The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 563: Doppelganger Murder Case

That night, at the Queen Hotel.

Aiden and Deborah sat in a private room across a small table. Outside the small window of the private room was the bustling night view of Silver City. The room was not lit by gas lamps, but by scented candles, and the faint smell of spices filled the air.

If Aiden himself were to evaluate it, this place had a very good atmosphere for a blind date. Of course, the private room was reserved by Deborah from the beginning.

As soon as Aiden got off work today, he met Deborah who was waiting outside the prison. She came to invite Aiden to have dinner together.

"I was too showy last time. This time we've changed to a more affordable restaurant. Please let me treat you to a meal." Deborah crossed her fingers under her chin and stared at Aiden with shining eyes. "Mr. Aiden, please invite me back in the future."

"Affordable restaurant..." Aiden smiled bitterly and looked out the window. "Miss Deborah's understanding of affordability seems to be a little different from mine. I think your income should be very high."

A meal at the Queen's Hotel is actually not cheap. The working class usually only comes here to eat on wedding anniversaries and other days. It is definitely not an "affordable" restaurant.

"It's okay. The theater gave me a very good contract to keep me." Deborah said with a smile. "In addition, I have signed some magazine cover girls and accepted advertisements... Oh, please rest assured, they are all absolutely serious ones! I only rely on my face to take these photos."

"I believe this. In fact, you don't have to explain it to me like this." Aiden smiled.

"Also, the photographer I work with is a man, but he's a vampire who's not very interested in women!" Deborah continued to explain.

Aiden's eyes widened in surprise when he heard this: "Vampire photographer? Could it be... his last name is Caodo?"

"Do you know him? He's a very famous photographer in the industry."

"I thought he was always bragging." Aiden thought of the vampire who was a bit mean and couldn't help laughing, "I only remember that he gave me some... welfare photos that are only suitable for men to see."

"I didn't take those, really!" Deborah immediately promised, almost swearing.

"Okay, I know." Aiden raised his hand to signal the other party not to emphasize it anymore, and turned the topic back to the regular topic, "So, Miss Deborah, what have you thought about the matter we discussed last time? Seeing that you suddenly came to ask me out, there should be a result."

"I've thought about it carefully, and I really have to have Mr. Aiden." Deborah said seriously.

"Uh, that's not what I'm talking about." Aiden's smile became a little bitter.

"That's what I'm talking about. After careful consideration, I think since I took the initiative to pursue him, I should take the initiative to adapt to Mr. Aiden's rhythm." Deborah said and took out a piece of paper.

"What is this?" Aiden turned his eyes to the paper and didn't react for a while.

"It's the date schedule I specified. In other words, it's what I hope to do with Mr. Aiden." Deborah said excitedly.

"I only saw a clipping." Aiden said, "Did you take the wrong one?"

"No, please take a closer look at this clipping." Deborah stubbornly picked up the clipping.

"Urban legend 'Double Killer Ghost'? This is..." Aiden glanced at it and frowned.

This clipping collected reports on three supernatural murders and related investigation progress. Two of these murders occurred in the Empire and one occurred in the Autonomous Prefecture in the last three months.

The victim was brutally killed at night, and then the body was made into a zombie by the murderer using necromancy, wandering on the streets of the city and attacking passers-by.

These cases have some common points, such as the cases all occurred on the fifteenth day of a month, that is, the night of the full moon, and the victims were all young women. The most horrifying point is that the subsequent investigation of the victims' activities before their death found that these people had appeared in two different places at the same time.

In other words, on the day of their death, a person similar to their doppelganger appeared in the same city.

This doppelganger that heralded death was named the doppelganger by the media reporting it. This strange phenomenon made all the murders mysterious and strange.

The Empire's Inquisition judged that the perpetrator was a pleasure-making necromancer, but did not release more information about the investigation. Obviously, they had no clue about the phenomenon of "doppelganger".

"So, what are you planning?" Aiden looked at Deborah and asked.

He had vaguely guessed the other party's purpose.

"That is to say, I hope Mr. Aiden will join hands with me to solve this serial killer!" Deborah said seriously, "This is the second on my list of things I want to solve."

"Your dating project is indeed unique." Aiden commented, "But if you just want to catch the criminal, I think you will have more hope if you cooperate with the Inquisition or a famous bounty hunter."

"I'm afraid this criminal cannot be caught by official agencies or ordinary bounty hunters. You should have seen the method used by this person, as smart as you are." Deborah looked into Aiden's eyes and said.

"The word of the 'substitute'?" Aiden said his guess.

"That's right!"

"It's really hard to catch him." Aiden nodded.

The "substitute" god can replace his appearance with someone else at will, which is really suitable for committing crimes. The thousand-faced thief Liv has been swaggering for several years without being caught, mainly relying on this trump card.

"Mr. Aiden, you mentioned the deal to me last time, right? This is my condition." Deborah said, "As long as you help me catch this criminal, I will give you what you want."

"Just that?" Aiden was a little surprised.

"Mr. Aiden, it seems that you are quite confident." Deborah's eyes lit up, "I really didn't find the wrong person."

"No, I'm just a little surprised by the conditions you set, I thought..."

"Will I use this to threaten you to marry me? No, I've said that forced feelings are meaningless." Deborah waved her hand, "Everything should be done step by step. I hope to cultivate a good relationship with you in this cooperation, just like my beloved father and mother."

"I don't mind catching criminals, but where should this incident start?" Aiden asked.

In terms of the nature of the conditions offered by the other party, Aiden would be more than happy to accept them, but the prerequisite is that the incident mentioned by Deborah can be solved.

"I have an idea about this." Deborah pressed the service bell and looked at Aiden meaningfully and said, "We can talk while eating."

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