The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 544: Houndman and the Thousand-Faced Phantom Thief

"Douberman..." Aiden recalled the information about this name.

"Douberman? Is it Mr. Douberman, the 'Hound Man'?" At this time, Veronica suddenly spoke.

"You actually know." Deborah glanced at Veronica in surprise.

"He is actually...still alive and has a daughter?" Veronica's eyes widened.

Dubman, who started operating in the empire eighty years ago, is a famous free bounty hunter in the southern continent. Countless criminals fell into his hands, and he left many heroic deeds on the continent. His deeds were transformed by the famous writer "Fantasy" into the "Hound Man Series" of knight-errant novels that have been best-selling in mainland China for more than ten years. They are still serialized in "Explorer" magazine, and there are also adapted comics and operas.

Aiden has always had stories related to this bounty hunter in his memory. In his childhood and teenage years, his predecessor Aiden seemed to be obsessed with the superhero "Hound Man" like other boys of that era, but in the end he did not become a bounty hunter. hunter, but found a more practical profession.

Judging from Veronica's reaction, she seems to like "Hound Man" too.

After helping Sophie Carter solve the commission, Aiden gained a better understanding of this legendary figure. The intelligence network of Smiling Scales revealed that the legendary bounty hunter Dubman is actually a saint of the authority of "Order".

But the Smiling Scale's intelligence also showed that Dubman left the southern continent fifty years ago for the northern pioneering land, and no news came back.

"Mr. Aiden, haven't you heard of him?" Seeing that Aiden didn't reply for a while, Deborah's expression became a little disappointed.

"No, there are very few people in the world who have not heard of him. His deeds have been adapted into at least six novels and have become a series." Aiden shrugged, "But if Mr. Dubman is alive today, He should be a centenarian. If you say you are his daughter, then you..."

"Actually, I am his adopted daughter. To be more precise, I should actually be considered his apprentice." Deborah explained.

Someone related to the "Order" authority saint, is this the last fragment that Melissa found for him?

He couldn't take it lightly, the woman in front of him was a stranger to him, and he couldn't believe everything she said. There is no evidence that she is Du Boman's apprentice. There are no wires connecting the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent. Only ships from the Empire come and go. News from the two places is relatively blocked. It is difficult to find information about the matters on the Northern Continent from the Southern Continent. certificate.

Of course, you can use the "Wordless Code" to test whether the other party is telling the truth or lies, but it is better to communicate first and come up with more words.

"I heard that Doberman tracked a wanted criminal to the pioneers fifty years ago and never heard from him again," Aiden said. "Many people thought he was dead."

"It's not that he died, but that he lived in seclusion." Deborah shook her head slightly. "He fell in love with the prisoner he was chasing, so he settled down in the Northern Continent incognito and lived there for several decades."

"Could the last criminal he was chasing be the 'Liv with a Thousand Faces'?" Veronica interjected again, her voice filled with unconcealable excitement.

Liv, the Thousand-Faced Phantom Thief, is actually a character in the book. She is a popular female character in the "Hound Man Series". In the book, she is a phantom thief who robs the rich and gives to the poor in a world with a bureaucratic background. She is good at cross-dressing, and The protagonist is both an enemy and a friend. He is the criminal with a bounty on his head that the protagonist is chasing hard, and he has had several confrontations with the protagonist. However, when dealing with some powerful villains, she will take the initiative to help the protagonist and fight alongside him.

Of course, what Veronica is talking about is definitely not the Thousand-Faced Thief in the book, but the real-life prototype of this character.

Phantom Thief Liv does exist in history, a female thief who has many anecdotes with the bounty hunter Doberman.

Aiden realized that Veronica was definitely obsessed with the "Hound Man Series", otherwise she would never have interjected in this conversation without knowing it.

"Yes, Liv, the Thousand-Faced Thief, is my mother." Deborah nodded with a smile, "I was born in the pioneer land, abandoned by my biological parents, and grew up in a slum. Later, I met my mother by chance, and was finally The couple adopted.”

"Your background is enough for the Empire to write you a headline." Aiden said.

"I'm about to get married, but not because of my life experience, but because of my work." Deborah smiled.

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked.

"We can't say it yet." Deborah raised a finger in front of her lips mysteriously, "But if Mr. Aiden wants to get to know each other more deeply with me, I can tell you in detail. "

Veronica couldn't help but become a little nervous after hearing this. "In-depth" communication? Is it physical depth or spiritual depth——

Thinking of this, she suddenly wanted to give herself a slap on the forehead. What was she thinking about? Why are my thoughts getting closer and closer to that damn succubus?

"I don't have much time to go into details. There is a time limit for the use of the interview room." Aiden said calmly, "And we are going back to work soon."

"Then we can talk again in the evening. If you are not free on weekdays, you can also change it to the weekend." Deborah smiled meaningfully, "When are you free?"

Aiden thought for a moment and replied: "Sunday."

Veronica gasped sharply.

"Then I'll go prepare and let you know by letter when I get the appointment, okay?" Deborah smiled.

"Okay." Aiden nodded.

"If you don't want the gift, you can take the bouquet, right?" Deborah asked, holding up the bouquet.

"Put it on the table, I'll have someone decorate it in a suitable place." Aiden nodded.

"I really wish today was Sunday." Deborah put down the bouquet, blew a kiss to Aiden, and blinked her left eye, "Looking forward to meeting you."

"Don't forget to bring your gift." Aiden reminded.

After Deborah left, Aiden turned around and found that Veronica had just stared at his back with a wronged look on her face.

The moment she met Aiden's eyes, Veronica immediately put away her expression and pretended that nothing had happened.

After a few seconds of silence, Veronica spoke cautiously: "Sir, are you really going to the appointment?"

"The other party took the initiative to approach so closely, it is necessary to understand the information of this person, and it is most efficient to talk to her face to face." Aiden explained.

"I know..." Veronica turned away and whispered, "Sir, I have no right to interfere with who you have an appointment with."

Then what are you asking? Aiden smiled helplessly in his heart.

In the end, he just smiled and replied: "Go back to your post."

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