The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 557: A kiss between a gentleman and a lady

New dishes were served on the table. Aiden's main course was a few grilled lamb ribs, while Deborah's dish was cooked red shrimp.

The two were speechless for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After the waiter introduced the dishes and left, Aiden spoke up: "Please take back the rules. This is meaningless."

Deborah hesitated, she wanted to ask what Aiden had just done.

"If this goes on, our relationship will become tense. Being honest does not mean there is no privacy." Aiden added.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had practiced beforehand, he had not used the divine words many times after all. He still had no idea whether he could use them effectively on the spot.

This was originally Aiden's insurance for the "no lying" rule in advance. If the other party inquired deeply about the key information here, Aiden would signal Tony to use "hide" to reduce his presence and make it difficult to observe.

"The rules are cancelled!" Deborah panicked and said quickly, "I'm sorry! I lost my mind, please don't hate me for this!"

"Nothing, I've done similar things before. You really have the power of authority. I heard that you have a very advanced disguise. Could it be the divine word of the authority of 'existence'?" Aiden responded while picking up a piece of lamb chop, and intentionally or unintentionally put the hand holding the fork to one side.

Tony looked at him, exchanged glances with him, and reached out to take the lamb chop away.

Even Deborah, who was sitting at the same table, did not notice that something disappeared from Aiden's fork. It was not that she couldn't see Tony, but Tony's sense of existence was erased.

"I got a divine word from my father and mother, and divinity was given to me by my father." Deborah replied in a low voice.

It sounded like the truth. Aiden observed Deborah's expression. Without the restrictions of rules, he could only judge based on his own experience.

Deborah holds the power of "law", which is the last piece of Aiden's becoming a saint of "order".

At this time, Aiden was sure that Deborah's appearance in front of him was probably arranged by Melissa.

Could it be that Deborah's affection for him was also the result of Melissa's manipulation?

Indeed, as the ruler of "desire", it is easy to manipulate a person's feelings, but Aiden does not like this approach.

Of course, it cannot be asserted that Deborah's feelings are definitely not natural...

"Mr. Aiden, why don't you want me to know about your heroic deeds? Why... are you so humble?" Deborah asked in confusion.

"Because it is really not a heroic deed, the driving force of my actions is mainly for myself." Aiden met Deborah's gaze, "Miss Deborah, forgive me for being frank, I am not the kind of hero you imagine."

"Is this, a humble and polite remark?" Deborah's expression became nervous.

"I'm not just being polite. I'm really not the kind of person you think I am. If we talk about justice, I do have my own principles, but I'm not the kind of martyr who will risk my life to enforce justice. I'm not that noble." Aiden spread his hands, "I think I should be honest with you about this. I can't do what you want me to do."

"So, I was rejected?" Deborah showed a look of loss.

"Sorry, I admire your sense of justice, so I don't want to deceive you." Aiden said calmly, "I have my own important work and personal problems that need to be solved. I can't be a superhero who goes around doing justice."

"But your ability is real." Deborah still wanted to persuade him, "Isn't this... too wasteful."

"It should be up to me to decide whether it is a waste or not. How to use your ability is a personal freedom. If you force me, I will be disappointed in you." Aiden said.

"But I am sincere to you, I, I..." Deborah seemed a little confused, then calmed down, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure. To be honest... I never thought I would be rejected."

"It's really hard to refuse your conditions." Aiden nodded, "But some things are not suitable for trading. If I covet your beauty and take your body as my goal, and then reluctantly agree to your conditions, will you accept it?"

Deborah thought about it seriously, and then whispered with some embarrassment: "It's not unacceptable..."

"Miss Deborah!?" Aiden was stunned.

"I'm sorry!" Deborah reacted suddenly and waved her hands repeatedly, "That's indeed a bit strange."

"I'm glad you can understand." Aiden nodded.

After a moment of silence, Deborah sorted out her thoughts and said, "But I still don't want to give up easily. I will continue to persuade you."

"Well, that's your freedom." Aiden smiled helplessly, "But I also have my own ideas. To be honest, I have an unreasonable request."

"Please say it."

"I want to get the divine words of the 'law'." Aiden said seriously.

"So you want me to teach you?" Deborah opened her eyes slightly.

"Yes, of course I'm not so shameless as to just ask for nothing. I can help you. I will do my best to do what I can." Aiden said.

"This..." Deborah thought for a while and whispered, "What if I say that I will teach you the divine words if you agree to the conditions I mentioned earlier?"

"Are you planning to buy me?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"That feels okay, actually..." Deborah muttered again.

"What?" Aiden opened his eyes wide again.

"I didn't mean that!" Deborah waved her hands repeatedly, "Indeed, some things can't be forced! Well, this... let me think about it."

"Okay." Aiden then began to eat the main course on the plate.

They then found some topics to talk about, such as the recent situation of the Dubmans in the North Continent, Aiden's work, and Deborah's own experience in the South Continent. In a blink of an eye, an hour passed, dinner was over, and the two walked out of the restaurant together.

"I will seriously consider what you said." Deborah said.

"I'll wait for your reply." Aiden took off his hat and saluted.

"Then goodbye... Can you give me a gentleman's kiss before leaving?" Deborah held out a hand.

Aiden remembered that in the upper class of the empire, it seemed popular to kiss hands once when meeting and parting.

"Okay." After hesitating for a while, he took Deborah's hand and lowered his head to kiss her fingertips.

Just as he raised his head, Deborah suddenly came close to launch an unexpected attack - lightly touching his cheek with her lips.

"This is a lady's kiss." Aiden heard the other party whispered.

When he was surprised, Deborah turned and ran towards the cab.

"I will not give up." Deborah left only this sentence at the end.

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