The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 556 Declaration Rules

The awkward silence lasted for a long time, and Deborah blinked as if she didn't react: "What?"

"I said that the Empire's project is gone." Aiden explained, "Five years ago, the Empire's project was stolen by the intelligence department of the Kingdom of Gistas."

"Really?" Deborah was half-believing and half-doubting.

"Of course, I can't lie now." Aiden reminded again.

"Your source of information..."

"Absolutely reliable." Aiden answered calmly.

After all, it was information obtained through personal experience.

"But in that case, wouldn't the experimental project be transferred to the Kingdom of Gistas? The army of Gistas is not a good thing either. As far as I know, they are the ones who are interfering in the recent war in the south." Deborah's eyes became serious again, "Mr. Aiden, since you know about this, let's investigate together!"

Aiden realized that he was completely entangled by the other party, and Deborah's obsession with this incident was extraordinary. If he didn't tell her that the matter had actually been resolved, she would probably keep doing useless investigations and then get into danger.

"The project of the Kingdom of Gistasi has also been destroyed." Aiden could only tell the other party the truth.

"By whom?" Deborah was stunned.

"By a cult leader who called himself 'Mr. Bloody'. That guy was a real villain, but for some personal purposes, he attacked the military base of the Kingdom of Gistasi for that project." Aiden said slowly, not easily confessing his own affairs.

This was not a lie. Although he used the power of the Vengeance Temple and the Witch Assembly to attack the base that day, Mr. Bloody also raided the base at the same time.

"Why do you know so clearly?" Deborah looked at Aiden with wide eyes, "Could it be..."

Seeing this, Aiden immediately began to change the subject: "Speaking of which, do you also hold the power of authority? I heard-"

"You actually participated, right!" Deborah put her hands on the table, and her eyes were instantly lit up.

Aiden thought that this was trouble.

"Do you think it's possible?" Aiden tried to ask the question in reverse, "I've already said it."

He had already felt Deborah's unusual enthusiasm. If she knew that he participated in the sabotage operation against the Luohui City base, Deborah would definitely pester him more persistently.

Although he wanted to lie and deny it directly, the rules of the "Wordless Code" were also effective for him.

"But maybe he was used or coerced by you?" Deborah analyzed seriously, "I actually asked the prisoners who served their sentences in your prison and were released. You would employ those prisoners who used their abilities to do things for you. I think it's a great thing to use the power of criminals for your own use."

I'd better be able to coerce him... Aiden thought.

"I did employ prisoners, but Mr. Bloody Clothes is a real monster. He is not someone I can use or coerce. You think too much." Aiden replied.

"But I think you must have something to do with this! If this has nothing to do with you, please look me in the eye and deny it." Deborah suddenly got competitive, stood up slightly and leaned over to get close to Aiden's face.

Tony, who was watching from the side, quickly lowered his head to read the magazine.

Aiden tilted his head back to distance himself, but Deborah pressed closer and closer.

After a few seconds of confrontation, Aiden couldn't hold back: "Sit back first, and then we'll talk."

Deborah sat back honestly, but her eyes were still glued to Aiden's face.

Aiden seized this opportunity, took out the "Code", and crossed out the rule of "no lying".

"Ah!" Deborah opened her eyes wide, "You cheated!"

"I have nothing to do with that." Aiden lied without changing his face.

"What's the difference between you and admitting it?" Deborah pouted with some dissatisfaction.

"At least you won't continue to ask for details." Aiden sighed, "There are some things I don't want others to know."

"It's a pity that the game of truth or truth ends so early." Deborah suddenly raised the corner of her mouth cunningly.

"What?" Aiden was stunned for a moment.

Deborah recited in a low voice, her voice was weak and low, but Aiden and Tony at the same table heard the strange spell - the word of God, an invisible field enveloped the table.

Aiden and Tony were instantly alert. Tony stood up, looking nervous, and began to recite the word of God. He had no combat experience, but if Deborah did anything out of line, he would take action to hide Aiden.

"Declare the rules, answer the questions in the field with the truth, no privileges!" Deborah said softly in a serious manner.

This voice immediately echoed in Aiden and Tony's minds.

"You, the word of God who mastered the 'law'?" Aiden was stunned.

The last fragment of the authority of "order" is the power of "law" to declare and enforce the rules, which is also the main force of the "Wordless Code".

"I know it's rude to do this, but I can't help my curiosity." Deborah stared at Aiden's eyes eagerly, "Please tell me, what did you do in the incident of Gistas's artificial demon plan mentioned just now?"

"Law" was executed immediately, and Aiden felt that his mouthpiece had lost control. Before speaking, he cast his eyes on Tony and blinked twice.

Tony received the signal and immediately understood what to do.

Deborah pricked up her ears with expectation, ready to listen to Aiden's heroic deeds.

But at this moment, Aiden's voice stopped abruptly.

"Huh?" Deborah was at a loss for a moment.

Aiden was still opening his mouth to speak, but his voice seemed to be hidden by someone and could not reach Deborah's ears at all.

Deborah then focused her eyes on Aiden's lips. She had the ability to read lips and could roughly read the other person's words by observing the changes in his lips.

But she found that she couldn't concentrate. Although Aiden's open and closed lips were reflected in her eyes, she forgot them as soon as she saw them.

Not only that, Aiden's face, even the whole person, seemed to have lost its sense of existence, making her consciousness habitually ignore it.

When she came back to her senses and noticed the person sitting in front of her again, Aiden had closed his mouth.

"..." Deborah didn't understand what happened for a moment, and could only stare at Aiden opposite in amazement.

At this time, the waiter came to the table: "Please allow me to serve the main course."

"Thank you." Aiden nodded to the waiter.

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