The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 548: The Hero Who Resisted the Empire

"Did your father investigate Dubman?" Aiden was very surprised. He was just asking casually.

"Yes, in order to cure my disease, my father collected intelligence everywhere and investigated many directions." Tony answered while recalling, "Mr. Dubman is just one of them."

"Will he tell you all this information?" Aiden was a little confused. Judging from the example of the "infection" plan of Gistas, Professor Dodge might tend to take all the things on himself and would not tell his son too many inside stories.

"In fact, most of them will not be told to me, but Mr. Dubman's matter is an exception. Dad knows that I admire him very much, so he told me about it." Tony answered.

"Interesting, what did he tell you?" Aiden folded his hands.

"He told me that Mr. Dubman is still alive and living in seclusion in the northern continent. After the imperial power expanded there, he stood up again and led the locals to resist the imperial colonization. He is one of the leaders of the local revolutionary army." Tony answered honestly.

"Is this... information from the imperial military?" Aiden immediately realized the source of this information.

Professor Dodge was a researcher in the Imperial military. From the fact that he was able to participate in the Empire's demon project, his level of access to confidential information was probably not low.

"Yes." Tony gave an affirmative answer.

"Then there is no news about Dubman from the Northern Continent. Is it because the Empire blocked the news?" Aiden asked.

Aiden also heard about the situation on the other side of the continent.

In fact, as early as a hundred years ago, the Northern Continent was first discovered by the Empire's navigators. With the help of excellent navigation technology, the Dragon Spine Empire controls a large area of ​​​​sea on the north coast of the continent, and has opened up a fixed route to the Northern Continent in the past fifty years.

It is said that there are several kingdoms established by indigenous people on the other side of the Northern Continent, but the level of development is still at the stage where the means of war are mainly cold weapons and black magic.

In the first thirty years, the Empire continued to trade with the kingdoms of the Northern Continent and made a lot of profits. Then in the past ten years, the Empire's navy has developed rapidly and has the ability to launch large-scale cross-ocean expeditions. The Empire's policy towards the Northern Continent has become tougher, and it began to expand colonization and occupy the land of the indigenous people.

The Empire's aggression against the Northern Continent was resisted by the indigenous people, but the Empire quickly used force to gain a foothold in the Northern Continent.

It is reported that the so-called land opened up by the Empire in the Northern Continent was actually conquering a country near the southern coast of the Northern Continent, supporting a puppet regime to rule, and then openly buying a city and a large mine at a low price, and using this as a base to continuously expand the colony. This is what the Empire itself claims to be "the pioneering feat in the Northern Continent".

Although the government of the conquered kingdom has already surrendered to the Empire, the resistance of the masses will revive no matter how it is suppressed. The revolutionary army spontaneously formed by the locals tried to overthrow the corrupt dynasty on the one hand, and wanted to drive out the invaders and recover the land on the other hand, which has always been a headache for the Empire's colonial forces.

Of course, these are actually open secrets. The newspapers and publishing houses of the Kingdom of Gistas have been criticizing the Empire's colonial behavior as inhumane for decades. Now it is meaningless to cover it up no matter how hard they try. But the well-known hero Dubman actually participated in the revolutionary activities against the Empire in the North Continent. If this matter was spread, it would undoubtedly have a new impact on the Empire in terms of public opinion. The Empire had reason to block this news.

Aiden thought about it. The statement provided by Tony could be considered self-consistent. The source sounded reliable, and the possibility of it being true was relatively high.

It was an unexpected gain. It could be used to test Deborah Irving's words to see if she had fabricated her life experience.

"Leading the indigenous people to resist the invaders sounds like something a hero would do." Aiden commented.

"Yes, just like the messenger of justice, he is the person I admire most." Tony smiled.

"Okay, thank you for the information you provided. I'll go get you dinner." Aiden turned around.


That night, the core area cells were much noisier than the previous few days.

"Ladies, have you been obedient in the past few days when I'm not here?" Aiden, who came to inspect the cells, stood at the gate and greeted the corridor.

"The warden is back!?"

"Fuck, where have you been these days?"

"Damn, why don't you just die outside?"

"Lord Aiden, you are finally back?"

Except for a few prisoners who cursed quietly, most of the prisoners gave a very positive response.

"Hey, kid, is there any midnight snack service here?" The "madman" He Luo in room 3 greeted Aiden very naturally in front of the railing.

The one who is now attached to this body is the goddess of vengeance.

"No, this is not a hotel. If the dinner is not enough, I will ask someone to add more for you." Aiden glanced at her.

"I have finished reading this book, give me a whole new one, I want the next issue." The goddess of vengeance took out another magazine.

"Write the application form and hang it outside. I won't run errands for you..." Aiden replied halfway and suddenly frowned, "Isn't that "Children's Dream"? Look at this?"

The crazy goddess of vengeance and children's books, this combination doesn't go together no matter how you look at it.

"I can watch whatever I want. Do you have any problem?" The Goddess of Vengeance replied calmly.

"No, in any case, follow the rules when there is a need. Don't forget what you promised me." Aiden pointed at the other party and emphasized, and continued to walk inside.

Flanda, who accompanied Aiden on the patrol, looked at the "madman" He Luo and said nothing.

Last month, He Luo had returned to normal like this, and it caused a lot of incidents. Then Aiden went out for a "vacation", and He Luo suddenly became crazy again. When Aiden came back, He Luo suddenly could talk normally again-but she basically only talked to Aiden, and she was indifferent to other prison guards.

This weird phenomenon seemed to be related to Aiden, but Flanda didn't intend to delve into it. Since her superiors were in control of the situation, she only needed to strictly enforce it. Aiden said that the containment measures for He Luo were the same as before, but any situation would be reported immediately.

"Hey, the playboy is back." Camilla stared at Aiden when she saw him coming over, "I heard you have a new woman, congratulations."

"If I were a playboy, the chastity of many people here would be in vain - but I guess you are not one of them." Aiden responded mercilessly.

"Fuck!!" Camilla cursed with a smile.

"Lord Aiden, you are a heartless man! You are a playboy!!" Fei'er's protest filled with dissatisfaction suddenly came.

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