The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 565: Substitute Divination

"Divination?" Aiden was slightly stunned when he heard this term, "Hasn't it been lost?"

Divination did exist in history, but objectively speaking, divination is not a very efficient spell. Divination can only be used by women, and the probability of successful activation is very low. Even if it succeeds, it can only allow the caster to predict a very vague image.

What's worse is that no matter which period, there are far more fake fortune tellers than real fortune tellers, and because of the inefficiency of divination, the tricks of eloquent words are often more convincing than the real ones.

In Aiden's understanding of black magic, people who know divination have long disappeared.

"It has been lost in the South Continent, but there are still people who know divination in the North Continent. My mother learned this skill from a real fortune teller, and then she taught it to me." Deborah said.

"But what can divination do? If divination can be used to track down murderers, it will not be lost in the South Continent." Aiden said.

"Ordinary divination is useless, but it will be different if combined with the power of authority." Deborah raised a finger, "When he tried to kill me, I took away a dagger, which can be used as a divination tool. While divination, use the 'substitute' on the divination object, and you can make the other person's current appearance."

"Will this work?" Aiden was skeptical.

The premise for the "substitute" power to take effect is that the user has enough observation information about the object to be replaced, but even if divination is successful, it can only provide vague images.

And as far as Aiden knows, the authority that divination can correspond to should probably be the "omniscience" power of the "wisdom" authority.

But Deborah responded with great confidence: "I have tried it several times, and it works! I have successfully predicted the target of the killer through divination."

Aiden thought for a moment: "Yes, the killer will only kill people on the night of the full moon."

"He will turn into the target's appearance the day before the full moon and wander around the city until he kills people the next night." Deborah said, "So as long as I do divination at that time..."

"You can know the appearance of the person he wants to kill." Aiden nodded, "But even if you know the appearance, it will be difficult to find his target within two days."

"Yes, Even if I knew what the person he wanted to kill looked like, I couldn't stop him successfully. It has happened several times..." Deborah showed some reluctance on her face, "So, I really need your help, Mr. Aiden!"

"But I don't have such a powerful intelligence network that I can easily find a person in the whole world." Aiden was a little embarrassed, "If it is limited to this city, I can still use my connections."

"That's right, the autonomous prefecture's Silver City is likely to be the guy's next hunting ground. Please take a close look at the cities where the previous crimes were committed." Deborah picked up the clipping and showed it to Aiden.

Aiden just glanced at it and understood: "So that's it, it's a big city along the same railway line."

"Yes, I guess he is moving along this route to commit crimes." Deborah said seriously, "According to his order, the next city is either Silver City or Black Iron City, and the probability of Silver City is obviously higher!"

"Knowing the next possible crime scene, we really shouldn't sit idly by." Aiden couldn't help but become serious.

"Then do you agree, Mr. Aiden?" Deborah's eyes lit up.

"I promise you, I'll try to stop him." Aiden nodded.

"That's great!" Deborah clapped her hands, "Today is really a day worth celebrating, let's order a bottle of wine!"

"I don't like drinking..." Aiden chose to refuse, "If you want to do it, you have to be serious. The next full moon must wait until the fifteenth of next month, and there is still a long time. This time cannot be wasted. We should collect as much relevant information as possible."

"Sorry, I'm too happy." Deborah calmed down and lowered her head a little embarrassedly, "But, except for the divination when he was about to kill someone, I don't have many clues to use."

"Does your divination work on him normally?" Aiden asked.

Deborah shook her head: "It's useless. Even if I divine the power, it won't work. I'm afraid that only when he uses the power to prepare to kill someone, I can make him look like he used it at that time."

"In this case, we can only study the cases he committed in the North Continent first. There seems to be no similar cases in the South Continent in the past, so it is unlikely that he is a fugitive from the South Continent who fled to the frontier." Aiden said.

"He started committing crimes in the North Continent, but I don't know why he suddenly ran to the South Continent." Deborah gave a positive response, "Maybe because he learned that his father was in the North Continent?"

"Although your father is very famous, he should not have such a deterrent power." Aiden smiled.

He didn't say his guess - compared to what Deborah said, he felt that it was more likely that the goddess of conspiracy was behind this.

So, solving this double murderer should be the right direction.

"Can you tell me about his case in the North Continent?" Aiden asked.

"I need to organize the information a little bit." Deborah thought for a while, "Why don't I bring it to you when we meet next time."

"Okay." Aiden smiled helplessly, and the other party had already started to plan for the next meeting.

"Okay, let's eat quickly. After talking so much, the food is getting cold!" Deborah turned her eyes to the dishes on the table.

But Aiden raised his hand: "Miss Deborah, I actually have another question for you."

"Please go ahead."

"Do you know the 'Dreamer'? The one who adapted Mr. Dubman's story into a novel." Aiden asked, "Does he know Mr. Dubman?"

Shortly after contacting Deborah, the "Dreamer" inexplicably found out the true identity of the "Watcher" and sent him a letter. Aiden felt that this was too coincidental.

And the mysterious man who assisted Dubman behind the scenes mentioned by Abigail also concerned him.

So he decided to ask Deborah in person.

"Well, I haven't met this person, but I know him..." Deborah said as she recalled, "He is not my father's friend, but my mother's."

"Ms. Liv's friend?" Aiden was stunned.

"Yes, he seems to have correspondence with my mother. The information about my father was also obtained from my mother." Deborah nodded.

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