat several times." Aiden smiled and nodded, thinking that my actual vacation was much more exciting than this.

This was the rhetoric that Ayden had prepared a long time ago. He talked about traveling to famous tourist resorts in the autonomous prefecture, and even entrusted the secret police to help prepare scenery photos. But in fact, he was going to Gistas, close to the war zone. The border city exploded the local military research base.

"By the way, I just heard they said you brought a dog and stored it in the old warehouse?" Flanda asked suddenly.

"An acquaintance suddenly came over to take care of me yesterday. I couldn't shirk it. I kept him at home and was afraid that it would bite things, so I brought him here first."

"It's okay in the warehouse. Dogs other than police dogs cannot be brought into the cell area." Flanda reminded.

"Of course, I will let it stay there honestly. I will just take time to feed and take it for a walk at noon. You must not approach it casually. That dog knows how to live. If it bites someone, it will be very troublesome." Ai After Deng finished speaking, he explained his work again before heading to his office.

Veronica has been waiting at the door for a long time.

Aiden opened the office door and said succinctly to Veronica: "Report."

"This is the only work left during your absence. These are the documents that you must handle." Veronica pointed to a small pile of documents on the table and said, "I have helped you as needed. The processing time limit has been sorted out, and then the letters that need your reply have also been arranged according to time. "

"Well done." Aiden said sincerely. Veronica was still very meticulous in doing things and was a good secretary. "What are these?"

He pointed to several beautifully wrapped boxes on the table.

"These..." Veronica paused, looked away and whispered, "These are the gifts that the lady gave you..."

Aiden glanced back at Veronica and smiled silently. Veronica's voice revealed an awkward emotion that could not be concealed.

"Let me see... hmm? Lip print?" Aiden picked up a box and saw the red lip mark on it. This mark gave the gift a flirtatious meaning.

Veronica pouted quietly behind Aiden.

Sure enough, this kind of mature woman with all kinds of charm is more attractive to men... But given her own conditions, I'm afraid it's difficult to imitate her, not to mention that face has a gap that she can't possibly catch up with...

Aiden didn't notice Veronica's thoughts behind her, so he unwrapped the exquisite packaging and took a look at the box.

Veronica didn't dare to get too close, so she had to stand on tiptoe, crane her neck and look around, but she still couldn't see what was in the box.

After reading one box, Aiden opened the next box, but he only opened it and put it back.

Veronica couldn't see anything and could only worry there.

After reading two things, Aiden stopped reading and sat down directly to start processing the documents. When he accidentally looked up, he found that Veronica was still standing there, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

"Anything else?"

Aiden smiled: "Want to know what's in it?"

Veronica puffed up her face slightly: "Sir, you did it on purpose..."

Aiden stopped teasing Veronica and gave the answer directly: "The first box contains ties and tie clips. The ties are diamond-encrusted and should be expensive. The second box contains handicrafts." , looks like it’s made of mithril and gemstones.”

Veronica's eyes widened slightly.

This gift was really expensive. In comparison, the bottle of wine she gave yesterday, although the brand was okay, was not considered a luxury item after all.

Can't beat him, can't beat him financially... Veronica felt a little disappointed.

"Then why didn't you read the rest?" Veronica asked cautiously.

"After reading the previous two, I almost know the price range of these gifts." Aiden replied lightly, "This is not a gift I can accept."

"Huh? Why?" Veronica was a little surprised.

"Why? If the procuratorate finds out about receiving such gifts, I will be prosecuted immediately. Then I will have no choice but to go to the men's prison and go back to work." Aiden shook the gift box, " And even if I didn’t have this relationship, I wouldn’t be able to accept such a valuable thing from a stranger. I believe there would be a loss if there was a free lunch.”

Veronica suddenly remembered that according to the laws of the Autonomous Prefecture, if a stranger like Ms. Flowers presented items and money worth more than a certain amount to a public official like Aiden, accepting them would immediately constitute bribery or bribery.

In fact, it was impossible for Aiden to accept the gift from the flower lady. When the other party asked Veronica to hand over the gift, Veronica had every reason to ask clearly about the gift and then refuse with confidence.

Veronica realized that she was really flustered by Ms. Flower's attitude of fiercely attacking the warden every time, so she forgot such an important thing.

"Is that lady coming today too?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, I told her yesterday about your return and asked her to come back when she gets off work." Veronica replied.

"When I go to see her this time, I have to return these gifts to her..." Aiden paused as he spoke, then stared at Veronica for a while and then said, "You look a little... So happy."

"W-no way!" Veronica denied strongly and touched her face at the same time, worrying whether the corners of her mouth had subconsciously raised just now.

"Work hard first." Aiden looked at the clock. "Please go to the cell and bring Hero to the interview room."

"Understood." Veronica saluted.

"Are you so anxious to drive me back?" The vision of the goddess of vengeance appeared next to Aiden, possessing her and making a gesture of hooking up with him, "Actually, I think it's quite interesting to be with you. "

"I can't bear to see everything private in front of you every day, and I have to endure you popping up from time to time to ruin the atmosphere." Aiden let out a long breath, "Go back to that body!"

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